Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Come With Me

OK here it goes, this is a hundred percent real, it happen to me and my husband about a year ago, at uncles house.
They have a history of paranormal activity in their home, we went there one weekend and spend the night, not really expecting anything to happen. After we were done talking and having fun, around three in the morning, we went to bed, we slept in the kids room (they have one son only), we laid down and try to sleep, but the sound of cats wouldn’t let us, well, at least me, hubbie was snoring away in no time. Then suddenly all sound stopped, it was a really hot day, but the room was turning very cold. I tried to move but couldn’t, then something whispered in my ear, it was a kids voice: come with me… all I did was wait until it went away and

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