Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Depression Suicide Thoughts and a Ouija Demon

So, when I was about fifteen I was really depressed. I wanted to end my life. I was also stupid and opened myself up to be possessed by demons or whatever wanted me. I went to the lake shortly after. Whenever I leave the lake for as long as I remember it rained.

I recently started hanging out with my friend and I told her that I thought I had a demon or something on me because I had used a Ouija board at college and the demon talked and said something about the lake. Then Aliah popped in her head. She can also see auras and feel presences and gets words in her head all the time.

So we looked it up and Aliah or Alvah is a duke of Edom and he is connected to the lake. I thought it was really creepy. He has been ruining my life though and I am going to a priest to get him off of me.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi, i have never used a ouija board before, is it worth it? I may go online to do it. I am 12 and lots of people say it is a stupid idea. E-mail me.
