Friday, October 8, 2010

Church Building Demon?

I was in Mexico and I was staying at a church. I was not sleeping in the church but I was in the building next to the church it was attached to the church. I was sleeping and in all truth a car wreck next to my face wouldn't wake me up. I was sleeping on the floor with people in the room and I woke up out of a dead sleep and couldn't move one of my shoulders off of the floor.

I woke up wanting to sit right up for no apparent reason. I just my body knew and wanted me to try to sit up but I could only get one shoulder off the floor and I tried with all of my might to sit up. It felt like someone was trying to get at me then the pressure was relieved and I had the automatic reaction to look to my right where the window was and there was all black which was not normal like I couldn't even see out the window something was covering it but the night before  could see the light that they kept on at all times there was no switch to turn it off. I couldn't see the light.

I woke my grandma up who was sleeping next to me and told her to go to the bathroom and tell me if the light was on and it was on. I'm not sure what happened but was told it was the presence of a Ghost or demon.

Sent in by Brook, Copyright 2010

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