Monday, October 18, 2010

Spirit Help

During the first couple of months that my fiancé and I were together, we found out that we both believed in the paranormal.

Well, one day, we were in our hotel room and we were getting ready to go out to eat when I noticed that I couldn't find my money anywhere! I was sort of freaking out because I could have sworn that I put it in my pocket just two minutes before. Well my fiancé took off his crystal necklace and suggested that we use it as a pendulum and ask spirits to help us find the money. So we asked yes and no questions like "Is the money by the bathroom?" and it swung side to side, meaning "No". We finally asked if it was near the bed and it went in a circle, meaning "Yes". So we asked if it was under the bed, (answer was no), then if it was on the bed and we got a yes. So we took the blankets off one by one and there it was! It was under all of the sheets! How it got there from my pocket I don't know but I am still thankful for that spirit helping me find my money! That was definitely one of the nicest spirits I've came across.

Sent in by Darya Ruslan, Copyright 2010

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