Monday, March 8, 2010

Need Help I Think Im Going Nuts

I have been going through this for many years I am very sensitive to spirit world always have been but it got way worst since I went to Louisiana to meet his baby and father and there was a sixteen year old boy that had picked me up off the couch and I kept telling him to put me down and there was also an incubus there to I saw the reddest eyes I ever saw in my life do you think it has followed me cause now ever since I have really had problems but when I was in detention when I was young I was able to have a dream and know where I was going and my dyfss worker knew her name was Carol Megan she was completely freaked when everything I had told her was exactly the way I had told her before we got there?many things happen in my apartment and I have witnesses. Sometimes my friends are scared to come to my apartment but on the other hand it follows me to my friends next store and if I am upset it knocks over her dishes into her sink she gets really scared a lot.

Sent in by Tia, Copyright 2010

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