Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Girl With Black Wings

I guess it started when I was seven. All these weird things kept happening around my house. Everything from things knocked on the ground to gouges carved in the wall. My mom and dad blamed me for everything and I always got in trouble.

This went on for a year before I found out what was going on. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw it. It looked like a girl and she put her hand over my mouth (I couldn't yell anyway. I was to scared). She was my size and she had big black wings.

Even though I got in trouble for everything she did, she never hurt me. She did hurt everyone that bothered me though. It got to the point where she tried killing my teacher (no complaints here). No one but me knew what was happening. I tried telling my parents but she wouldn't let me.

My aunt found out and wanted me to go to church and ask for help. I didn't want any help. Then my aunt went to the hospital and died a while later.

Over the years nothing changed until I was eleven. My parents tried everything they could to get rid of my "friend" but she only left when I asked her to leave. The last thing she said to me was, "I'll always be here for you when you need me again."

By Senta, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Old Man In Striped Pajamas

My nanna told me these stories of her old house in Adelaide, and I thought I would share them.

The first incident I was told of was how a man in striped pajamas had gave my nanna a back rub whist she was showering he also loved to play with her hair, when she said stop he would one day she watched him walk out after she told him she would like to be in peace whilst showering.

The next I was about three. I was playing in the kitchen with my toys, when my nanna was out back hanging clothes. She had heard me talking and came inside as her and I were the only ones home, she recalls that as soon as she walked through the door I was saying why aren't you at work papa, she said to me he is at work and who I was talking to I replied papa he was in his pajamas and sat down with me on the floor, she knew who it really was and asked what colour the pajamas were I replied by pointing to a green toy car and saying green nanny she said to me that it was a ghost and I should not be scared of him as he was kind and she also said if I see him again ask why he cant move on he replied to me I need to kiss my wife on last time. We had later found out his wife was in the shower when he had died of a heart attack in their bed. My nanna soon moved to Kadina when my pop had a heart attack, now some one else owns that house.

Reminder, my nan told me these stories. I don't remember talking to him I was too young.

By Bec, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Weird Noises and a Shadow

On August 8th, 2008 right before my birthday, I had these two experiences. My first experience was downstairs, I was on the computer at 12:00 surfing about the paranormal,and images of the paranormal, and all of the sudden I heard the toilet flushing by, itself at that time nobody was in the house at the time,I was a little surprised but not scared.

My next experience was, in January of this year I was sitting on my bed, I'm working in research about my future profession as a emergency nurse,and at the foot of my bed I saw this small figure it looked like an infant's shadow it was like, two,or three feet tall,and like twenty minutes later my bed would like slightly shake by itself, but it did no harm.

On my birthday, I was in bed still because, I was sick,and I think I was watching Brooke Knows Best,and all of a sudden I heard like unexplainable inhuman sounds from inside the wall, I was so freaked out, I decided to sleeping out on my air mattress in the living room.

Sent in by Taylor, Copyright 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Tommy's

This is a story that my step mother told me. (This is how she described it to me.)

When my son, Lennon, was 5 or so, he had some tiny friends, whom he called the Tommy's. He would carry them around in a little red wagon, everywhere. One day, as I was washing the dishes, he asked if the Tommy's could eat dinner with us. Okay, I thought, their just some imaginary friends. So he came in with his little red wagon, and pulled up five chairs for his Tommy's to sit at. Then he went outside to get his toys.

As I was walking to put his plate on the table, It flew across the room, and shattered against the wall. It spooked me. So, I made him another plate. Then it fell on the floor. Well, I just probably knocked if off with my elbow. Except, it was in the middle of the counter. Then, the vase on the table, flew into the wall. So, when Lennon came in I told him his Tommy's couldn't eat with us, Because there wasn't enough food. So he took his Tommy's out side. After that, It never happened again.

Later I found out that his Tommy's were really little fairies. So, what do you do think they are?

By Autumn Taylor, Copyright 2009

Read more about Imaginary Friends and Ghosts

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Old Woman who Passed By

I am Veronica and I lived at Project 8 Quezon City. And this story happens for the first time. I hope that this story would be interesting for everyone who reads it.

Before my mother lived in Paradise Vvillage and me too with my son and daughters when we are at my mother's house there lived my mom, dad, brothers and sisters. My other brother named Chito stayed with me up late at night and I went  to the bathroom. When I saw an old woman pass by the kitchen I thought it was my mother then I asked my brother Chito if mother is still awake and he said that our mother is upstairs sleeping. I didn't get really scared because there's a little braveness in me. When I told it to my mother on the next day I told it to everybody and they believe because they also see ghost there! That's why my mother decided to transfer houses because they always had bad experiences there.

My advice is to know about the history of the house before you live there.

Sent in by Ma. Veronica B. de Guzman, Copyright 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Ghost Demon Under the Bed

As I was laying in bed one night, and as I just started to fall asleep when all of a sudden I felt as though there was some one standing over me. I got up and turned on my light, the feeling was gone. I was feeling very scared at this moment so I didn't turn the light out until I had found my torch. I found my torch and then turned it on and turned my normal light out and then the feeling started to come back.

I hurriedly walked back to my bed trying not trip over my messy floor. As I got into my bed I pulled the blankets up to my eyes so I felt protected, but I still felt some one watching me. As my bed started to get too hot I put my arms out of the blankets beside me. I laid there and the feeling was gone, but it felt like my bed was cold as ice and then I felt something very cold and dead grab my hand and start to pull.

As I grabbed my torch with my free hand and quickly flicked it on and pointed it at my hand I saw a smoky outline grabbing my hand. Suddenly the smoky outline disappeared and I ran as fast as I could and turned my light on. Then I saw smoke leaking out from under my bed then fading away. I left my light on all night and stood at my door.

From that night on I have never had any of my limbs out of the covers and I never intend to. This is a very real very true story it is not made up.

Sent in by Ryon Connor, Copyright 2008