Friday, July 31, 2009

Ghostly Cell Phone Image Creates Buzz

The phones lit up at a Rhode Island radio station Thursday morning after a listener came forward with a quite unusual cell phone picture.

The Lite Rock 105 listener, Kasey, said she took a cell phone picture of her 22-month-old niece, Penny, while babysitting last week. After looking at her photos, she noticed what appeared to be an older woman standing behind Penny. However, she said the two of them were alone in the house when the picture was taken.

“When I first saw the image I jumped out of my skin,” Kasey said on Jones and Heather in the Morning. “There were no mirrors or television in the room to produce such an image.”

Kasey's family members think the image could be of her great-grandmother, who passed away in 1990.

The photo sparked quite the debate among listeners, who began flooding the radio station with calls about their beliefs and personal experiences with the afterlife, and some with their doubts about the legitimacy of the photo.

Sent in by WPRI, Copyright 2009

The Butcher Doll

A little over a year ago, I moved into a new house, my friend Heather helped me out with the move. She slept over that night and slept on the floor. I have this doll that Heather's been afraid of ever since she first saw it about two years ago. She calls it The Butcher Doll, because it looks like it's wearing a butcher's outfit.

Well, when I moved to the new house, there were still boxes in my room. When me and Heather were about to go to sleep we heard a box move, the box that moved consisted of the Butcher Doll. I thought Heather's foot hit the box and caused it to slide across my hard-wood floors since she was on the floor. I asked her "what was that?" anyways. She replied saying "I have no idea". I could tell that she was scared, as was I. The box was no where near where Heather was sleeping and nothing could've caused the box to move. We kind-of just forgot about it and went to sleep. The next morning we went to see how much the box moved and we found out that it moved about a foot towards the place Heather was sleeping.

The Butcher Doll now resides in the garage, on the other side of the house.

Sent in by Marissa Lee and Heather Renee, Copyright 2009

Read stories about haunted dolls at Haunted Doll Stories

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ghost at Grandma's

It was about a year ago, I was staying at my grandma's house while she was out of town. My mom wouldn't be home for a  few hours. I was sleeping in my grandma's room because it was the only room besides my Grandpa's room that had a TV.

I never have liked going into Grandpa's room ever since he died. I just get a really weird feeling. Anyway, all night I had had a bad kind of feeling. I didn't really want to leave Grandma's room. I kept thinking I was hearing things in the rest of the house. Small stuff like floor boards creaking, stuff like that.

At around 12:00 am, I heard something like the front door slamming. I didn't want to see what it was. I had a really bad feeling. I knew it wasn't my mom and my dog was outside. The door was locked, it couldn't have been anyone that I know because I'm blind and I would have recognized their footsteps. That's one of the weird things, I didn't hear anything else after that.

I still don't know what happened. I have always been attuned to ghosts and things like them. I've never seen one but I've felt them. I sometimes see things in my dreams.

Written by Mariah, Copyright 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Skeletal Scare

I was about eight when it happened. My bedroom was opposite the bathroom and my sisters room was just down the hall.

I needed the toilet really badly so I got out of bed with my teddy bear and my blanket and I walked to the door of my bedroom. I looked to the right and the was a skeleton being about 6ft tall stroking my sisters hair, I could see her hair moving. It turned towards me and it had flaming red eyes. It started to run towards me. I tried to scream and nothing came out!

I ran to the bathroom and then I realized ghosts can come through doors and walls so I huddled up for about two hours. I looked out the door and I saw a leg disappearing through the wall.

I've never seen it since. But I always look behind me when I walk up and down stairs and I always think somebody's there.

By Emma Smith, Copyright 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Experience with Sleep Paralysis

One night I was asleep and I was having a really bad dream. I awoke and was hollering for my fiancé. My chest was hurting really bad and all of a sudden some demonic voice told me that he was not there and that he would be back in a little while. It wouldn't let me turn or talk or even kick him but it was like 2 or 3 minutes before I could talk to him. The thing is it didn't even feel like his hands or anything and then after those few minutes he was there, it was my fiancé.

I don't know if I was having a heart attack or anything like that because my left arm was tingling all the way to my chest and it was bad pains. So I really think something holds you down in those times because when I was being held down it talked to me. The voice felt like really nasty breath on my face and in my ear. It was gross but when I told it to my fiancé he just grinned like it wasn't him.... spooky

This is a true story. I have an eight month old baby now and this happened when he was between one and two months old.

Written by Tiffany, Copyright 2009

Spirit of the Glass

It was in the month of September. My classmates decided to play spirit of the glass in our classroom. At first I doubted joining because I know in my self that its bad, but later when I saw some of classmates going home then I decided to join my classmates who were there left in our classroom.

We started playing the game and we asked questions. I never expected that the glass would move directly to yes. At first we were confused by the answers, that's why we decided to do it again. We did it for maybe one or two weeks. Then Saturday came.

