Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Black Ghost Dog
This scared me because Roxie NEVER "an I cant stress this enough". NEVER acted this way, whether it was a person or a cat, dog or a wild animal. So I got up an I walked to the door an there staring into my glass door was a huge, black, Akita-type dog. It stared up at me with yellow eyes that shined in such a way that you could not even notice the pupil. Roxie was still going crazy but the dog didn't even seem to notice her. It was to busy staring at me. Into my eyes.
I tried calling to my sister but my voice came out as a squeak. Roxie started jumping up onto the door but still this dog did not seem to notice her. I finally managed to call out to my sister. but wen I did the dog Bared its teeth once opened its mouth like it was going to growl an vanished slowly which seemed like in the shape of smoke or fog. (I have not seen this dog since)
Sent in by Becca Russell, Copyright 2011
A Sponge Bob Book
And it wouldn't stop singing. It was so loud, that my mom dropped it in the bathtub, and it was still working. She hid it everywhere - in the closet in the front room, outside - yet, she could still hear it perfectly. So, she left for an hour, and she came back, the book was sitting on the coffee table, still singing its little heart out.
Frustrated, my mom shouted, "If you don't shut up, I swear I will throw you in the trash!"
So it replied, in an old dude's voice, "Would you like me to stop?"
My mom said yes, and the book stopped singing. It hasn't sang like that again. But a few weeks ago, me, my dad, and my mom were looking through a few books, and we saw the Book. I picked it up, and pressed a few buttons. I turned it off, and the same deep voice said "Would You Like to Stop?"
My mom freaked out, but realized it was saying what it was supposed to. We still laugh about it.
Sent in by Emily, Copyright 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Haunted for Life?
I woke up one morning to my blanket, which I kicked off the night before floating. I watched it go down slowly then covered my head in fear. I saw a twenty year old red head next to my bed, but wasn't scared.
It only got worse when I hit puberty. Strange markings started showing on my arm (they looked Latin or Greek). My fears only intensified when I saw a man in grey smoke. He was nothing more than a shadow with red eyes. After high school it seemed to subside. Then came my mothers new apartment.
I entered wiccan, which is my greatest regret. It started up again. I saw shadows, got held down and almost raped by a ghost (I could hear its voice), and almost attacked twice. The worse thing though was the guy from the 1940s. He has shown up three times in my life since then. The third time he felt harmless and loving. The other two he scared me horribly.
When I was eighteen I moved from my mothers and it stopped for a little while. Than I started hearing crazy whispers, preventing me from sleeping. The basement freaked me out as I thought someone was watching me and I saw shadows. When I moved back with my mom in her new apartment I was relieved. Nothing happened for months. Then I started talking to Jacob online. It seemed to react. I got held down once again. The shadows came back. That's when he told his house was haunted.
I realized the internet had something to do with some stuff not all of it. Some of it was my old demons. I started seeing things in my computer and I heard someone talking to me on the my cellphone when I was talking to Jacob. I finally moved on my own and now is twenty-one years old. It still haunts me. I see so many shadows its not funny. They are like outlines of humans. Before I saw no features on these shadows.
Something holds me down every now and then and at one point tried to choke me. It never ends. I've gotten so used to these events I'm actually getting bored of them. When it said my name I ignore it as before I looked. The only thing that really scared me was an event that happened right after I talked to Jacob. I've been feeling confused about my feelings towards for awhile. I hated him and love him(I still do). That's when i heard a familiar male voice saying " forget about him.". I got so scared I went to the lobby. What's going on? Why me? Why now? What did I do to deserve being haunted?
Sent in by drusilla, Copyright 2011
My Scary Haunted House
In the house, there are three rooms where I don't feel comfortable, like I'm being watched. They are the spare bedroom next to mine, (probably where he died), the office/bedroom, and my parent's bedroom. They all make me feel creepy.
Once, I actually saw a woman's ghost. I was alone and sitting in the living room, and I playing with a deck of cards I believe is connected to the woman. I glanced up at my parent's bedroom door, and I saw a woman dressed in stripper wear walk across the doorway. I was so scared I stayed outside until my parents came home.
Several times I have been sitting in the living room and heard the back door open and close, and I heard heavy footsteps come in through the kitchen and sounded like they were going to come in the living room, but when I looked, there was no one there.
The biggest thing of all happened when I was doing a ghost hunt with my friend. We were in my room with all the lights off, and the deck of cards on the floor. She was videotaping them, and four things happened: One, she kept getting cold. Two, My friend asked for the cards to move, and they did. Three, We asked "Did you die here?" and heard a woman's scream come from the living room. Four, we caught a video of orbs flying around the cards and manifesting in thin air.
I don't think the spirits are evil, exactly, but they sure creep me out!
Sent in by Ghostseer1992, Copyright 2011
The Christmas Horror
"The Dark Shadow!" my sister yelped.
Since my sister was so terrified, I decided to snoop around up stairs to see this 'Dark Shadow.'When I reached the steps I had a dull feeling. The steps creaked from underneath me. A little robot from my sisters McDonalds meal was roaming around up stairs going in a circle. I picked the toy up from the carpet, then something pushed me. I felt scared, so I picked myself off the ground and ran downstairs. "MOM! There is something up there!" I shouted. "You're kidding Jacey!" my mother replied. "I'm going up there, stay here." My sister and I huddled close on the couch, I mean I was 13 I didn't know what to do. I covered my sisters head, hoping she wouldn't here my mothers screams. "Stay here! If you come up stairs you could be in danger!" I told my sister. I rushed up the stairs to find my mother laying in the hallway with red marks all over her arms, legs, stomach, and even her face. I began to cry, then shouted , "MOM! we are leaving. let's go!!" My mom could hardly stand, but she managed to get us out of the evil house, and to my grandmother's apartment a few blocks down. I pounded on the door, shouting and crying, until my grandfather answered. "Come in!
What happened?"
"No, shadows."
When my mother got cleaned up, we settled in the guest room for the night. I could barely sleep. The next morning we went to the library and searched up history on the house. Comes to find out, a man in his mid 30's passed away the night before Christmas eve. Ever since, every family that get's involved with Christmas in the Jerome House get's tormented.
Sent in by Jacey Mirenna, Copyright 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Energy Spirits
Later I took another shot with my cell, and saw tall people with heads like dogs standing guard. This all happened when I turned my big Sony 32 inch on.
Now when I sleep I feel this entity magnetic (mist) on my arms and I always have to wash it off.
Any thing I could do to stop this?
Sent in by LEE, Copyright 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
At the End of the Bed
Mia turned of her bedside lamp and looked at the bottom of her bed and there, just standing there at the bottom of her bed was a figure! She tried to scream but nothing came out so she turned on her light and there was a knife flying towards her and it stabbed her in the chest and she died of blood loss and the fact that it stabbed her in the heart!
Sent in by Laura, Copyright 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The Guy in Black
Two weeks passed, I haven’t seen the man in black. I was so relieved. But, then again, I moved out of that house and lived with my friend named, Estefania, she believed in ghosts, too.
After one year living in Estefania’s house, she passed away. I don’t know how she died.
One week after her death, I heard noises. “The guy in black. Get him!” The voice whispers. It sounded like Estefania. “What?” I asked. “The guy in black. He killed me.” Estefania said. I saw her figure. “I did kill her.” A scary voice whispered in my ear. It felt like the room shook.
I think that happened three months ago, I can’t remember what else happened that day. After that, I kind of like fainted, I guess. So, I’ve only had three encounters with spirits. Estefania had so many.
