Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Shadow Man With a Red Face

I was asleep on my couch the TV was on and it was approximately 10 - 12:00 PM. I was about to get up and turn off the TV when I saw a black figure a man with a red face standing by the couch. I could hear its inhaling and exhaling.

I fell asleep an hour later after cowering in fear under the covers, but when I woke up the TV was off and I was alone. I looked up and the figure was closer. I screamed but nothing but air came out, so I hid for hours, but this feeling of exhaustion over powered me forcing me to sleep. At 6:00 AM I woke and the figure was still there but farther away and the TV was back on. I heard my mom come down the stairs, and the figure was gone. Since them I've always felt a presence in my home.

Sent in by Abbey, Copyright 2011

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