All of us thought it was the end of our life because the spirits told us that they would get us one by one. But my classmate who was possessed she likes to die just to save our lives but we disagreed on that. She floated in the air and said her last words and thank you. That time we thought that was the end but we promised not to do it again and the spirits whom we called forgave us.

We decided to bless our classroom that moment. My classmates who have third eye said that the spirits were glad that they were blessed. Until now that happening is still in my mind. That's why I've decided if there's a person who knows how to open a third I will take risk it and I will let that person to help me.

Written by Zair, Copyright 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Suicide Haunting

I live in Las Vegas Nevada. I moved into the Siegel Suites Hotel a year ago. So far there's been three suicides and one natural death. Two of the suicides were shot gun and hand gun related, very messy indeed!

The man of whom shot himself with the shot gun has been seen by several persons here. He's been seen walking down the tiers of the hotel and parking lot in the late afternoon and early evening. He especially haunts four of the rooms up on the third floor.

The second suicide/hand gun strictly haunts his room. I've seen him twice in a month and I also knew him in life. He only peeks out his blinds in full solidness. He's also has appeared to three other people.

The other suicide was by hanging I don't know about that. I'll be back.

Written by JP, Copyright 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Eyes Of The Porcelain Doll

When I was little I used to sleep with my sister.head to toe. she had lots of porcelain of them was huge.I switched the light off and heard something I switched the light back on.

I saw the porcelain dolls hard staring eyes staring straight at me. with her eyes wide open as if in surprise.I quickly told my sister but she did not believe me. so I switched the light off again.

Then all of a sudden I felt a Dead cold hand touch my was not my sister.So I switched the light on and to my surprise the doll was staring somewhere else.

That night I slept on the lounge and had no bad dreams to this day the doll is still in my house.

By Brycen, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.

Ghost Girl In The Window

Me and my friends were walking down the road next to mine and then we stopped as there was a gang we were scared of. We pretended we were waiting and we noticed the house we were standing outside was old, weird and moldy, we'd realized that it was more dirty then the rest!

My  other friend went to the door and it was slanted open but stuck. She looked through the mail box and there was mail everywhere and very old carpet. I looked up at the window and saw a shadow of a girl with long hair and an old frilly dress then within a blink she was gone.

I took lots of people there and they all get weird vibes! We did Bloody Mary once. I screamed as we saw all the curtains move!

Once we asked a man if he knew who lived there and he said noone for many years. I asked why hasn't it been sold and he said that once a real-estate agent went in there but he never came out! Today I still run past the house on the opposite side of the road!

Written by Katherine Temple, Copyright 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Rocking Chair

It was my step dads birthday and the whole family was over and my cousin Andrew asked me Do you believe in ghosts? and I said I don't know why and he said... are you scared of ghosts... and I was like no... he called his mom in(my aunt)and said Tell Tori the story of the rocking chair.

My aunt's story:

I just moved in a house and I loved it I was sitting in the living room and I had my grandmas old rocking chair across me and it made creaking sounds when it moved and I started to hear creaking sounds so I looked over and it was rocking... no one was there I ignored it. Also every morning I would wake up and walk into the kitchen and there would be knives in the table. I could not sleep that night.

Another story:

I told my friend Emma that story and she told me this one:

One day she went over her aunts house in the summer she slept over too she stayed in the guest room and as I said it was summer so she left the window open she opened up her eyes because she heard something scratchy all of a sudden the window slammed and she ran down stairs with her aunt and sat on the leather couch she looked over and the cushion next to her was hollow like someone was sitting on it but no one was there she ran and jumped on her aunts lapped. Now... I believe in ghosts.

Written by Tori, Copyright 2009

Sleep Paralysis Experience

Okay my story is this; I woke up one morning completely unable to move. I was laying on my right side facing the wall. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I could hear like a growling sound behind me and it kept growing louder and louder. I could move my eyes but it wasn't much help. Then there was a big pressure on me. It felt like I was sinking into my bed. I was paralyzed forty five seconds then I could move. I was literally freaking out. I was hyperventilating like crazy. That was the most terrifying experience in my life to date and I'm only 16.

By William, Copyright 2009 Willard E. Hughes Jr.

Learn more about Sleep Paralysis:

Panic in the Attic

One night my brother and I were leaving the attic. We left the attic door open we played hide-n-seek and I hid in the attic while my brother counted. My brother yelled, "ready or not here I come." I thought "ok stay still don't make a noise" to my self then 10 seconds later I heard some tapping going tap, tap, tap, tap, tap five times then it stopped ten seconds later. It happened again, I was pooing my pants.

I saw a figure on the tip of my eye. I closed my eyes and started to panic quietly. Then I opened and my eyes again and saw a spirit staring at me with evil red eyes. I screamed out loud and then it disappeared but the tapping started again. I started to cry then I got down.

My brother came and said "I found you."  I said, "you don't even know what I've just been through!"

That night I couldn't sleep and the exact same figure kept appearing. I just ignored it then I found out it was friendly. So I lived with it and smiled to it. It may seem funny but scary.