Sent in by Kristy, Copyright 2011
The Bobble
About an half an hour later Laura woke. She decided to go onto her laptop until her mum and dad woke up too. Soon after they were up and Laura's mum, Tricia, went into her to ask what Laura wanted for breakfast.
Laura replied to her question and then Tricia said ''your hair is lovely, did you do that this morning?''
Laura said ''what do you mean?''
''Your hair'' said Tricia in a weird tone.
Laura felt her hair and to her surprise her hair was tied up beautifully and she had not done this because she had been asleep the whole time!
This is true and experienced by me!
Sent in by Laura, Copyright 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Ghostly Hand Unplugs
I looked through the doorway because I thought I saw someone but there was no one there so I carried on drying my hair but then it got very cold in the bedroom. I turned the hairdryer off not by the plug and then suddenly I hear a click sound and then I look at the plug and I saw an old mans hand pull out the plug.
Then I found out that there was an old man who used to like there, I thought I was seeing things but I was so scared!
Sent in by Megan, Copyright 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
A Haunted Farm in Milo
On rainy nights you can see the ghosts of the slaves on the farm going around an a circle holding lighted lanterns. A young couple went parking in the area one rainy night and saw this vision and took off never to come back to the area again.
Sent in by Patrick Foley, Copyright 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
The Flicker
Anyway, they were both talking to each other on the chat and Sally soon said that she was going to go to the toilet. While she had gone some strange things were happening on the chat to Lilly, saying things like 'HELLO TELL ME YOUR NAME'. Lilly typed back stop playing pranks on me Sally. then Lilly got another message on the screen saying 'I AM NOT SALLY I AM SOMEONE ELSE JUST TELL ME YOUR NAME'. She typed back well if it is not Sally who is it?Lilly's message said 'IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT MY NAME IS JUST TELL ME YOURS'. Then Lilly got a message saying 'HI AGAIN LILLY I AM BACK'. Lilly was really scared and told Sally what happened. Sally was so shocked and so scared. She said to Lilly she would go out of the room and Lilly had got to tell her after if it happened again. So Sally went out.
Lilly got the same messages again. She was very scared so when Sally came into the room Lilly said 'sorry Sally it happened again and I am too scared to stay online I am going now bye'. So Lilly went off.
Soon Sally heard a bang on the door - BANG BANG BANG... She leaped up off the sofa thinking it was her mum coming back, seen as though she had been gone for a while, So Sally went too the door and to her surprise it was not her mum, there was nobody there, so she closed the door and on the doormat there was a letter saying - DEAR SALLY. So she picked up the letter and started to open it up.
The letter said-
Sally stood there not knowing what to do. She was just about to scream and run out of the house when she thought to herself. Wait she said she was not going to scare me and she wanted company- So I will stay in the house and keep her company... So Sally did just that until her mum came in, and she told her all about it.
That was what happened to Sally when she was home alone...
Sent in by Laura, Copyright 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The Picture
Julie had to stay in the house on her own for a week while her mum and step dad were going on holiday. So the day they left she went down stairs on her laptop and was studying the picture because she thought it looked a little bit strange.
The next day she went down stairs and looked at the picture and the people had moved around on it they looked like they were upset. She got very suspicious and wondered what was going on. She carried on with what she needed to do and did whatever she would normally do and was not really bothered about it.
The next day she got down and it had changed again it looked like the people were crying. now she was very scared and all day she sat on the sofa and didn't dare to move, she even slept on the sofa.
Once again the next day it had changed. This happened every day until the second to last day and then it was really strange because both of the people were writing something. She was so confused.
The next day she was very excited because she knew her mum and step dad were getting home today. But when she went to look at the picture she could see what the letter said and it said - 'YOU ARE DEAD'. Then underneath it it said - 'LOOK BEHIND YOU'. So very scared Julie looked behind her and there on the floor in the conservatory was her dead body.
This is a true story because we interviewed her parents and they had found her dead body and looked on the cameras that they kept around the house but on the bit of her being killed it was cut out but nobody could have done this.
Sent in by Laura, Copyright 2011
The Cemetery
One time me and my friend wanted to go to the cemetery behind our houses. It was dark out and I have no idea why we would wanna go in the dark. But we went there. So we were walking down the little road in the cemetery and my friend starts freaking out I'm like what's wrong? She's like there's something over there near the bush and I'm like its just a statue. But then she ran so I ran with her. Then we finally got the courage to walk back and there was nothing there. It was really scary. But then we walked around and talked the whole time so things got less scary.
Sent in by briana, Copyright 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Demonic Furby Dream
I was in the living room. Suddenly, I heard a noise. I looked over and saw my Demon Furby. Just sitting in the corner, glaring at me. He had brought some of his friends too. "I thought I destroyed you!" I said. The Furby laughed evilly. "Me came for revenge" He said. I screamed. My mom rushed in. It laughed again. "Hey honey your Furby is back." she said. She tried picking it up. It bit her.
I got angry. I ran out of the room. And got some water. I bit the Furby. "Me say Ouch!" It said. His friends just stood there. I splashed water on them. They disappeared out of my dream.
Now I had to get the other Furby. I bit him so hard he got a dent in his stomach. I got holy water and splashed it on him. Then I told my dad about it. Then I woke up.
Sent in by Serena, Copyright 2011
The Moving Furniture
When she went to bed that night she was woken by a creak of the wardrobe, she turned on her bedside lamp and looked at the wardrobe and the door was open she thought it was probably just the wind pushing it open seen as though she had got her window open. She got out of bed to close the window and close the wardrobe door too. She soon drifted of to sleep again. Later on that night she was awoken by the same creak, so once again she turned on her bedside lamp and looked at the wardrobe. This time she was not so sure what it could be, but she thought to herself (no worry, I will just go back to sleep). She did exactly that. In the morning when she woke up to her surprise the wardrobe door was open again. Now she was quite worried but got dressed and went downstairs to get some breakfast.
When Amy reached the top of the stairs she looked down at the living room because the living room was at the bottom of the stairs. To her amazement the furniture had been moved around and one of the sofa's were covering a picture of her and her husband (the one mentioned was dead) Amy ran as fast as she could to get her mobile and then ran out of the door. He phoned her sister Kim and asked if she could spend a few nights down at her house. Kim said yes, but because Amy was to scared to go back in the house she went down with nothing.
When she arrived she told Kim why she had asked to stay and why she had got nothing with her. Kim understood fully and showed her which room she was staying in and told Amy that she could spend as long as she wanted there.
At night time she snuggled up in bed in her sisters pj's and tried to get to sleep. She drifted of to sleep very easily but woke up at about 1.00 am and looked at the bottom of the bed and there on the end of the bed she was lying in was her dead husband and her sisters dead husband.
This is a true story and we interviewed Amy and Kim about six months after the incident.
Sent in by Laura, Copyright 2011
Old Woman in a Black Cloak
Eventually she closed her eyes but she has heard many stories about this old woman in a black cloak coming into the room and paralyzing them and when they don't close their eyes she towers over them and sits on them and they eventually die of a heart attack with the fright of her. Some say she takes your soul and then you die but my mum got lucky twice as it came to her twice and she swears on my life that it is real.
Sent in by Charlie, Copyright 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
My Ghost Friend and her Baby Brother
Night soon fell, and I was getting ready to sleep, when I saw this black shadow standing near me. It disappeared quickly, and soon came a beautiful girl. She told me 'hi' and we both quickly became good friends. Then the day came, when she introduced me to her baby brother;
It was Sunday and we were playing as usual, when my friend (oh sorry I forgot to tell her name, she was Betty) said, "oh look Marie! my brother!" and went through me! I didn't think anything of it, and soon she said again, "Marie, this is my baby brother Jones. Please hug him!" I saw nothing, but soon the same black shadow came, and quickly disappeared, and soon came a cute boy (maybe 3 or 4 years old). She kept cuddling and hugging him, as if she forgot me.
