Friday, May 20, 2011

Ouija Board Scardey-Cat!

Taylor walked into our apartment. "Yo, May, guess what?" "What?" I asked, excited to hear the cool news. "I got a Ouija Board! Wanna play?" she asked. I was uneasy, but totally excited!

We went to the next apartment building We got our 2 friends, Shay and Brittany. "So... um... We're playing this dumb board game?" Brittany asked. She's a TOTAL girlie-Girl, freak! "Awesome..." Shay said, grinning. We went into my building's laundry-room. The laundry washer was going, and it had 24 minutes left. Taylor gave us the instructions. We started.

"Are you here?" Taylor asked. The Ouija spelt out. "WereNotLeaving" we got freaked, well, obviously not Shay and Taylor! Hehe "What is your name" It went to goodbye. We started again, we could feel the anger in the room. The room went FREEZING. Then, Taylor asked. "GIVE US A SIGN!" The washer started going SUPER-fast and it said it was done ! But it was going extra fast! We screamed, and ran out.

We have a milk thing beside our unit, so it's like a box. We put the Ouija board in there, all of us [including mom] walked down to Tim-Horton's. When we came back, the Ouija-Board was on the Mail-Box! I screamed. And we ripped it up.

We had a sleep-over at Taylors and the next morning, the SAME Ouija-Board was on the table! Ready to play!

Now, I'm warning you, DON'T play Ouija-Board, it's 100% true! We stopped being friends , and we all moved away. Seriously, DON'T !

Sent in by Maria-Lynn .J, Copyright 2011

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