Okay my story is this; I woke up one morning completely unable to move. I was laying on my right side facing the wall. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I could hear like a growling sound behind me and it kept growing louder and louder. I could move my eyes but it wasn't much help. Then there was a big pressure on me. It felt like I was sinking into my bed. I was paralyzed forty five seconds then I could move. I was literally freaking out. I was hyperventilating like crazy. That was the most terrifying experience in my life to date and I'm only 16.
By William, Copyright 2009 Willard E. Hughes Jr.
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This is creepy! Almost the very same thing happened to me 2 months ago. I was in bed sleeping. All the sudden it felt like something covered my body. I could not breathe or move. I tried to scream but the only noise I made was groans. My boyfreind woke up to my muffled screaming. At this time I realized I was not asleep. He yelled my name, but I could not move. The second his hand touched my shoulder. I was free of my paralysis. I no longer felt the weight in my body and I could breathe. I am still scared that this will happen again. So far I have not had any more experiences like this.