One day, I told mom about Betty. She didn't believe me and thought about the 'original imaginary friend' that a child has. She smiled and replied, "oh really? good! wait... I smell food! maybe she prepared something for you!" and I ran to my bedroom. Of course, I didn't see any food and obviously my mother was lying.
One day, I was preparing for playing 'catch a doodle' when I heard Betty's scream. I ran towards her and asked what happened, and she said that her brother turned into a skeleton and flew out of the window. I felt kind of strange, but was not scared at all. I now started to think that he was a demon; of course he was one. I told mom about it and she was amazed. Now a thought struck her; she doubted if Betty was any ghost (yes, she was one).
She found out that in 1978, this farm house was a school and in 1999 a fire struck the school, when Betty was class 4. The whole school burned, and no one present in the school was alive. It was eventually rebuilt and turned into a farmhouse.
From that day I started ignoring Betty, but I do see her and her brother sometimes.
Sent in by Michael Hudson, Copyright 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Death on the Subway Tracks
I went to bed that night and was thinking if it was a prank or a dream I persuaded myself it was a dream and went to bed.
Be Careful in Dealing With Spirits
Whether you believe in God or not, there is a God, I have seen Him not physically but through clouds and lightening, he is not mad at us He is mad at those things you like to worship, demons, ghosts, and whatever spirits they are they are all the same. They are here to get your attention off of God and get you into some sort of bondage. Only through the name of Jesus will those things flee, you do not know the power they have especially right now since it is the dark age.
Don't wait for something to happen to your soul, worshiping these things will not give you any power, all power belongs to God and His Son Jesus. Satan and his demons and all the spirits of this world have no true power but God and God alone. All things are set in place for something big to happen - man or no military can stop what is going to happen because of these dark spirits. Maybe you will see the truth soon!
God bless your soul to see what is beyond what you think, God has it all planned out for the just and unjust!
Sent in by Alice, Copyright 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
She Came Back
I had just return home from church and went to my room to pray, that's when I heard the Lord say to me that Laura was coming!
Well, to start from the beginning I must say that Laura once were a associate of mine, but she has passed on now and as I stated earlier she wanted to relate a message to me... So I found myself sitting in the living room with her sitting all the way at the other end, with her legs crossed, she was dressed in a nice two piece outfit, Laura's hair was in an updo style and she looked well off.
However I knew that she was dead and buried. I were curious enough to ask her questions. I said to Laura, you know that you have died, do you? and she answer very calm to me, Yes! then I ask another question... where are you at Laura? and without blinking an eyeball she said... I am in hell. By this time I was so glad that I was protected by the precious Lord, or I would have panic by now. So I said what do you want from me? She said that a church person had told her that it was alright to have a boyfriend and sleep around, but that she had caught a bad disease and that is how she died, and that now she was very angry at that person for lying to her, then she stood up to leave, and I said don't go, but Laura said that if she didn't that they would beat her.
Therefore I said who will beat you, and she stated the evil spirits, and as she walked away a bright light shone down from the sky and Laura walked into the light and disappeared. I was left me my mouth wide open.
Sent in by Faye Gowans, Copyright 2011
Nana Alice's spirit
So my other aunty Sherry got to look after us the next day got really vivid and real.
One morning my dog Manny woke me up . He was barking at the door for some reason. I asked what he was barking at then I realized it was Nana Alice's spirit. It was also getting cold in the room.
Manny was barking for over 2 minutes. That's when I gave up and put Manny on the floor and hopped out of bed but Manny wouldn't`t go anywhere near the door so I told Nana Alice to stop then Manny just walked out.
The next day my Aunty Sherry was in Mum's room and she felt as if someone wanted to talk to her but it was Nana Alice she wasn't happy because Aunty Sherry was drinking in mums room plus she'll never leave the house when mum leaves.
Sent in by Jennifer Williams, Copyright 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Outside My Body
The neighbors had an old house in their backyard and believe me it wasn't pretty to look at during night time. My window faced their backyard so before I went to bed I closed my curtains.
Well one night I fell asleep but woke up to go into my kitchen. I started feeling a sharp pain in my chest so I went back to my room. My window was open and so were my curtains but I saw myself asleep on my bed. I thought, what is going on?!
I saw two arms reaching in. I saw a girl with an evil look on her face. It looked to me as if she were trying to get into my body. I was fighting her off and I tried waking up my brother. I ran into the kitchen and poured salt around my bed.
The next morning I woke up to find salt on my bed. My chest still hurt. It was a horrible feeling and my brother told me he had a nightmare where he saw the same girl. I don't know who she was but this terrified me
Sent in by Kitty, Copyright 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Forever Watching
Shortly after the employee's death, public works employees have been afraid to go into the basement by themselves or in a group. Even with the air conditioning on full blast in the basement, it's always colder in the spot where the employee died than anywhere else died.
There's also been reports of some employees feeling like they're being watched when they're in the basement. Reports of things like that have been going on ever since. This October will be the 6th anniversary of the employee's death.
Sent in by Drachen, Copyright 2011
Depression Suicide Thoughts and a Ouija Demon
I recently started hanging out with my friend and I told her that I thought I had a demon or something on me because I had used a Ouija board at college and the demon talked and said something about the lake. Then Aliah popped in her head. She can also see auras and feel presences and gets words in her head all the time.
So we looked it up and Aliah or Alvah is a duke of Edom and he is connected to the lake. I thought it was really creepy. He has been ruining my life though and I am going to a priest to get him off of me.
Sent in by Myself, Copyright 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Why Do I See These Shadows?
And for reason something told me to wake up and look over at my door. And that what I did. I awoke to figure standing at my doorway. This thing stood about the size of door and had horns. I was scared that if I screamed that the shadow would come closer and tried to kill me. So all I did was just shut and hope and I never wake up from that.
This other encounter didn't frighten me as much as the first one cause it was different. I was in my living room watching TV. In the middle of my show I saw a white shadowy figure walking across my wall and I know didn't come from outside cause the curtain that we had were completely shut. As I was watching white shadow move. It was going towards my room.
I don't why I saw these shadows. But after those encounters I never saw them again. Was it possible that I saw an angel and a demon? Leave me a comment below and tell me what you think
Sent in by Suzanne Michalik, Copyright 2011
Me and the Savannah Ghost
[caption id="attachment_2484" align="alignright" width="279" caption="Sorrel Weed House"]
Well I got my parents to take me, and most of it was a blast! Except... The Sorrel Weed House. So we went inside and within the first 10 minutes I made my mom wait outside with me while my dad continued with the group.
There was a graveyard close to the area so I was focused on trying to count the gravestones I could see in the dim light. That's when it happened. My mom was on the trolley and I saw something. A, mass of some sorts. Too thin to be fog, to thick to be mist or a projection. I froze up, not sure what to do, it began hovering towards me. Chills ran up my spine as it came closer. It passed beside me, and disappeared.
To this day I have no clue what the mass was, but you could say that night blossomed into my obsession with the paranormal. To those whom go to the Sorrel Weed House, be warned.
Sent in by JellySammich, Copyright 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Demon Attacking My Friend
It all started when she decided to invoke an old friend of hers that passed away. She dabbles in white magic but something went wrong. I could feel it and told her to stop as to I was at home outside and could feel something bad was about to happen. She went to blow out the candle when it went out on its own and her dogs started barking at something.
