Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Entities Can Attach to the Living

I have been interested in the paranormal for years, I have seen things that cannot be explained, the things most people seem to experience, odd noises, things falling, but when you go look nothing is broken or out of place. I have for the most part accepted this as routine, until the last four or five years and most recently the last year.

I have lived in five different places in the four years or so and this things have occurred in each place but where I am at now seems to be a hot bed. Loud conversions going on in other rooms that sound like my Husband and someone else and when I ask who are you talking to? He says nobody. I walk in the room within second, just him. He hears me call his name and I here him call my name in our voices when we are either not home or sound asleep.

Things are starting to pick up I recently opened  a cupboard door as soon as I did a glass shattered and then the shreds flew out  close to where my  Husband was sitting. A couple of days ago my husband woke up with scratches on his forearm when I asked him what happened ? He didn't know, also said that it was the second time that  it had happened. In the past I have said out loud to it no matter what house we were living in to stop it that is enough! It would stop for awhile and then start again. I feel that I have an entity attached to me, there are other experiences but I will save that for another time, thank you.

Written by "moorejamie50", Copyright 2009

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