Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Ghost Cat

When I was about 10 years old my cousin and her mother moved in with my family. We were only 13 months apart in age so I was happy as heck to have someone to play with besides my older sister. My cousin and I slept together every night.We would take turns in turning out the light that was on the other side of the room. when it was my turn I would turn it off then run like the hounds of hell were after me then jump straight into the middle of the bed.

One night when it was my turn I did everything like I usually do and jumped into bed I turned back around and there in mid-air was the biggest cat I've ever seen. It was floating right there in the air. It was sitting on it's hind legs staring me down. I was scared half out of my wit. This was not the only thing that happen in this house my mother seen a ghost lady standing on the stairs. And she swore she heard what sounded like elephants in our basement. My cousin seen a devil-like creature in the window. The house is in Hart Co. Kentucky.

Written by Mary Adams, Copyright 2009

1 comment:

  1. I have heard of cat ghosts and dog ghosts, but I cant even guess what that elephant sunding thing could have been.
