Thursday, July 14, 2011

Be Careful in Dealing With Spirits

Be careful what you get yourself into with these spirits, they will over take you and claim your life and soon you will be sitting in hell.

Whether you believe in God or not, there is a God, I have seen Him not physically but through clouds and lightening, he is not mad at us He is mad at those things you like to worship, demons, ghosts, and whatever spirits they are they are all the same. They are here to get your attention off of God and get you into some sort of bondage. Only through the name of Jesus will those things flee, you do not know the power they have especially right now since it is the dark age.

Don't wait for something to happen to your soul, worshiping these things will not give you any power, all power belongs to God and His Son Jesus. Satan and his demons and all the spirits of this world have no true power but God and God alone. All things are set in place for something big to happen - man or no military can stop what is going to happen because of these dark spirits. Maybe you will see the truth soon!

God bless your soul to see what is beyond what you think, God has it all planned out for the just and unjust!

Sent in by Alice, Copyright 2011

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord !

    you are just in your saying, for I to am a strong believer in Christ our Lord and Saviour!
    I have witness good and evil spirits, and I know that the Lord will set everything in order when he return with his angels and the saints. God bless you and keep you......A-men
