A month ago I was asleep in my bed when I woke up thirsty. So I get up, and, of course, it's pitch black. So I leave my room and feel around for a blank spot where the bathroom door should be (hanging open, duh). When I find the doorframe, I also feel something blocking it, so I open my eyes (which were closed before). And I see a tall, willowy black figure, which is so black that it made everything to my eyes seem white.
I couldn't see it's face; in fact, it didn't appear to have any features at all. But it was about three inches taller than both me and my mom, and six inches taller than my sister. So instead of screaming, I just ran back to my room and hid under the covers with my flashlight for the rest of the night. Now and then I would hear heavy male footsteps outside my door and in other parts of the house, and sometimes I could hear my name being called in a whispery voice.
After that night, I didn't want to stay there another night in a row, so I stayed at my friend's house. That night the same thing happened again, and when I woke up later in the night, some shadowy silhouette was leaning over me, and I started screaming. The lights came on, and my friend was standing in the doorway and asking me what was wrong.
I still don't know what it is, but for now I've been staying away from my mom's house, and have been vacationing in New York to visit a family friend. The figure hasn't shown up yet.
Written by Hannah, Copyright 2009 Ghost-Space.com
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