Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Hallway Ghost

I’m stretched out on the couch channel surfing at my Aunt and Uncle’s lake house. I was 15 years old and visiting for the summer. The encounter occurred during the work week in the early part of the afternoon. My little cousins were at Vacation Bible School and their parents were at work, so I had the place all to myself.
The couch was located against a wall and my feet were on the end of the couch cushion just over a meter from the television, which set to the left for “prime lounging on the couch viewing pleasure”. The T.V. was up against another wall and was sitting a couple of feet to the right of the entrance into the hallway, which ran the same way I was facing. From where I was lounging I had a 45 degree viewpoint of the entrance into the long dark hall. I could

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