Written by Kyle, Copyright 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The House Poltergeist

My mum and my step-brother had just gone out to my aunties house, and I was home alone. I had decided not to go because I had suddenly come up with a stomach bug, which is weird because I hardly ever get sick. I was on the computer for about half an hour when I heard a loud bang, followed by two other loud bangs. We have a dog that makes a lot of noise, that has her own room near the kitchen. I went to look in on her but her door was closed and she was sleeping. She looked so cute when she was sleeping I forgot about the noise and went back to the computer, thinking it must have been the wind in the kitchen somewhere.

About another half an hour later the bangs started again but a bit more louder and frequent. I started to walk towards the kitchen again, when I noticed it was coming from upstairs. I went up the stairs and along the corridor to the bathroom (we have quite a big house) where my little step-brothers toy draws were. When I got there they had all been thrown across the floor and the wooden stack that was holding the draws had been tipped over.

I heard another crash the other side of the corridor. I stopped for a moment but something was telling me to go and find out what it is, so I went down the corridor again and found that the noise was coming from my bedroom. As I put my hand on the door handle gently the noise stopped. I slowly opened the door and found that my dream catcher that was hanging from the ceiling had been pulled down, and all the stuff on top of my wardrobe had been scattered all over my bedroom. I carefully put all of the stuff back where it was and went back downstairs, waiting for my mum and step-brother to get back. When they got back I told my mum, but she thought I was making the whole thing up, but I know I wasn't.

Sent in by Alice, Copyright 2009

Ghost Call

We were in long island staying at my grandmothers.It was a regular vacation... beach, candy, shopping.

On the last day of vacation though something pretty peculiar happened. The phone kept ringing and ringing and ringing with know caller ID. Finally my grandma answered it. She picked it up and said hello hello and it went dead. It really freaked her out. My mom assured her it was nothing and she calmed down and we all went to the beach.

We came back home about four hours later and her eyes were wide with shock. She bolted into the living room and we followed behind. Listen to this message... She played it and it said are you ok? I will be watching. We just stared at each other and my mom spoke up... "it sounds like uncle John".

"Exactly" my grandma answered.

Although I never knew my great uncle john I have grown to wonder about him and I am glad he is watching over me.

By Hannah, Copyright 2009 Willard E. Hughes Jr.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Nursing Home Nightmare

Ok well I was at work with my grandma. She was a night nurse at a local nursing home. There were only two nurses there that night. I, of course, was also there. There was a TV room on the very left side of the building. On the opposite side there was a smoking room where nurses and residents could smoke. In the middle was the nurses' desk where a phone was.

Well, Donna (a nurse), and me were in the smoking room trying to find a channel to watch. My grandma comes in and asked us if it was a joke or prank we were trying to pull on her. We both didn't know what she was talking about. She said that while she was in the TV room she heard the phone being dialed, and it was on intercom. She then told us that it said, "We are sorry, the number you have reached has been disconnected." Donna and me got really spooked. Nanny (grandma) said she got there only seconds after the phone message was over and nobody was there. Plus, the keypad was still lit up. All the residents were asleep in their rooms.

To this day nobody can explain what happened. Donna also said that she felt somebody was watching her all night. Her father died two months before that night. So who knows?

This is a true story. I am not a liar. This was an actual even that made me believe in the supernatural.

Written by Jordan, Copyright 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Death Phone Call

I had a grandma some while back who passed out. So one day I was at my aunts house, and all of a sudden the phone rang. I answered it,and no one answered. About five minutes later,the phone rang again, and yet no answer. At this point I was getting angry.

Five minutes later again it rang, but this time I really wish no one had answered because as I asked who this was the voice on the other end said,"Hi Sweetie, its me your,grandma. Where is your uncle?" So the voice on the end kept asking about my uncle, but my uncle wasn't home, he was in Mexico at the time. But what freaks me out the most is that the voice asked about my uncle, so for some reason we just think that it was a joke.

I Just Though People Would Like To Know.

By NeiNei Johnson, Copyright 2009

Strange Things Happening in My Home

Hello my name is Matthew, OK I'm just gonna get down to the point. Weird things have been happening in my home. I am a 13 year old boy and I live with my mom.

Ever since I moved into this house I have heard the sound of cups being picked up and being put down and I have seen the spirit of a little boy in lumberjack looking like clothes and they looked 18th century. He was blue, and after a few seconds he was gone.

I saw the shadow of hands in my bathroom, they looked like they  were trying to get away from something, I don't know what. And I used to wake up to my name being called by a little girls voice.

My mom has had some strange things happen to her as well. She heard bangs when nobody was in the house but her and the two babies. We have had our phone ring and the caller ID would say unknown and nobody would answer. We used to hear a little girls voice in our woods saying mommy, mommy. We also have seen what looks like a burned down house in our woods. I keep feeling the presence of someone behind me all of the time. Its either beside me or behind me. Especially in showers.

Written by Matthew, Copyright 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Ghost Across The Street

Almost every night I hear a little girl screaming help me help me! I have heard many stories how that could be but then I investigated it and i found out this...

