Monday, November 30, 2009

The Scary Doll

When I was 10 I was out playing with my friend from school. My house was beside a small river in the country side. Nobody went there so this is were it gets scary my friend didn't want too motion her name so ill just call her A and any other person in the story a letter ok so here goes.


It was a normal day I was with my friend and we went down to the river to play I had a bad feeling about today for some reason. So we just continued are normal day we went for dinner and came back down to the river we were only away 5 minutes so it was kinda scary because 1 of my porcelain doll were missing and was floating down the river I had named that certain porcine doll Martha. So we picked her out of the river and back on to the shelf (we had a sleepover that certain day ) but all though the night  I just heard moaning sound and the tap and bath tap just kept coming on so I just ignored it. When we woke up there was a woman who just committed suicide in the river beside our house I was really freaked out when they said her name was Martha at that moment the doll said Martha and then said help me.


I don't think that was a coincidence do you?


Sent in by Daryla, Copyright 2009

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