OK, this is not really a story or really anything along those lines, more of a question. I am known to be a little different; I guess that is why I am here in the first place. In dreams, or happenings close to them, I have been told that I can do some strange things, nothing along the lines of ghosts and dead to un-dead, it’s hard for me to explain. When I go to school each fall people, well they literally sense that I am not normal, some times they are nice enough to tell me that they are uncomfortable around me and don’t like me for a reason they cant understand, like if I see something slimy green and I don’t know if it is just allergy or something dangerous, that kind of uncomfortable.
Sometimes I tend to ‘just know’ anything. An example is that I was reading some of my old writings and in a very brief second I saw a good friend of mine's death. When I was younger I could just look and hear a voice of some one I care about, my Grandma for example and I just knew she would leave her Earthly body this year. It never really frightened me; heck I thought it was normal. One time in grade school I told my friend that there was a fire, and where it was, I spent the rest of recess trying to explain to him that I was telling the truth only that afternoon on the bus was my story proven correct.
I know that this site is meant most likely not for this but I wish to ask, any ideas of what I, I guess the best way to put this is, might be? Also I do tend to see people who I don’t know if they are alive or not but I see them in a like shadow of most commonly black and white, I see orbs and fairies lights quite easily and I have had to answer no people (they are joking by the way) if I talk to animals because I do quite well with them, and nature as a whole. I wrote this because I have been told I look/act/am a lot of different things and I wish to see if I can narrow them down, some, the majority tends to be very unbelievable. And it is hard to believe them, although I am trying. I hope this all makes sense. Also one more thing, can Elves be around the size of a normal human? Thank you.
Written by White Shadow, Copyright 2009 Ghost-Space.com
Thanks for the interesting story. I can understand how you feel as I have went through similar experiences myself, especially when I was younger. If you do some research you will find that elves are actually normal sized, they are not like dwarfs. The notion that elves are small creatures comes from movies and children's books. If you have seen The Lord of the Rings movies you will have seen a more accurate representation of what an elf is supposed to be like.