Well to start off, I live in a House that was built by my grandfather, 50 years ago. Everyone in my family has lived in this house. My Aunt had cancer and died in the room I now sleep in five years ago. My Grandfather died last year upstairs. My aunts dog also died in the house.
When I moved in I got a hound dog, for my birthday, one of the other puppies also died in the house. My Hound dog is a little over a year old. She is pretty normal. One night she stopped outside my room and refused to come in, she sat in the hallway and barked, growled and acted like someone was in the chair in my room. She has never acted like this before. This continued for at least a half an hour. She was acting really weird. Then all of the sudden she was fine, she came into my room and sniffed the chair up and sat down, howled a few times and that was it.
One week ago I was getting ready to watch a movie and she was in the kitchen. She refused to come into the living room! She stared at the TV, she started to do the same thing, bark, growl and acted like she was going to attack something that was not there. So I walked over to the TV and called her name, even offered her a treat she would not budge! She just kept smelling the air, and barking?
It hasn't happened since, but it has always made me wonder. I have felt a presence myself but have never seen anything. I wouldn't second guess that there is someone in this house. Thank you for letting me share my story.
Written by Heidi, Copyright 2009 OurGhostStories.com
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