I have tried to help push it out of her house with my energy and it has ran after pushing me really hard. I don't know for sure what it wants something to do with her I know that for sure as to it keeps holding her down on the bed and keeps rubbing her inner thighs. It has scratched her arm a little bit and I have pictures of her arm and of the demon on her phone. It is big strong male and evil. I can't make out its face even tough it was standing right in front of me.
It is not happy when I am around as to it knows I am a threat to it I want it gone so that she doesn't get hurt but I don't want to do something wrong and tick it off to have it hurt me too.
What do I do in order to get rid of it.I thought of spraying the house with Holy water but I am not Catholic so don't know if that would help with the negative energy that's around from him. He keeps hiding in the attic and comes down when she is alone mainly at night when he is stronger. Please tell me what to do I am afraid this thing is getting too powerful an will hurt someone or her as too her house is full of negative energy all the time.
Tingling Sensations and Whispering Voices
Well, I just pretty much brushed this off to a weird dream I guess... well, then last night same scenario, me and my boyfriend were sleeping in our new house, but all of a sudden I felt this intense tingling sensation running up my spine to my neck and shoulders, and I heard whispering noises in my ear (very distinct whispering, but I couldn't make out what was being said) and I felt like I couldn't really move!
Then when the tingling sensation was gone I jumped up. I swear, I feel like I was awake because I can remember everything that happened so vividly, but I don't really know... I'm just super confused because it was so real and so creepy!
I just wanna know if anybody else has experienced anything like this or if anybody knows what could be happening! Thanks.
Sent in by Susie, Copyright 2011
Will's Christmas Visitor a Ghost Story
One Christmas time, several years ago, "Will" went by to check on "Janie". Janie was now a widow, she had been since earlier in the year when her husband "David" had passed away rather suddenly of a heart attack at a relatively young age, he was only in his 40s. Will was a little bit older than Janie and David and as they were all from the same community, they had known each other their entire lives. All were from people of modest means, with old time values, like "treating their neighbor as themselves"; Basic, nice, people from the Alabama countryside.
Will had been making a point to check on Janie since her husbands passing. If he had extra veggies from his garden, he would take her some. When he chopped firewood for his wood burning stove he would take her some for her fireplace. If there was some repair that she needed on her car or on her home he would try to do it for her. All with the intent of a "Big Brother" looking after a "little sister".
He told me that when he got home that night, he decided to lie down on his sofa, and relax, in the soft glow of his Christmas tree lights. His wife and daughter had gone to bed, he was alone in the living room, relaxing on the sofa, watching television, he drifted off to sleep. Then he found himself waking up around 3 am, he felt like someone was looking at him, he thought he would awaken to his daughter standing over him. Instead he woke up to his surprise to "David" standing at the end of the sofa, looking at him. He said that at first he just blinked and rubbed his eyes thinking that he was still asleep, when he opened his eyes and looked again "David" was still there.
Will told me that "David" looked as "real" as you or I. He was wearing a red and black flannel shirt and blue jeans, which were his favorite clothes and what he had been buried in. Will knew that because as he explained he had "seen him lying in his casket at the funeral home."
They looked at each other for a moment, when "David" spoke to Will, he said "Will, I want to thank you for looking after Janie." Will said that he didn't know what to say, but, "Alright". Then he said that "David" just faded away, and he was alone in his living room.
After sharing his story with me, Will asked me what I thought about it. I told him that I believed that "David" really appreciated all he had been doing to look after Janie, and wanted him to know it. I asked him if "David" had ever come back to speak with him again. He said "No", that was the one and only time.
Will has shared a couple of other stories with me over the years, partly due to the fact that I have told him that I think that my father's presence comes to visit us in our store, which was his store, and the place that he passed away about 20 years ago. This is likely why Will felt he could share his tale with me, I in turn have shared his tale with you.
The moral of the story is that good deeds are appreciated, not only by those that are receiving them in the present, but, also, by their loved ones on the other side.
Try to keep the spirit of the true meaning of Christmas year round, the gift of caring is the best gift of all.
Thank you for reading "Will's Christmas Visitor"!
Sent in by Camille, Copyright 2012
Pre Christian Roots of Christmas and Santa Claus
Money Cant Buy Christmas
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Grandma's Backyard and House
The second experience I had at grandma's house was not till 12 years later. My grandpa had died. One month past his death my dad and I are painting a wall inside the house in the kitchen. It is a 4 bedroom house with a pool. A rather nice house. My grandma was gone so my dad and I start to paint. I tapped on the wall to look for a beam. It was a divider wall so the kitchen was on the other side and you could look around it. Anyways I Knocked on it and the wall knocked back. My dad and I were not even touching the wall. So I did it two more times and it knocked back the same. I was super scared at that point. So I knock more and it knocks back. I feel like it was my grandpa knocking, who was dead. I never like going in my grandma's house alone anymore. Two events are enough. Scary stuff!
Jeremy Anderson
The People Who Haunt Me
Before we owned this house my moms grandma and her husband lived here before they died. My grandfather died in the living room. What used to be his room. Deep in the middle of the night when i wake up i see blue streaks of light from my window and fog steaming up on my windows. My grandmother died here too. One time as a child me and my friend were exploring our basement and discovered the back of a picture frame full of nails and dried blood. He said my grandmother might have committed suicide on herself. Or worse. My grandfather killed her.
She haunts us because every time I go to the basement I here a low wail as though a train is whistling even though we don't leave near a train station.
We have a lot of paranormal activity in our house because we live near a graveyard. Like once when I was a small little baby i saw a transparent little girl wearing a white gown with daisies in her silvery blonde hair singing an eerie song that made me sleep almost at once.
Another time outside on our lawn a transparent boy was playing an Irish jig on his violin and all through the night the Irish jig plays on and on...
Sent in by Giselle, Copyright 2011
The Belvidere House
A couple months later, at night, I was falling asleep when I heard Scratching coming from my door. I screamed like I was dying and dad came rushing into my room. "What's wrong, are you hurt?" He asked fearfully. "N-no, The door" I stammered, pointing to where the scratching was coming from.
Happenings in My Room
My room's been decorated and changed to make it a bit more grown up for me as I'm now 12.
Well, nothing's happened ever since then but before, my light used to sometimes Flicker, I Didn't get scared because I got used to it.
Also, I was painting my Nails and after I Finished painting them, I lined them up on 1 of my shelves, I Went down-stairs and came back up a bit later and they were back up in my make-up bag where they were before!
My last experience in my room is, I have an airing cupboard and 1 Night, i was in bed and my mum went to kiss me goodnight.
Well, on the airing cup-board, there was a towel on there and my mum said: "That's odd! I Never put that towel there!''. I Asked my dad and he said he didn't and My brother's couldn't of done it as they never step foot in my room and they never went in their.
I'm not scared of these happenings as my house is so haunted. It's 100 years old and Victorian and as far as we know, 2 people have died in our house and 1 Night, I Heard conversations outside in the hall and I heard people on the stairs and going into my bath-room but I Asked my mum and Dad if it was them and they both said no. It went on for a while and my mum said she and my dad have heard conversations outside in the hall-way and down-stairs too..
Thanks for reading by the way
Sent in by Ella
My Daughter Sees Spirits
She describes the spirits as misty lights and we have balls of light in many of our photos. The demon is attracted to my daughter. She said it woke her up by pushing on her bed and hissing in her ear.
