Friday, October 8, 2010

A Lady in Brown

I have lived in a haunted house for almost a year. My mother lived in this house when she was round 12 or 13. She moved out and moved into a different house. Then when I was 8 or 9 she moved back into the house she lived in years and years ago.

Now my Mother said the house was haunted, but I never paid attention to it. That was a big mistake. When I was 9 I had my first ghost experience ever. I was asleep in my room and my closet had a padlock on it. Anyway I was awakened by a metal clicking sound I thought it was my brother who was trying to get into my room. I said "Get lost." But it kept clicking so finally I opened my bedroom door to tell him off, but when I opened the door no one was there. I closed the door back and got back in bed. The clicking started again this time I knew where it was coming from... My closet.

I hid my head under the covers and tried to drift off to sleep,but all of a sudden I heard a creaking sound. My closet door slowly opened. I looked up and saw a woman with her stringy gray hair pulled back into a bun and she was wearing a faded old looking dress. She looked like she was from Civil War times. Which I felt was normal because my mom said the house was made during the Civil War. She looked at me for a while, I got a slowly and walked towards the door. she asked "Where are you going?" She had a twang accent a little bit. I gasped she could talk. I felt like couldn't. I said "Go back to where you came from. Go." I guessed that's all I had to say cause she faded away. I never saw her again.

Sent in by Lauran, Copyright 2010

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