Her dad had the axe out to chop down the tree in the backyard and then when he came in his daughter was acting really bad because she wasnt allowed to jump off of the stairs at her house and she got in trouble for it. So her dad came back from chopping wood for their fireplace in the winter and the girl wouldn't stop crying so the dad got really really mad at her and he held up the axe and threatened her that if she didn't stop crying he was going to kill her. She still wouldn't stop and then the girl started yelling "Help me! Help me!" because he was holding up the axe. Then her mom came home at that time from work and she ran over to her daughter right as the dad held the axe up to her throat. He killed the mom first and then the daughter so the mom wouldn't call the police and then he hid the mom and the daughter in the back yard, but the ghosts remain in the house even 'till this very day! You should be lucky you don't hear the screeching sounds every night!

This is a true story!

Written by Elizabeth, Copyright 2009

Haunted School And The Roving Keys

I came across a tale that every High Schooler would find fascinating - the fact that their school was actually haunted. My school wasn't haunted - but the old Middle school in my aunt's town was. The town built a new middle school and the old one was turned into a community center. My uncle was the big supervisor at the school, only answering to city counsel. When my sister and I went to stay with my aunt and uncle that summer we heard the strangest story, someone was breaking into the middle school finding the useless box of old keys and leaving them everywhere.

My sister and I of course where very interested in this so we went to the center with my uncle. He wasn't lying there where keys up the yin-yang, everywhere not hidden at all, but out in the open. The weirdest thing was that there where no signs of a break in or any broken window or propped open doors, the keys looked like they where just placing themselves on the floor of their own volition. My uncle spent hours sorting the keys one day and the next morning they where thrust together in a huge pile. Normally I would pass this off as a very convincing prank, but you could only find the keys in the part of the school that had been built in the twenties. It was scary. The old auditorium had an eerie presence, and I'm convinced to this day it has it's own key thrusting phantom.

I still go the center every summer, and yes, I keep finding keys.

Written by Mae M.B, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr

Read More School House Ghost Stories ~

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Ghost Called Mister

Hi, our home is only 32 years old, but it has a ghost. We call him Mister. He's not harmful, he plays tricks on some of our family member's. One of our son's is mildly autistic, and one day he went running up the stairs asking his dad who that man was that went up stairs, no one else was home. One night I was laying on the bed watching TV, I told my husband to leave me alone, someone was touching my behind, it wasn't my husband, another time I was I in the shower and someone touched me on my behind, no one else was upstairs.

My brother in law is staying with us, he and his daughter have a room in the basement, he told us at 4:00 am every morning, the light turns on, then slowly dims until it's dark again, we don't have it on a timer, nothing is on a timer. My husband was in the master bathroom and he came downstairs yelling about us opening the door, the boys and I were in the living room and no one else was here. He said someone kept opening and closing the door.

Our animals go goofy on us. We have a pug and she'll look at the stairs or out the bedroom door barking and growling,and she'll take off running like she's chasing someone nothings there. The cats run around like their chasing someone, no one's there. Our beagle was in the laundry room because it was raining and the next morning she had literally tore the dry wall off the walls because she was trying to get away from something in the room, nothing was in there but her. We all seem to get along and we know it's just Mister's way of letting us know he's here. We see his shadow from time to time, he likes the basement and he'll go upstairs sometime's, but he doesn't bother us or try to hurt us.

Sent in by Tere, Copyright 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ghost Feet

Well a year ago I sometimes stayed up late cleaning the house. One night My friend slept over and I told her "I'm so going to see a ghost tonight". So I stayed up cleaning the dishes. Then I heard creaking sounds on the wooden floor, it makes that sound when someone walks along the hall way. Then I turned around for like 5 seconds, trying too see If it was my sister,friend or my older brother. No one was there, my heart started racing, I could feel someone was around me, watching me. Then I went back to doing the dishes, I looked right next to my feet, but just moved my head, then I saw these pair of feet, they were so beautiful, The toe was smaller than the rest. You could see her wearing something like a white gown you wear to bed. They were so clear, no hairs no nothing, one color, it was kinda white though, but the skin was white not like white ghostly like.

I freaked out and jumped on the stove,then I fell on the floor and started crying,the feet were suddenly gone. I ran to the room my sister was sleeping in and started going on my knees and crying to her.

Written by Vanja, Copyright 2009

Church Ghost

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and we have a nearby chapel we go to every week for a meeting. We also have Thursday night activities, for ages 12 and up, at the same building.

I was at one of these activities, and it was winter, so it got dark early. It was 9:00 pm, and everybody had gone, apart from my Dad, and he was locking up the chapel. The chapel is a sort of "L" shape, with doors coming off the main hallway. I was at the top on the corner. All the lights were off, apart from one on the other end of the building, and Dad went down to turn it off.

I stood there, but heard a sort of almost small wind blowing, and felt a draft. I turned to the side, to see a ghost on the opposite end of the building! it was a woman, I think, long and white and misty, but you could see it was definitely a ghost. A few seconds later and it disappeared.

