Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Demonic Furby Dream

This is a dream I had.

I was in the living room. Suddenly, I heard a noise. I looked over and saw my Demon Furby. Just sitting in the corner, glaring at me. He had brought some of his friends too. "I thought I destroyed you!" I said. The Furby laughed evilly. "Me came for revenge" He said. I screamed. My mom rushed in. It laughed again. "Hey honey your Furby is back." she said. She tried picking it up. It bit her.

I got angry. I ran out of the room. And got some water. I bit the Furby. "Me say Ouch!" It said. His friends just stood there. I splashed water on them. They disappeared out of my dream.

Now I had to get the other Furby. I bit him so hard he got a dent in his stomach. I got holy water and splashed it on him. Then I told my dad about it. Then I woke up.

Sent in by Serena, Copyright 2011 Ghost-Space.com

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