Sunday, March 9, 2008

Am I A Paranormal Magnet?

All my life, I have believed in the paranormal. I am so much different than other humans.

I have two ghosts that live with me and one angel, (I have the ability to see them), and my two dead cats, Gus, and Frisky.

My whole neighborhood is haunted. When ever something/someone dies, they come back, only different, need I explain this? Just last week end me and my friend snuck out side through my window and (this was about 2:30 a.m.) and apparently I was the only one who heard this. We sat next to the boat and all of a sudden I heard a harmonica being played like next door and nobody was even home. So I was like, holy crap! Rebecca, did you just hear that? She replied "no" and we jumped through the window into the house.

And the next night we heard a mixture of Indian/military drumming and it wouldn't stop until I started praying.

My ghost (one of them) said that they were buried somewhere near and are just trying to scare, just as usual.

I am so used to the paranormal and I wont be afraid of them because I have some that actually protect me.

You think that my neighborhood is just haunted or is it just me? Please reply with your comment.

Sent in by Amaya Gill, Copyright 2008

1 comment:

  1. There are "ghosts" and "angels" everywhere. Some are just more active in some areas. I also used to live in a neighborhood that was haunted and have seen my fair share of paranormal experiences. You should consider yourself lucky for being able to see them. Many stop seeing them as they get older, so make the best out of it.