It turns out that lots of people have seen all sorts of ghosts there - children, adults, and sometimes just some wispy figures and orbs etc, and people have felt things brush past them and cold chills.

I think I's quite scary, but still find that the scariest things are haunted or creepy dolls!

By Natalie, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Old Woman Took The Baby

Hello, I'm 14 my name is Brittany, my friends dad told me all the stories I ever posted. I love crap like this.

My dad's friend and his wife were always scared of crib death, which is when a new born baby dies for no reason, anyways they had a baby and put the child in the nursery they had. Well when the baby was two weeks old, the dad was sleeping with his wife a room over, well he wakes up to this noise that sounds like metal beating on metal. He gets up checks the baby, checks the house and goes back to bed. He wakes up two hours later to the same noise, he gets up to check on the baby, he opens the door and sees an old woman in a black dress with frizzy gray hair beating on a spike with a hammer into the baby's heart. The man starts running toward the old lady, when he gets within two feet of her, she disappears. For the rest of the night the baby slept with the dad. When he woke up the next morning the baby's heart had given out just where the spike was driven in.

This is a true story that happened in New Madrid, Mo.

Sent in by Brittany, Copyright 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ghost Cat In Red Bear Inn

My grandma owned the restaurant called The Red Bear Inn. The restaurant was located in Horca. It was not long ago that I encountered a ghostly phenomenon there.

I had to go to work one day and I work in the candy store, it was me and my cousin. We were talking when we heard a scratching noise we thought it may just be a chipmunk. We were wondering if any one of us was making the sound. We weren't so we followed the source of the noise. When we turned a corner we saw what looked like a cat tail turning the corner. We grabbed a box from the store thinking it was just a stray cat that happened to get in.

When we turned the corner we both saw the apparition of a cat. The cat wasn't see through but it at the same time it just looked like a cloud of smoke in the shape of a cat. Me and my cousin couldn't say anything and when it disappeared I thought I was crazy, but she had seen it too. We were speechless.

We ran to go tell someone but no one believed us. So that was my ghostly encounter with a cat that we have no clue how it got there. I still hear it around but I have never seen it again. There are also other ghosts that I have never seen or heard but I know they are there.
This story did happen about 1 year ago or so.

Sent in by Breanna, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr

My House Scares Me

I live in England with my parents but ever since we moved in when I was 5 (I'm now 19) I've been able to see a man on my stairs. It was kinda out of the corner of my eye sort of thing, but since then my brother and my mum have both seen something too. We have gotten used to him now.

For a few years I didn't see him until I was recording something on my PC and when I played it back I could quite clearly hear a male voice. Although I couldn't understand what he was saying it scared me, it was horrible!

About a year later, which was about six months ago, I woke in the night to see a lady in my room looking out of the window. She was dressed like a maid and did not appear to be in colour. I'm looking forward to moving out to University in September.

Written by Annie, Copyright 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I have seen, heard, and been scared out of my own home by ghosts. I have many ghost stories to tell but I will only tell you one at the moment.

I was staying at a really fancy hotel in Seattle, I was visiting my cousin in the hospital. Some of my other cousins were at the same hotel. We all decided to go swimming in the six foot deep pool. I heard a faint groaning sound. I told one of my cousins who also knew that ghosts exist. Just then something pulled on my leg. I kicked at it. Then it grabbed on to my cousin. I knew that my cousin was not the best swimmer. I made sure that my cousin did not go under. The ghost left calling my name. The ghost has been following me, but strangely it can not go into my best friends house (lucky!). One time when I got home from the library in my room I found a note, neatly written was the word "Maranda".

Here are a few facts on me: I shiver and my face gets almost numb when a ghost is around, I do not like being in my house alone (because of the ghosts). I try my best to protect my family and friends from ghosts but they do not listen.

Sent in by Katie O'Dell, Copyright 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Messy Old Lady

One day me and my sister were playing in our room and we were about to go outside when we heard a loud crash in the kitchen. We went to investigate but all we saw were pots and pans every where. We cleaned it up but when we went to play we saw someone looking out the window. It was a black shadow of a lady dressed up. Then out of nowhere she vanished. We were so scared we stayed outside all day until my mom came home.

My mom came in my room and asked me if we were in the living room. We said no, then she asked, are you sure because I saw the rocking chair rocking. For next few weeks we saw her but then we found out an old lady died in the living room.

Now we have to live with her but she makes a mess. Who knows she might be watching me now.

Sent in by Bobby, Copyright 2009

Face On The Wall

In 2001 it was like any other day I was getting ready to go to sleep, I was 6 or 7 at the  time. I was washing my face when I heard my older sister’s scream coming out of the living room. I was terrified it was a burglar because our old house was an easy target. I ran to the living room and saw my sister sitting against the back wall and at the other side of the room on the left top corner there was a face of a woman staring at my sister. It looked like an elderly and small woman with curly hair, she was pale white and her hair was silver, not knowing what to do I turned on the light, after seeing as many ghost stories as I did I thought that was the only thing to do.

