Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Haunted Life

Ever since I was child,I have been able to see the dead.I know a lot of people won't believe me, but I hope you do. It started when I was living in my old house which was haunted. I could hear them calling my name when I was very young and as I got older I was plagued by them. I would wake up in the middle of the night and see them in my bedroom and it scared me. If I made them angry by not noticing them, they would wreck my room, poke me, shove me, hold me down when I was in bed or pull the covers off me. As I got older I got used of them and started to speak to them. When I was eighteen, me and my family moved to a new house.

It was then I started to research the paranormal.I found out from books and from my family that I'm a sensitive. I see the dead and speak to the dead which is not really a fun thing to do. I can't go near graveyards or haunted houses because they sometimes follow me home. I feel like I'm all alone because apart from my parents nobody believes me. I need to know is there anyone else out there like me.

Sent in by Louisa, Copyright 2010

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