Some of the spirits, we think, are asking her to take them to the light or to cross over. She seems to draw ghosts, spirits to her. Do you investigate hauntings? What do you suggest she do? She hates this whatever you call it, ESP? Too much of what she's dreamed has come true, so I truly believe her when she says she sees what she sees.
What are your thoughts on this? I feel the demon is draining her. She's sick, tired, weak, and is frustrated on how to rid herself of this. The spirits don't bother her at all. She accepts them. The demon needs to leave as soon as possible. Please let me know what to do.
Thank you, Sharry Bennington
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Bug Man
I was the only one that he came to. Every morning my mom would wake up and have to shut all of the cupboard doors because they were always open because of him. My brother was lying in bed one night and saw a shadow move in to my room then I started screaming. I don't know because this is what my parents said.
And one night when my mom was sleeping and my dad was away at work for the weekend she felt someone crawl into bed next to her and when she looked there was nothing there. I don't know my I'm definitely scared
Sent in by Madi, Copyright 2011
A Gift And a Friend
He was sweetly smiling at me and I gave him the same happy grin. The man had looked at my dad then backed up. My dad slowly made his way to the crib and picked me up.
"Don't worry about her,Darryl. She's gonna be ok.Joseph is watching her." The guy had told my dad and my dad ran to my parents room. He called 911,but they couldn't find him. Ever since then I could see ghosts, even Joseph. He would always give me a sweet smile and tell me things like life shouldn't be taken for granet. I always feel safe knoiwing he's around.
Sent in by Rosette, Copyright 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Spirit Under My Bed
I had recently just moved out of the room I shared with my younger sister into my own room. I was so excited and felt so grown up. We also slept with our doors open at night, as my mum's, sister's and my rooms almost all faced it each other and my mum preferred it that way.
One night as I was woken up. Not by a noise or anything, but I woke for no reason. Then I felt this thing push up against by back, as if someone was lying underneath my bed with an invisible rod, pushing it slowly upwards into my back then slowly releasing it. I was absolutely terrified but couldn't move a muscle and couldn't scream. Then a saw a dull white figure exit my room, but before it did, it smiled at me and left.
I told my mum what happened the next day, but she just said that it was probably the cat, as he used to sleep under our beds at night, though I'm not sure she totally convinced herself, as she and my dad lived in a haunted house early in their marriage. But it couldn't have been. To feel what I felt through a bed mattress and everything. I still don't know what it was, and haven't really had any vivid experiences like that since.
Let me know your thoughts!
Sent in by Gee, Copyright 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
All the Lovely Good Ghosts
When I was eight I moved to a big house on an acre of land. I really loved the house til things started to get weird. Well, one day I was going up stairs to get dressed and I had an ugly feeling that someone was watching me. As I was on the steps I heard feet running and BOOM! a door a slammed shut. I screamed and dropped to the floor. When I finally got the guts to get up my cats started to act all weird. They kept running to other door that shut and hiss. When I opened the door they acted more weird then before. My sister was not home and I was the only one up stairs.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Who in the World Did That
Well, one evening, me, my young one, my oldest sister, [shay,23], Tammy, my mom and Keisha, were having dinner. As I'm eating a noodle, stomping appears from upstairs. As I push out my chair, stomping appears on the stairs. As I start to the staircase, I see a woman, in a black dress, red lipstick, and a smile face. But a man appears, and he's choking her. I call mom, she says she knows the woman, it was her old friend, Shamile.
Similar things have happened, but the woman is gone now. She's gotten contact with us, so there is now a new spirit.
Any thing similar?
Sent in by Kesha, Copyright 2011
Ouija Board Scardey-Cat!
We went to the next apartment building We got our 2 friends, Shay and Brittany. "So... um... We're playing this dumb board game?" Brittany asked. She's a TOTAL girlie-Girl, freak! "Awesome..." Shay said, grinning. We went into my building's laundry-room. The laundry washer was going, and it had 24 minutes left. Taylor gave us the instructions. We started.
"Are you here?" Taylor asked. The Ouija spelt out. "WereNotLeaving" we got freaked, well, obviously not Shay and Taylor! Hehe "What is your name" It went to goodbye. We started again, we could feel the anger in the room. The room went FREEZING. Then, Taylor asked. "GIVE US A SIGN!" The washer started going SUPER-fast and it said it was done ! But it was going extra fast! We screamed, and ran out.
We have a milk thing beside our unit, so it's like a box. We put the Ouija board in there, all of us [including mom] walked down to Tim-Horton's. When we came back, the Ouija-Board was on the Mail-Box! I screamed. And we ripped it up.
We had a sleep-over at Taylors and the next morning, the SAME Ouija-Board was on the table! Ready to play!
Now, I'm warning you, DON'T play Ouija-Board, it's 100% true! We stopped being friends , and we all moved away. Seriously, DON'T !
Sent in by Maria-Lynn .J, Copyright 2011
More For You!
Scary Sleepover Stories
Ouija Board Tales
Freakiest Ouija Board Stories
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Getting in Touch with My Spirit Guide
I had to get in touch with my spirit guide, (or guardian angel) and I did. I asked my guardian angel to give me a sensation or feeling to know they were there, and my arm suddenly jerked up! I was quite scared through out the process (as I have never contacted the spirit world before) so I asked if they could show me another sign. The same arm that jerked up was then unable to move for several seconds! Then I knew it wasn't my nerves. That is when I stopped the process because I was too frightened! I did however learn new things about myself.
It is worth trying if you don't get frightened easily and it will help you connect with your higher self.
Sent in by Jessica Blunt, Copyright 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
The Scary House in Scotland
This is the spooky bit off the story its 20010 new year party we was gonna do karaoke and i could not found all my cds so we went for a drink in the kitchen and the cupboard door shot open and loads of plates flew out it i looked in the cupboard and there is my cds and we have not had any paranormal things happening since then.
Sent in by Calum Josh Corbett, Copyright 2011
Turkey Creek Road Walker
Immediately my mom shouted for us to come out. For about a week or neighbor could see a light in-between our houses and it shined.
Who was this ghost and what was he doing walking up the road.
Sent in by Jessica Moran, Copyright 2011
The Anduin Man
One day me and my brother walked to shopping centers, to buy a few movies to watch, and while we were almost home, I saw a man, with a black raincoat doing a type of traditional dance, he had his fingers pointing up and down and jumping around wildly. It was an odd dance, never seen before, and they he disappeared as a car passed the road. Who do you think this man is? Is he a dead ghost? A type of faerie?
Sent in by Larendeil
A Very Weird and Scary Dream
When I reached my bedroom door it wouldn't open like something or a ghost was preventing me from opening the door, then these ghosts or hands came out reaching for me. I tried opening the door again but it was no use, I couldn't open the door.
The hands all of a sudden started tickling me and it hurt, like they pushed me down and started tickling me and pinching me.
When I woke up I figured it was all a dream and I went back to sleep.
The next day I told dad about my dream and he said "If there was ever a ghost living in this house and wanted to hurt you, don't you think it would of got you by now?" So now I'm better.
Tell yourself that if you ever think a ghost or something is gonna hurt you.
Sent in by Desiree
Saturday, April 30, 2011
The Black Figure
I woke up, my alarm clock was ringing. To turn it off, it suddenly did by itself. My mother or my brother weren't home. After I got dressed, I called school to let them know I had a fever and I will not be attending school today. Exact words: "Hello, umm this is Sarah McOnal." "Yes, this is Tanya the secretary." "I wont be attending school, I have the fever." "Yes, you already called about that.." I did? I thought to myself. It must of been my mother. "Oh.. umm who exactly called?" A silence was still on the phone. Then she hung up. I had noticed my phone line (MTS) was cut off. Just suddenly? It couldn't be the weather. Just then, I saw the black figure AGAIN! I quickly turned. And there it was. The shape of a human, tall, had black long long Hair, and white worn out clothes. I blinked, then it was gone. I had a chill down my spine.
