Monday, August 10, 2009

Unexplained Events at Work

I'd like to hear more stories of paranormal on the job. Believe it or not, I believe spirits can be anywhere at any time of day, not just old houses and graveyards.

Several years ago I was working a 12 hours shift for a large well-known business. Typically it was just me and another guy running the machine equipment, but they put another guy there to help us both. The problem was the new guy was mentally slow and never should have been placed with us. No sooner had he started working then he got his hand caught in some rollers. This should have cost him some fingers and broken bones, but the E-stop was hit by my coworker when I yelled. It turned out he had just bruises (a miracle) and was removed from working there. Nothing unusual to this point, but several machines were still running.

But seconds after that, the power buzzed off on a completely unrelated machine that is not connected (in any way) to the one with the E-Stop. This is unusual because power fading to a single machine of that type (without turning off the entire room) is not likely and no power outages happened that day. In other words, I think something briefly turned it off.

I went away convinced something else was watching over this guy so that his hand was not hurt.

Sent in by "mid-aged guy", Copyright 2009

1 comment:

  1. I work in a restaurant and I happen to have very long hair, which I usually wear in a braid. One time I felt a cool hand run from the crown of my head to my waist...I felt my braid move. When I turned around no one was there. The second time I thought someone grabbed the end of my braid and just swung it, gently. Again, I turned around expecting to see someone but no one was there. The restaurant was only built 3 years ago, but we have a HUGE senior citizen clientele. One of the other Hostesses had a cool hand touch her shoulder!