When I looked at where the face was, I only noticed a little nail, which was unusual to be in the ceiling, I asked my neighbors and they said on that night, ten years ago an old woman hung herself after loosing her husband. Since then I’m researching ghosts and other phenomenons. Even though I’m still 14.

By Nicole, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.

Ghosts in My Apartment

Alright I live in an apartment with my fiancé and one night we were sitting in the dark just talking, when suddenly we saw the calendar that was on the wall moving. I then took out my boost chirp to get some answers...

I asked it it's name and he replied Andrew Phillips. I asked: Do you need help and I heard another voice which sounded like a little boy saying "hell no". I asked if he was scared to show himself and he said "no". Then I asked if he could show himself. Another unfamiliar male voice answered "We cant". I got closer to the calendar but then the spirit said I need space. I asked it to move the calendar again and it did. I stopped recording and moments later something in the kitchen picked up a bag and played with it. I suppose it was the little boy.

This happened in December of 07. But three weeks ago I went to the bathroom with my fiancé to give my kitten a bath and I heard from which appeared to be from the basement "meow". It was a child's voice. I don't know any history about previous owners who have died in here but I did hear a rumor that a little boy getting hit by a car and dying a couple of inches away from our door step. I have little of stories to tell about these spirits in our apartment.

Tell me what you think.

Written by Crystal Burgos, Copyright 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Unwelcome Guest

I was always fascinated with the paranormal side of life. A true believer, but a coward. This is my first real experience and it is 100% true.

I was at home alone with my oldest cat Haley trying to sleep but with no luck. Haley was already asleep. All of a sudden it went all quiet. It was quite strange because I live in a very noisy street. So I took my phone out to play music than my battery went flat. I put the charger in and the power blacked out. My cat jumped up with her hair all raised and looked at the door. Then we heard a loud cough like a man coughing. My cat jumped up and when I tried to calm her she scratched me and hid under the bed. I got freaked out and covered my head with the blanket.

Finally I gathered the courage to get up and inspect. When I opened the door it felt like being hit by a huge cement block. I fainted and was out for a very long time.

When my sister got home shecalled the ambulance. To this day I don't know what happened that day, but my cat never went in my room again. Please leave comments.

Written by Natasha A Botha, Copyright 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wake Up

When I was younger my family and I moved to the house my dad grew up in. Nothing happened in the beginning, but it all seemed to go down hill when my Grandfather killed himself. My brother (5 years old at the time) started refusing to sleep alone, he would complain of hearing music and he would tell our parents he "seen Papa Gean". He wasn't the only one these things were happening to. We all started hearing footsteps walking down the stairs. My mother would hear doors opening and shutting, and see things walking into rooms, thinking it was us kids she would go look for herself only to find noone there because we were all outside playing. Things just seemed to get worse, my parents fought more and more and eventually my mom divorced my dad. We continued to live in the house with our dad.

One night my dad's friend Dusty was staying over and fell asleep on the couch in the livingroom. He had to get up early for work the next morning and was sleeping soundly until he was all the sudden being shook and he heard a man saying "Dustin, wake up!", nobody calls him Dustin except his parents maybe. Sleep half asleep he thought it was my dad so he sat up and looked around but no one was there. He looked at the clock and it was 3:00 AM. This also happened to another family friend of ours and she swore she saw our Grandfather standing over her when she opened her eyes.

Sent in by Jaclyn, Copyright 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

My Mother's Famous Ghost Sister

My mother was the youngest of eight children, and had siblings 20 to 30 years older than she. They were a very close family, where nieces and nephews were more like siblings due to age differences.

My mother has told me this story several times, and I completely believe her. When she was 13, she saw her oldest sister hovering above her while sleeping. She woke up, saw her sister in white, and heard her sister say, "Don't worry, the boys are coming to live with you; but you will still be loved."

She ran into my grandparent's room, thinking it was a nightmare. They attempted to calm her down, then minutes later received a phone call. My mother's oldest sister and husband had died in a car crash. Their three sons came to live with my mother and grandparents shortly after the accident. I think it was her sister's (Dorothy) way of easing the transition for my mother into accepting a new family. They are all still very close.

Written by Michele, Copyright 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Friendly Ghost Girl

This is the first encounter of a Ghost I have ever had. It took place in a brick building in Livingston, Montana. The building still stands today but it is now a saloon. I was about four or five years old when this happened. I don't remember the ghost but I do remember some things that happened.

Not too long after we moved into our new house I had made a new friend. I do not know exactly what I called her but my mom thinks it was Jennie. Well I would be upstairs and I would play with her and talk to her. I even reserved a spot for her at the table. I would have full conversations with her too. She was like a sister. Soon after I knew her my mom and I were walking in the back yard and we found a little memorial stone. The stone had her name on it. that is when my mom realized that my friend wasn't imaginary but that she was a ghost.

I do not recall anything besides what I have said but recently we visited Livingston and we passed that same house. I stared at it for a while and then I realized, there was a little girl sitting in the window. I knew she wasn't a live person because she had that ghost look. But she gave me a warm feeling inside like when you see someone that you swear that you once knew.

