So one day I was sitting on the bench swing in my back yard. I happen to look up over into my grandmas yard and right at the corner of her house I saw a man like figure looking at me. then I looked back and it was gone. But just then I herd this demonized roar coming from my grandmas house. Then that night the phone rang and I picked it up and all I heard was deep breathing So I hung up. Just after I hung up it rang again So I picked it up again but before I could say hello I herd this voice say I'm satin in like this really scary voice a voice I had never herd before so real that no one could even imitate it. I instantly dropped the phone and ran away to my room. I went on the compute and looked up you tube scary voices of satin and I listened to all of the voices and their was not one that sounded like the voice I herd. Just then something pulled my hair really hard that some even fell out. So I turned around and all I saw was this hand coming out of the corner of my door. that was like a nightmare.
Sent in by Shala, Copyright 2010
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