Sent in by Sarah
Monday, April 25, 2011
Unknown Experiences: Haunted School
The first was we heard strange thumping and crashes. We would end up screaming and running. Then, we saw a dark figure of a man, looking dark and menacing. During gym class, I saw a strange white mist surrounding my and my friends but no one else. That same class we saw the curtains of the stage swish and move as though they were breathing. My friends and I even saw a white, ghostly hand curling around the top of the cabinet on the stage. It was on and behind that cabinet that seemed to be a source of whatever was happening. We began to experience strange dreams of menacing monsters and vicious ghosts. We saw red eyes from the cabinet and dripping blood.
Friday, April 22, 2011
The Fluffy Creature / Thing
A few minutes later, I heard the noise again. I looked up and saw a 1-foot-tall fuzzy creature (no arms, legs, or head) come out of my friend's room. It came out and stopped in front of the room I was in and looked at me. It then crawled into the kitchen and disappeared. I slammed the door shut and sat in the corner shaking for a few minutes.
Later I asked my friend if he saw it. He said no. I never saw it again. I'm glad I didn't.
Sent in by Winston Dobson, Copyright 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Very Haunted House
I also heard strange knocks, bangs, taps, and what sounded like little kids laughing or playing around in my room. That would happen pretty much every night. I hated it! Finally after my parents were spooked out beyond belief, we all moved out of the house and now inhabit a nicer, modernized home which live in today. I'm happy to be rid of that house, and I feel sorry for anybody who ever lives in that house.
Sent in by Chaela Q., Copyright 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Strange Ghost in My house
Okay so for almost 2 years my neighbor was struggling with cancer. Her condition was very bad and we our family were worried why doesn't she come to the village anymore. So 4 months ago, we learned that she has died. We weren't so close to each other, so we just said "Oh well..." and went on with our lives. Until one day I went to my bed. It was in January and it was cold outside but I had the heater turned on and it was warm. I turned off the lights, and went to my bed.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Magician or Dead Hand?
When I looked at him he was kind of good person but when I get closer he smelled like a dead cat and was looking like a dead guy. So when I get there he gave me a sheet of spells. He told me to read it. I reply why? He said 'I can't read cause I can't see. Please son can you read for me and remember read very slowly and clearly' I was kind of cold feeling.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Things Can be Scary
Strange things have been happening lately I have been hearing things seeing shadows and much more. I was outside in the street riding my scooter when it started to rain as I was going home I herd what seemed to be a car speeding towards me so I quickly scooted off not looking behind me then when I was off the road I turned around nothing was there I checked if it went down any streets or driveways… nope gone.
Last night as I was sleeping I woke to tapping on my window I woke it sill was knocking I got up and turned on the light nothing was there not even a branch but there where faint scratches. In the morning I woke up and got dressed and had brekkie ad about 6:17 am I heard the back screen door open I got up and went to the back door it was closed and locked I looked around at my neighbors they were asleep. As I left for the bus the gate out side my house rattled and then opened and closed back again since then I haven’t had anything strange happen yet.
I think something’s following me if it is I want to know what
Sent in by bree, Copyright 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I Didnt Believe in Ghosts Until...
We were all standing around chatting after we introduced ourselves. When I kept hearing my name behind me, Matt was standing behind me and I just thought I was him being goofy, because he likes to pick on me. I turned around after ignoring him and asking him what he wanted. After a few times of this, I asked him if he was saying my name, and he responded, "no". This was very disturbing because my mother had heard my name as well.
Then the woman told us that she believes her house is haunted, because she will fold clothes and lay them on the bed before work. then when she would return home the clothes would be all over the floor and through the house.
This experience still scares me today, and now, I am a believer.
Sent in by Em, Copyright 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
The Girl in the Staircase
When I walked out of my room, nobody was there, but the staircase to my attic was opened... I am very curious so I climbed up the staircase to see that nobody was there. I climbed down and went to sleep.
My sister later, came upstairs to call me for dinner and I was nowhere to be found. (I was hiding from her!) As my sister climbed the stairs to call me, she was approached by a little girl in white clothes, long black hair, holding a teddy bear. The girl whispered into her ears... "do you wanna play?"
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Is Someone With Me?
One day me and my friend's *Not Naming Names* were taking pictures in my sisters room one day, and late one night whilst putting them on Facebook I noticed something that made my heart race.I Saw to Orb like figures beside me and my sister, we turned the flash off the camera and the only light was the hallway light on so nothing could have reflected off it. I was twelve at the time and now I am 14, I then let my sister see them and she was so shocker that she stopped everything and just stared at the photo, trying to thing of a explanation other then ghost orbs, I mean my sister says "do you ever see the cats staring at midair and nothing is there"i always answered with "yes" me and my sister stayed up all night not wanting to sleep scared of what might happen.
Monday, April 4, 2011
My House and Things that Still Happen
When me and my mate were in the house on our own she could hear someone calling her name and saying she seen something and felt something cold on her arm and we both felt someone breathing on our backs. Its the strangest thing ever and she took a video of me dancing and she caught something on camera.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Woman at My Kitchen Doorway
So when I was watching my hands I felt a cold air pass on my neck like someone breathing on me but my mom wasn't around either was my dad.
When I turned around I saw a women and she disappeared and I got scared and ran off. I think i know her from somewhere but don't remember.
Sent in by Caroline, Copyright 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Is my School's Stairwell Haunted?
When I was in grade four some of my friends and I were working out in the hall. As someone came out from the stairwell (opening a door)my friend through my eraser in the stairwell. I went to get it when I heard a strange noise as if someone taking a pencil and running it against bars. I peered over the balcony too look and I said, "Hello?..... is any one there?" I got no respond. When my friends heard me talking they came out to see what I was doing.Instantly they heard it too. We began taking kids from our class and brining them into the stairwell but it stopped when they came in. When they left it started again.
This happened last year (grade six.) My friend and I were working together for a French project at school. We asked to go out in the stairwell and my French teacher said, "Sure but there is another group working in there." Luckily it was our friends. one of the girls that was in the other group just recently had a birthday party. My partner and her partner was invited.
Ouija Board is a Game Nothing More
This is very very very very true!
Next time... we are going to try it on a Candyland board! Now...that's pushing it!
Silly. Ouija is a game. Nothing more. Here's how you know for sure...
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Is My Flat Haunted?
The 6th year in the flat , my mum had experienced some real scary things beside her bed like blowing, grunting, whispering, a ball bouncing, someone or SOMETHING call her name.
I have also seen a pitch black hand whack the shower gel off the side when I was in the bath. As I ducked, the gel just stays where it was, so I got changed got a knife and checked every room upstairs. No-one was upstairs just me.
We have tried moving. But we can't because wherever we go , the ghost goes.
Sent in by Abbie Taft, Copyright 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
A Paranormal Affair
Have you ever been awaken by a noise or touch that felt so real you’d swear it just happened? but wasn’t sure if you were dreaming or not? Well, in the past several years I’ve had some really strange things happen to me, usually while I’m sleeping but also at times while I’ve been awake, and I have to admit it’s really making me start to question my sanity, although I believe in ghosts and have had several encounters with them.