Written by Jasmine, Copyright 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Spirit Of My Brother

My brother died on October 31st of the 2001. Well, for me its was the worst situation in my life. Me and my family were crying because we always remembered when we played soccer and played fun games with him. Until one day I knew he was with me.

I came back from school around 3:00. I was going to my parents home. When I walked in I felt a weird presence in my body, it felt like someone was holding me back. I really couldn't feel nothing in my body when this happened. I had to sleepover my parents house that day. When I was about to go to sleep I saw a dark figure walk right past my room, it really scared me. I screamed and told my parents what happened. When I told them what happened they said, oh my god it was your brother running across the room.

Sent in by William Carcamo, Copyright 2009

Sovereign Hill Ghosts

This is a story that happened to my mother when she was around 10 years old. My mother lived in a large, old house, with four Brothers and one sister. Her and her sister shared a large bedroom. But this bedroom, being so large, had half of a wall separating each half from the other. There was a door on each corner of the room.

One night, my mother and he sister were nearly asleep in bed. A sudden moan woke my mother up. She looked around her room, then noticed a large blob of mist float in through her door. The mist then floated into the middle of the room, where is was visible to both my mother and her sister. The blob then because more focused and detailed, and all of a sudden, the blob was gone, and replacing it was a family of ghosts. The was a father, dressed in a waistcoat and top hat, there was a mother, dressed in a large dress and bonnet, there was a young girl are 9, dressed in a dress and bonnet, and there was a little boy,around two or three, who was dressed in overalls. All of the 'ghosts' were dressed in clothes very similar to the clothes worn in Sovereign Hill, A centre in Ballarat which shows the living and lifestyle of the Olden Days.

The ghosts opened their mouths, trying to say something, but my mother screamed. Her sister was asleep, so she was quiet. When my mothers mother came in through the door in my mothers half of the room, the family of ghosts had just trailed through the other door, on my mothers sisters side of the room.

My mother has regretted screaming, from the night she saw the ghosts, to right this minute, and I'm sure she will still regret it 'till the day she dies. My mother is convinced that the ghosts had something important to say. Written By Eloise, Age 11, AUS. This story is completely true!

Written by Eloise O'Neil, Copyright 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Copy Cat Ghost

I was 19 then at my school it was our last day so we had a farwell party at our school. I went home 6:00 at night then my grandma said your home again? You were here at 5:00 then you left. I didn't, I said, I was at school the whole time. It was an unbelievable thing I wish it would not happen again

By Angela, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.

Haunted Mansion in Kolkata

On 11 May, 2008 I had an encounter with a ghost when I visited my father's native place at Kolkata (INDIA). My family has a mansion there which was built by my great grand father. It was my first trip to that mansion and I was very excited about it.

When I reached that mansion I had a strange feeling there. Once I was relaxing in my bedroom I felt some one standing near me and gazing at me.

This was not the end my father saw a white image through a mirror after this and once my mother felt that someone had pushed her down the stairs but on turning back no one was seen there.

As time passed we got some indications that proved that the spirits were not happy with our presence. Then my father decided to leave the place. After that we never went back to that place.

Written by Ananya, Copyright 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Disappearing Girl At Victoria Park

I was out playing football last week in our local park (Victoria park) and out of the blue a little girl about 6 or 7 years old, walked across the grass where we were playing and took off her jacket and laid it on the grass then sat on it. She constantly stared at us and didn't really move.

The ball later rolled passed her and I ran to get it. As I passed her it felt quite cold and depressed. I ran back past her and passed the ball to my friend, then as I turned to look at her she wasn't there. In the space of about 3 seconds she disappeared.

By "L-rj-t", Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.

The Day I Became A Believer

I was around 10 years old at the time and lived in southwestern Virginia.  It was around Thanksgiving and my aunt called to invite my family to a late breakfast or brunch.  She lived about 45 minutes away in a smaller city.  I overheard my mother speaking with her about her "new" home being haunted.  I thought it was a joke.

Shortly after the phone conversation, we left for my aunt's house.  After arriving at her home, most of us gathered in the kitchen.  My mother and aunt were again discussing the haunting.  Suddenly, a toaster "flew" across the kitchen! It was pushed off the kitchen counter with such force that it landed on the other side of the room.  No one was standing anywhere near the toaster at the time.  The room fell quiet and my aunt smiled and said, "I told you!"  It was no longer a joke and no longer funny to me.  It was the day I became a believer.

By Andre Hobson, Copyright 2009

The Old House in Carrickfergus

A long time ago when I was young I lived in an old house in Carrickfergus. I was in bed and heard noises that sounded liked someone was walking past my door this happened every night since we moved in. At first I thought it might have been the wind or my dog.

