My experience happened at the house that I'm living in now. It is a old farm house that was built in 1862. The experience happened in November of 08 a few months after I got married. The day of my experience I was down stairs talking with my husband for a while it was in the late afternoon. I decided that I felt like going up stairs to take a nap for little bit. When I went up I got up on my bed and was laying on my left side and I had a house coat on and that was it. I don't fall asleep very fast it takes me about 15 to 20 minutes. I was laying there and I could hear everything around me the TV, dog and my husband walking could see and hear things around me still. I was scared and could hear myself trying to call for my husband to help me but I couldn't yell loud enough for him to hear me. I felt violated and didn't have any control. I finally heard my husband coming up the steps and when he got to the top what ever was violating me suddenly what felt like it raised out of me and I had that same tingling sensation as that happened. This has not happened again since. I wonder sometimes when I'm lying down anywhere if it would happen again. God I hope not. I was not asleep when this happened.
I would like to know if this has happened to anyone else.
Sent in by Vicki Cox, Copyright 2010
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