Sunday, May 16, 2010

Two Heads that Looked at My Mom

Hello, I have a short story to share. I’m Vietnamese and was born in Vietnam. My father fought in the Civil war with the U.S. After the U.S. force withdrew, the communists imprisoned my father for seven years. During the time, my mom had to take care of three kids (I was not yet born) under the tight economy. Working extremely hard to raise money and kids, she had very little time to do the regular chores. So, my mom often performed these tasks at night when all my siblings are deeply asleep at night.
Our house had a built bathroom outside the backyard. We had a well in the backyard and a small outdoor tub next to the well for bathing.
One night, she was washing the kids clothes right next to the well where she retrieved the water from. There was no light. We were poor and could not afford

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