Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ghosts At My Grandparents House

Ok, when I was a little girl I had a little boy always on the floor watching me and every time I would move beds he would follow me!

I don't know why and how he gets in. I think its a ghost but my nanny says, "its your guardian angel!" I am like no, its not!

And when one night I went into my grandparents room to sleep in their room, but I didn't fall asleep though, then all of a sudden a black figure showed up in front of me just staring at me. I was gonna scream, but I was like frozen in fear.

Ok I was watching TV in my room and I saw what I thought was my sister, so I said, "I love you" and no response and she wasn't there. I thought well maybe she left and I didn't see her. Then I thought she came in again, but I paid attention this time and I said I love you and the person never did go out. Then I looked right behind me and it wasn't there!

Also, one night I was looking around and I saw this doll on the floor and it was like following me. I went to the restroom, it was on he restroom floor outside the door and then I screamed and ran into my grandparent room. When I came out with them with me the doll was gone. I was like, why did you go? You know!

I hope y'all enjoy this but I will have alot more put in here later.

Sent in by "Joker", Copyright 2008 Ghost Crossing

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