Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Have Had a Demon Encounter

I know that people will say that this is stupid and I was just high or something so keep reading to here it all before you make a decision.

It all started when me and a couple of friends would go up to what we called the slate dump to huff gasoline and then my step fathers sister started going and that is when it all got weird. I was up there alone with my step fathers sister one day huffing when it felt like my head had went threw the gas tank on my motorcycle. Then I looked up and she was standing there looking down, but when she looked up her eyes was really pale looking and she had this like look at me to join her or something. I looked at her and really got scared and jumped off my motorcycle and I could feel hair and my teeth grow but the hair grew all over my body and then I finally came threw like 15 minutes later or whatever happened.

Then I started taking counseling because of this. It scared me that bad. So I had stopped doing the gas thing or flat out anything then I was in the bed at my grandmothers house which I had lived with her all my life, and nothing at all was ever weird at her house. But see this girl use to write letters to the devil and to her dead mother. Then she had came up to my grandmothers house to stay all night plus it was about a year later and I was in the bed then I heard something and I went to the guest room to see what it was and the same thing happened to me again except the were no drugs or huffing gas involved at all. Now she has died and her baby sister has come out and said exactly what happened to me has happened to her. So take it how you will but I know what happened.

By Ernest White, Copyright 2010

1 comment:

  1. No one would think that was stupid. If they do then they are not intuned with the paranormal world. I will tell you this. If this ever happens again to you or any other person you know. Make sure you have faith in something. Dosent matter what it just only matters that you have something of faith. What works the most is face the fear and look it in the eye and say in gods name we command you to leave. We ask in gods name to put you where you were before. Back to the desert in the swine in which you were condemed to by Jesus christ our lord and savor. Make sure you have the gifts god gave us in life. He had Jesus leave us with Holy water , Rosery Necklace and the more powerful blessed cross. Make sure that all items are blessed by an ordained figure of your belief. You will be challenged however fear not. You are gods child regardless how you look at things. Remember that. Nothing will win with gods will. Have faith you will win until you can get in touch of an ordained figure to do there work for god. REMEMBER TO USE WE . WE IN GODS NAME IMPLIES ALL AND NOT YOU.
