Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Shadow Demon

It's like this. I don't remember the first time I saw it but it wasn't just in one place, this thing has followed me. It wanted to possess me I think, or I'm pretty sure. I don't think it was a human sprit. A demon of some sort that felt I could possibly be a good host to invade.

A tall dark shadow resembling the shape of a man in a hooded sweat shirt. No face just a black shadow. This figure would only come at night, and would not make it's self apparent unless the lights were very dim or completely off.

The first time I remember seeing it though I'm sure I had seen it before was at a house I owned on the south side of St. Louis. I was on the couch trying to sleep and it kept watching me. I feel it was not a nice whatever it was. There were other times after that. It seemed like the more I would abuse my body and do harm upon others the more it would appear.

Eventually my wife, the kids, and I  moved from that house to Wilwood Missouri. I got worse, my wife was pregnant with my third daughter, and I would go to the city disappearing for days sometimes weeks at a time. Finally I came back home. I laid on the couch lights off, but the kitchen light was on. There it was, it's presence stronger then ever. Quickly it sat on top of me. I could hardly breath. I was paralyzed, I couldn't move, couldn't scream, nothing but a squeaky murmur. It felt like this thing was entering through my chest. My wife heard the murmur, came in turned on the lights and it disappeared.

Since then I have been divorced from my wife. Slowly but surely since I began to make better life decisions. I don't bring intentional harm upon others and I treat my body with much more respect. I also now have a closer relationship with god. I did see the spirit one time after the incident when it tried to enter my body, but it was just watching me. I told it to go away and I began to try harder to be a better person.

Written by Zachary Bluestein, Copyright 2009


  1. I've seen something like that too but i would see it in my mind.... could sense it, but since I was a child I would play ouija boards and would look for proof of something else....
    I know it feeds off negative energy, but also opening the door to them is the same....
    I can just think of him and he will appear close in my mind and I have been posessed by it before... my friends remember the smile that is not mine... the stare... when they posess you i find they wanna look into someones eyes. as if it's their way in....

  2. Honestly, Im A Believer. And Everything You Have Written Above My Comment Is So Much Alike To My Story! Ever Since I Can Remember Ive Been Able To See Spirits, And Sense Other Peoples "Emotions", I Guess. I Have Had Several Encounters With This Thing. Im Not Exactly Sure What It Is. But Its Blacker Than Black. No Features. Just A Tall Black Figure, That I Can Sense To Be A Male. Ive Had Guests Visit My Home, And Not Return, Because They Are So Frightened At Night. I Have Not Preformed Any Wicca? Or Whatever. But.. The Worst Case Was When I Was Asleep, In My Bed, & The Dream I Was Dreaming, It Felt As If Someone Was Trying To Talk To Me. It Was Just.. Noise? And It Kept Growing Louder, And Louder. My Ears Were Ringing. And I Know For Sure That I Wouldnt Have Awoke If It Hadnt Of Slapped Me Across The Right Cheek. I Could Actually Feel The Warmth Coming Off Of It. It Hit Me THAT Hard. It Was Stinging. As I Was Laying There, I Felt Someone Staring At Me. Im Laying In A Dark Room. So Scared, I Was Hypervenilating. Literally. I Couldnt Move. I Was Frozen. Then I Felt The Bed Supress Under Its Weight Starting From The Left Corner Of The Bed. It Was Soon On Top Of ME, And I Couldnt Scream. Make Any Noise What So Ever. After An Hour Or So.. I Begin To Scream For My Older Sister, It Was As If No One Heard Me?! I Dont Know. But, I Cant Wait To Turn 18. I Want Out Of Here. :( Lol

  3. Im sorry to hear about u and ur wife. My name is Eliud and i am eight-teen. I believe every single word you have said. Thing is, i have the same thing happening to me. Only difference is that it's not trying to posses me, it just likes to mess with my head. Once in a while "he" pops out of nowhere and decides to pay a visit when im alone and it complete darkness, or with little light. "he" is just like a human, only a complete shadow, physically, only difference with that is "his" face. A wicked smile and dark dark eyes. that's all i remember. so you guys aren't the only ones that have delt with a "shadow demon"