I have been married for 22 years, but seem to have a ghost or so I think, that has been trying to get close to me for several years now, this is some of the things that has happened…
The other night I had some trouble getting to sleep, but when I did I awoke to what felt like a man kissing my leg,I thought it was my husband and fell back to sleep, but that morning I had…
Source: A Paranormal Affair Tell 'em sent ya!
The Endless Forest and the Horrible Golden Eye
The Endless Forest and the Horrible Golden Eye
I had never been hunting before, and I was so very young at the time. I’d practiced with my twenty-two riffle and what not out in the back, but I’d never actually ventured into a forest to hunt for squirrels or rabbits. I wanted to hunt so bad, and finally one day, my friend Traylon Vincent asked his father if he would take me on their next father-son hunting trip. Jimmy accepted, and Traylon and I made our way up to a part of North Texas. I really had no idea where we were at the time, I knew it was about an eight hour drive, and I had fell asleep. When we got there, Jimmy told me to call my mother and let her know we’d made it to his cabin ok. I love nature, but there was a very ominous feeling about this forest when I stepped out of their truck, it was like this familiar whisper was…
Source: The Endless Forest and the Horrible Golden Eye Tell 'em sent ya!
I Would Like to Share My Ouija Board Story
My paranormal friend ended up in jail for having sex with a 14 year old girl
Source: I Would Like to Share My Ouija Board Story Tell 'em sent ya!
My Brother's Spirit
Source: My Brother's Spirit Tell 'em sent ya!
Last Nights Ouija Board Session
Now last night was slightly different as I used the Ouija board with my mum and step
Source: Last Nights Ouija Board Session Tell 'em sent ya!
Ancient Astronauts ~ Alien Influence of Mankind?
How did we get here?
For thousands of years, religions have attempted to answer the question of what we, as human beings originated from. These religions have many themes and stories in common, indicating that each one has their own piece of a much bigger puzzle. Science of course says that it was a process of millions of years of evolution, however they cannot even find the missing link that started the chain of humanity. The entire subject is open for thought and debate because so much has been lost to time. In that spirit of free thinking, some rather unusual theories have come about, one of the most controversial being paleocontact, or the “ancient astronaut” scenario.
This theory, in essence, says that humankind was either created by extraterrestrials who came to Earth or they descended from them. The proponents of this belief point to such things as ancient artifacts that appear out of place…
Source: Ancient Astronauts ~ Alien Influence of Mankind? Tell 'em sent ya!
A Connection Between Aliens and Angels?
Recently, in another story here (Alien Abduction in Arizona) the discussion turned to the idea that there is a connection between Angels/Bible (or other religious documents) and Aliens. Looking at the articles and stories on the site there are several that are related to the idea that extraterrestrials may have been encountered in the remote past and when written about were described in terms of what they knew and were familiar with at the time.
Personally, I think there are a lot of passages in the Bible that sound like descriptions of aliens or UFOs; for example the description of “Ezekial’s Wheel”. I think this is a fascinating topic and merits its own page here for thought and discussion. What follows here was originally submitted as comments to Alien Abduction in Arizona. ~ AlienUFOTruth Admin
I believe the true ‘Universal God’ is exactly that, the God of Islam, the God of the Jews,…
Source: A Connection Between Aliens and Angels? Tell 'em sent ya!
The Dogon a Connection with Ancient Astronauts?
The Malian city of Bandiagara, in the Mopti region of Africa, has many fascinating indigenous societies. Among these are the Dogon people, located in the central plateau, just south of the Niger bend. Today, the area is a popular tourist attraction with many crafts and tribal customs to enjoy. The legends that come from this area are every bit as intriguing as the people themselves, and add another perspective to the feasibility of the “ancient astronaut” theory.
The Dogon villages were settled in the area of Bandiagara largely due to their refusal to convert to the Islamic faith. Fearing retribution, the Dogons built their homes in positions of defense along the slope of the plateau. Here, they could practice their own belief system free from religious oppression. There are many oral traditions of how the Dogons originated, and it is quite possible that the conflicting versions have to do with people from different areas coming…
Source: The Dogon a Connection with Ancient Astronauts? Tell 'em sent ya!
Puma Punku and the Ancient Alien Theory
There are mysterious structures in many parts of the world that have caused mankind to wonder if aliens interacted with or guided human beings. One such place is Puma Punku. How did the ancients produce such work? Amazing precision and a deep understanding of mathematics are obvious but what about the tools that were used? How could they have had the technology and knowledge to manipulate stone like this?
Ancient alien theorists believe that extraterrestrials interacted with humanity to one degree or another and that they were responsible for many of the mysterious ancient structures such as Puma Punku.
Puma Punka Mystery of Bolivia
The Andes mountains are a majestic sight to behold, covering seven countries on the western coast of South America. The mountains spread into the country of Bolivia where, 12,500 feet above sea level, exists the ruins of the ancient city Tiahuanacu, or more commonly known as Tiwanaku. Among these ruins are…
Source: Puma Punku and the Ancient Alien Theory Tell 'em sent ya!
Ancient Aliens and Gobekli Tepe
The “Ancient Aliens Theory” holds that at some point in our distant past extraterrestrials interacted with human beings. These ancient aliens taught humanity about medicine, mathematics, science, astronomy and much more. The evidence out there that extraterrestrials did in fact visit and interact with human beings is immense. The mysterious structures unearthed at Gobekli Tepe may have been planned and constructed with the help of ancient aliens or some as-of-yet forgotten/undiscovered technology used by mankind in our distant past.
Gobekli Tepe is certainly an interesting place and whether you believe in ancient alien involvement or not this is a fascinating glimpse into our own ancient past. ~ David Slone
Gobekli Tepe: The Greatest Story Finally Told?
The beginning of civilized humankind has been studied by archaeologists, historians, and theologians for centuries. Generally though, it has been assumed that civilizations began to evolve long after the advent of the Neolithic Period (sometimes called the New Stone…
Source: Ancient Aliens and Gobekli Tepe Tell 'em sent ya!
Adams Alien Genes
In whose image was The Adam the prototype of modern humans, Homo sapiens created?
The Bible asserts that the Elohim said: Let us fashion the Adam in our image and after our likeness. But if one is to accept a tentative explanation for enigmatic genes that humans possess, offered when the deciphering of the human genome was announced in mid-February, the feat was decided upon by a group of bacteria!
Humbling was the prevalent adjective used by the scientific teams and the media to describe the principal finding that the human genome contains not the anticipated 100,000 – 140,000 genes (the stretches of DNA that direct the production of amino-acids and proteins) but only some 30,000+ — little more than double the 13,601 genes of a fruit fly and barely fifty percent more than the roundworm’s 19,098. What a comedown from the pinnacle of the genomic Tree of Life!
Moreover, there was hardly any uniqueness…
Source: Adams Alien Genes Tell 'em sent ya!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The Bouncing Shadow
At the time I was walking to the local shops which required me to walk around my neighbors house and under a tree through a dark section of park. There is a park running behind my house but before the main road.
When I was close enough to the path to see up it a little something bounced down the path towards me before disappearing. It had no definable shape but was a dense shadow that bounced like a Rabbit.
I haven't seen it since but even that few seconds glance was enough. I wish I understood what that was, I know it wasn't a demon and it wasn't my imagination.
Sent in by Wannabe Star, Copyright 2011
The Shadows!
Shadow Creature Stories
Are Shadow Creatures Paranormal Entities?
Night Spirit?
This happened about 1965 or 1966. Back then, a lot of people believed that the human spirit could leave your body when you were sleeping and only came back when the body woke up.
My brother was spending the night at his cousin's house. About 3 o'clock the next morning, my mom says that she was awoken by my brother calling her. When she sat up in bed, she felt something light as a feather brush by her side and go out the open window at the head of their bed. My dad woke up and asked her what was wrong.
