Monday, November 28, 2011

At the End of the Bed

Mia was in bed one night and she was awoken by something at about 1:00 am. She decided she needed to go to the toilet before she tried to go back to sleep, so she got out out of bed and went to the toilet! When she got into the bathroom the shower curtain opened but she took it as the wind had blown it open so she carried on with whatever she needed to do and got back in bed!

Mia turned of her bedside lamp and looked at the bottom of her bed and there, just standing there at the bottom of her bed was a figure! She tried to scream but nothing came out so she turned on her light and there was a knife flying towards her and it stabbed her in the chest and she died of blood loss and the fact that it stabbed her in the heart!

Sent in by Laura, Copyright 2011

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