It was Friday night 7 June 1997 me, my brother and our friend had gotten a job working security in a hotel. Me and Henry (the friend) waited in the security room watching the security cameras, while Ciaran (my brother) went out to check around the place. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until Ciaran came running through the door. He told us of how he had seen multiple dark figures moving strangely threw the construction site nearby. We told him that he was being irrational. But me and Henry went to check it out. As we approached the fence (which closed off the construction yard from the hotel) it suddenly got a lot colder, we hopped the fence into the yard.
As we walked I saw an old ford fiesta. I needed a radio for my fiesta, so I checked to see if the car was open. Luckily it was. I sat into it along with Henry and checked for a key or anything, there was none. I tried to take the radio out, but as I did I got a slight electric shock. The radio came on immediately afterwards (which was impossible as the car was not on). We heard strange voice like noises for about 10 seconds until it turned off again. We got out fairly quickly and walked towards the direction we thought led back to the hotel. To our surprise it wasn't. I looked around and saw nothing that looked familiar. We walked for what seemed like an hour, until we saw the strange dark figures my brother had been talking about. They were a distance away. We watched them until they disappeared minutes later.
We eventually got back to the hotel and told my brother what had happened. In the morning we all went out to the construction yard. To our disbelief the ford wasn't there and everything looked different. We asked our boss about the site and he said a few months back there had been a serious accident at the site and a lot of people had died. We continued to work there for the next four years. Every once in awhile we heard strange noises coming from the site but decided not to go back.
Written by Padraig Moloney, Copyright 2009
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