Monday, August 30, 2010

Am I Being Haunted?

I stay at home alone a lot and I have recently noticed a bunch of strange things happening in my home. during the summer when my mom and other family members have been gone at work I would stay home by myself, well we have a dog (this only happens when its just me and him) he stares down the hallway and barks. And its not a playful bark its a mean bark. I rarely ever hear him growl but he growls and just stares down the hall for minutes. recently he was barking and he backed up and starting crying and jumped on my bed with me. this isn't the only thing that has happened. I feel watched. I feel as if when no ones home there is someone here with me.

The past few nights I have woke up and my blankets and pillows are on the other side of the room. the other morning I woke up and my fan (I have a stand up fan) was laying flat on the ground. I am a very light sleeper so I would of heard it drop but I didn't. I hear things move all the time. I can hardly sleep. I'm worried. If any of you have any advice for me it would be a big help.

Sent in by Nicole, Copyright 2010

1 comment:

  1. Nicole,
    You are not alone. Many people have dealt with ghosts and restless spirits. I've dealt with a number of them, and they can move objects, which is unnerving, I know.
    There are a lot of books on how to deal with ghosts. Look on - Sylvia Browne's books are excellent (The Other Side is good). You need a psychic medium's advice. Google "dealing with ghosts" and use some of the suggestions you find. There are ways to cleanse and heal the energy of a space, and you must use those methods.
    In the meantime, image you and your home surrounded by light, and ask Archangel Michael and all angels of protection to guard and protect you from earthbound spirits. You will receive the help you need.
