Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Band Camp Ghost

This one time at band camp I was playing my flute when I realized I had left the spit valve in my room so I walked back.

As I entered my room I realized it was really cold. I went to switch on the radiator. I tugged at the valve thing but it wouldn't turn so I gave up trying.

As I turned around I heard laughter. It sounded like a child. As I spun around, there in the corner there was a dark figure which was hard to see as my room was dark. It came towards me and said. don't be afraid I just want to play.

It picked up a red toy car which I was sure that hadn't been there before. It rolled the car to me and told me to roll it back. When I didn't comply it was angry. The car lifted off the floor and flew in my direction.

By this time I was running for the door which had been open up until this point when it slammed shut and the "ghost" started to laugh. I was petrified by this time and seriously believed I was going to die in this room.

I turned on the light and the ghostly figure disappeared and the door opened and my room warmed up. I ran out to the instructor and told him what happened. He did not believe me. This story is 100% true whether you believe it or not. If you believe me leave a comment.

Sent in by Bill, Copyright 2008 Ghost Crossing

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