The next day when my brother came home, my mom told her sister what had happened. Her sister told her that at exactly the same time, 3 a.m., my brother had woke up calling out for my mom.
To this day, they believe that my brother's spirit was traveling that night. What do you think?
Sent in by Mary Perkins, Copyright 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Thrown Things and Slamming Door was it a Poltergeist?
Anyways, after we were both sitting down at the table, with the stove turned off and the pot still containing macaroni sitting on the back burner, as far away from the front as possible, we were chatting. We suddenly heard a loud BANG, and when we turned around, the pot of macaroni was flipped upside down on the kitchen floor. I was a little freaked out, but my sister dismissed it as "the cat." All of our cats are outdoors. None of them were inside at the time.
The Unknown Creature by the Barn
As usual I went out to lock up the chickens, when all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see someone/something it looked like a man that stood about 6 feet tall just standing there staring back at me with those eyes. And I bet all of ya'll can imagine that we're in the middle of no where practically and I'm all the way out at the barn and we don't have lights out there so I'm out in the dark.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Dreams of a Past Life
The first dream and most reoccurring dream right up to my age of 34 is one where I am some kind of gangster in Shanghai in the 1930's when Japan was bombing the city.
I remember air raid sirens going off, and explosions in the street, windows being shattered in some kind of social club. And then hot searing pain as the roof timbers collapsed and fell on me, and remember telling a person dressed in 1930s American gangster type clothes to take my wife out and keep her safe and take care of her.
My wife as I remember was wearing a light pink flowery kimono type dress, with flower patterns.
By Daniel Ho, Copyright 2009
Strange Creature in the Woods on the 4th of July
We had run out of firewood for the fire, so my mom told grandpa to take me into the woods to get some more. Always up for a walk through the woods, my grandpa agreed. We were walking along a little trail, picking up sticks and branches off of the ground.
A good distance into the woods, we started hearing these weird noises. They were like bad horror movie sound effects; gurgling and random babbling. I asked my grandpa about it, and he said we must be near a creek. We kept walking a little longer before deciding to turn back. That's when I noticed something lying in a bush. I pointed to the thing and asked my grandpa what it was. He told me he didn't know, so he went to look. As he approached, the creature stood up.
Two Imaginary Friends - or Were They?
I have never really spoke about them until the past year I have been reading more into the spiritual world and angel therapy I thought if I shared how my experiences went with imaginary friends other people may have had the same experience or tell me if they are spirits or angels or just a child's mind.
I had two and they were twins and I still can see their faces hair color and clothes they used to wear, One was always trying to get me into trouble and the other was the good one. The boy who's name was Paul was mischievous and the girl who was called Patasha was a very good girl didn't want to do things "my parents" said we could not do etc...
Has anyone ever had two imaginary friends - or is it just me?
by Gemma, Copyright 2011
Imaginary Friend or Ghost?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Thing in the Window
I was passing time by throwing stones in the ditch that separated the fields and the road. I heard a rustle in the corn but didn't take much notice. We had mice, raccoons and countless other animals that lived in and around the corn fields. After a few minutes I heard another rustle and what sounded like a corn stalk breaking, this time closer. I stood up. There was a long growl unlike anything I've heard before. I started to back away when a black hairy figure emerged. It was about 4 feet tall with arms that reached above the knee. It let out another long growl and I turned and ran. It yelled once more and I was pretty sure it followed me. I ran inside and locked the door behind me. I hid in a closet until my dad came home.
Sent in by Mattamus, Copyright 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Zodiac the Ouija Spirit
But even after all these years, I feel as though there is a part of it that controls me, and a lot of the time I cannot control these feelings. I am a good person, but as I said, it is like I cannot overcome this bad. I would not hurt anyone, but when it comes to myself, this invasion, that is the only way I can explain it. It gets the better of me, almost always.
Can you tell me if its possible that there is a residue inside me from that spirit? Or is it just in my mind. I would really appreciate your feedback on this. Many thanks for your time.
Sent in by Lisa, Copyright 2010
Freakiest Ouija Board Stories Ever
Ouija Board Tales
Monday, February 21, 2011
Almost Lost His Soul Because of a Cat
After a long day, my uncle just jumped to the bed and took a long nap. My mom was beside him on the computer checking her email and doing some work. The window next to the bed was open. Suddenly a black cat entered the room, he got on top of my uncles chest and opened his mouth. The strange thing was that my uncles mouth opened by itself. The cat started moving in an unusual way, front and back... like if he was taking something from my uncle. My mom didn't know what to do so she just jumped and scared the cat away.
I really got to admit that in that house... a lot of things have happen. I lived 9 years there. I'm happy when I go back there... I don't know why.
Sent in by Val, Copyright 2010
A Loyal Pet
If you have ever lived in a bad neighborhood, you will understand this story much better. Anyway, one night I was fast asleep in my bed. I was awoken by the sound of something banging on the door. Tootsie, her usual spot to sleep was at the end of my bed. I knew that she was dead but I swore that I felt her laying there. Then she jumped off the bed, and began barking at the place the banging was coming from. Suddenly, the banging stopped. I felt her jump back on the bed in her usual spot. I reached down to pet her but my hand didn't touch anything. I stared to cry, then I felt Tootsie stand up on the bed and lick my face, wiping away my tears. Tootsie, the most loyal dog I have ever had.
In Memory of: Tootsie Roll 2000-2007
Sent in by Trinity Yates, Copyright 2010
Shadow Person in the Graveyard
One night two of my girlfriends and I were driving around bored wondering what to do. I live by a graveyard and I suggested it would be a thrill and chill to walk through it. As we parked and started walking to the entrance I explained to them if I told them we need to get out no questions asked just leave, they knew of my "gift" so they understood.
We stepped no more then five feet in when I saw a shadow in the form of a person dart from one headstone to five headstones over in lightning fast movement. I said "get out" and we all turned and left. After being safe in the car I told them what I saw. I was all sorts of excited because I never actually saw anything just felt.
Sent in by Rain, Copyright 2011
An Orb Played With Me But Hid From My Mum
I was only 9 years old but I've always had a weird thing for ghosts as I've heard, read and watched so much about them anyway as I was watching TV a weird circle of light came out from behind the wardrobe. I thought it was a reflection and didn't care but it started going in circles and all sorts of weird shapes. I thought about the fact it could be an orb and told my brother who didn't care.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The Unfinished Mystery
A friend of my cousin had really been the true victim here. Eula, my cousin's friend, being a teenager is very curious at almost everything. During a sleep over at Eula's house, they played the spirit of the coin. This game is known to be effective in communicating with the spirits. They don't know the true thing that will occur if they've done it.So they do it every night and day. To my cousin it is a very serious thing. She opposed them in doing these.
Horrid Dream
Then I looked up to this window where a little girl stood at the window and she was unhappy... then I looked back and the little boy and he was dead... then when I looked back to the little girl she was gone and all there was, was a bloodstained handprint which was kind of smeared...
Foot Steps in the Attic
Me and my sister slept together in one of the bedrooms upstairs. It was pretty late at night when all of a sudden the both of us heard foot steps running back and forth up in the attic, it went on only for a few seconds - we both got really scared and went under the covers. It sounded like were little kids chasing each other up there.
The Missing Ring
When I returned home I couldn't find my ring, so I asked my sister if she had seen my ring and if she had any friends over for the weekend. She said yes, she had her boyfriend and two of her friends over but she said everyone stayed in the living room and plus my door was shut.