Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Black Dog in Hawaiian Gardens

This is what my grandma told me about, she's told me others but this story is one of m favorites. She's about 67 years old and she told me this happened to her when she was a teenager. Which is a long time ago.
Its a creepy story, especially about out nature, I'll tell you this like if she were telling you.

It was way back then when I was a teenager. I always liked to take a walk out in the streets. I always liked to spend time with dogs, cats and other animals. I had went to my friends house to invite her to walk with me. She said yeah sure. So off we went.

We walked through the beautiful park, and the whole block. We came up a hill to a ditch. We both saw a big black dog that looked very friendly, and harmless. At first, but that didn't stop, it from doing something evil.

We both thought the dog was cute, so we went to pet it.
I felt something was wrong with that dog, like if it wasn't
like others. As I went to go pet him, I felt a cold wind on the back of my neck! Which is like a movie to me. The dog started to bark a little then stopped. I thought to myself that it was really weird. The dog stood still and then that's when it happened, the dogs eyes turned a glowing red. It barked, and drooled then he chased after us. I was ahead of my friend and that dog caught up to her and bit her leg, then her arm. I ran back to help her, then the
dog bit me. Me and my friend were both crying. It hurt so bad, my friend was bleeding more than me. The dog looked at me  real hard and then it laid down. That's when I got up and  took my friend to my house. I never saw that black dog again. Or encountered that ever again. That's when I learned not all animals are sweet and cute.

That's everything my grandma told me.
She has a mark from the bite from the dog, and she doesn't talk to her friend anymore.
This story really creep me out, by the way she told me

Written by Joshua 2010. All rights reserved

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