Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Gift And a Friend

When I was a little, my dad told me about how when I was a baby, I had a visitor. He said that when I cried at night (which was almost never) either my mom or dad would get up to see if I was ok, but when they were almost to my room, I would stop crying. At first they just shrugged it off, saying it was nothing. But one night my dad had gotten curious as to why I would stop crying. So he had walked into my room, only too almost have a heartattack. There, next to my crib, was a man. He wore a blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up, tennis shoes and jeans. He had shaggy brown hair down to his chin and he was a little transparant.

He was sweetly smiling at me and I gave him the same happy grin. The man had looked at my dad then backed up. My dad slowly made his way to the crib and picked me up.

"Don't worry about her,Darryl. She's gonna be ok.Joseph is watching her." The guy had told my dad and my dad ran to my parents room. He called 911,but they couldn't find him. Ever since then I could see ghosts, even Joseph. He would always give me a sweet smile and tell me things like life shouldn't be taken for granet. I always feel safe knoiwing he's around.

Sent in by Rosette, Copyright 2011

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