A few months after my dog was barking and we heard clattering noises from the kitchen. I went from my bed room and felt a gust of cold air pass me and I woke my parents and told them what I had heard. So my dad took a pole and we walked down the creaky stairs in to the kitchen and found that my dog Guiness was shaking under the kitchen table but no one was there. My dad walked over to the back door and looked out to see if anyone was there then he felt the cold air pass him as if someone has walked past and out the door. Then he closed it again and Guiness stopped shaking and came out from under the table.

After that we never heard or felt anything again. My dad always thought that he had released a ghost from our house. It was thought  that the old couple who lived in the house before us had sadly passed away.


Written by Sonya McCandless

Friday, July 3, 2009

Ghostly Music

One day when I was home alone I was upstairs on the computer right after I played my piano and guitar. I started to hear things from the living room. I was scared as hell going down the stairs. I had noticed that my guitar was not on the arm chair where I left it.

I kept following the sound and than I saw my guitar on one of the couches and heard the guitar strumming harder when I got closer. When I got to the chair the notes just stopped (it didn't die down like the others it stopped in the middle.)Then I got the chill's big time but I saw a figure after the cold spot and to this day I have not went into the room because it is either too cold or it was way too hot.

Sent in by Ryan, Copyright 2009

Horror On Hickory

When I was 12 years old I lived in a house on Hickory and I have never experienced anything like this. One night when I came downstairs to get me a late midnight snack something was coming upstairs and I saw it was just my brother Robert and he just walked past me into the bathroom and he never came out while I was downstairs.

When morning came and I saw my brother I asked him what took him so long to come out of the bathroom last night and my brother told me he was never at home he was over at his friends house. I was in total shock and was scared from then on.

The next night when it was just me and my mother in the house I was walking upstairs and the bathroom door slammed and me being a dummy I walked to the bathroom and opened the door and nobody was in there. As I walked out the bathroom the door slammed almost hitting me in the back because I was kind of still in the doorway. I ran to my room locked my door and I never used the bathroom upstairs always using the bathroom downstairs.

When my mother encountered something scary in the house we moved in the end of 2007 and we never looked back.

Sent in by Roya, Copyright 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Truth About Grandpa

It was 2007 when me and my family had made a visit to Bangladesh which we do every two years. I was sitting down, reading a book when a man I had never seen before in my life comes sits next to me. He claimed he knew me since I was a little kid but I didn't believe it because a lot of beggars do that to get money out of you over there. He asked me if I remembered him and I said no, he told me he knows everything about me like where I live and stuff. My dad had stepped into room. I told my dad in English to tell the man to go away, my dad looked at me suspiciously and said what man? I turned only to see that the man was gone.

Five weeks had gone since I last seen the mysterious man. We had two days left until we get back to England. My granddad had been awfully quiet since we arrived here. Usually he would go over the moon when he sees us but this time it was different, he was different.

It was time for us to go. My body felt like it had been left in a freezer for five days even though it was boiling outside. My granddad was praying and we were out the door. The mysterious man had shown up. He asked me if I don't really remember him. I said no but then he started to cry as though he lost an arm. He then said to me that I was the only one who knew the truth. I then said what truth, he told me that the man who had claimed to be my grandfather was an imposter and killed my granddad two years before I was born. He told me how I should've remembered him.

He told me that when I was six I came here. Mom said I had an imaginary friend back then. He told me that he was the imaginary friend and that he told me the truth so that I can tell everyone.

I had come back to England but I didn't tell anyone anything because I didn't want to look crazy. I know what they should know but this knowledge dies with me.

Written by Abu Fateh, Copyright 2009

Shadow Demon

It's like this. I don't remember the first time I saw it but it wasn't just in one place, this thing has followed me. It wanted to possess me I think, or I'm pretty sure. I don't think it was a human sprit. A demon of some sort that felt I could possibly be a good host to invade.

A tall dark shadow resembling the shape of a man in a hooded sweat shirt. No face just a black shadow. This figure would only come at night, and would not make it's self apparent unless the lights were very dim or completely off.

The first time I remember seeing it though I'm sure I had seen it before was at a house I owned on the south side of St. Louis. I was on the couch trying to sleep and it kept watching me. I feel it was not a nice whatever it was. There were other times after that. It seemed like the more I would abuse my body and do harm upon others the more it would appear.

Eventually my wife, the kids, and I  moved from that house to Wilwood Missouri. I got worse, my wife was pregnant with my third daughter, and I would go to the city disappearing for days sometimes weeks at a time. Finally I came back home. I laid on the couch lights off, but the kitchen light was on. There it was, it's presence stronger then ever. Quickly it sat on top of me. I could hardly breath. I was paralyzed, I couldn't move, couldn't scream, nothing but a squeaky murmur. It felt like this thing was entering through my chest. My wife heard the murmur, came in turned on the lights and it disappeared.

Since then I have been divorced from my wife. Slowly but surely since I began to make better life decisions. I don't bring intentional harm upon others and I treat my body with much more respect. I also now have a closer relationship with god. I did see the spirit one time after the incident when it tried to enter my body, but it was just watching me. I told it to go away and I began to try harder to be a better person.

Written by Zachary Bluestein, Copyright 2009