Friday, December 10, 2010

Horrifying Dreams and Demonic Influence

It was back in April of this year when all of it started. (I'm 15 years old.) It began with the dreams. They were really strange, horrifying, and oddly realistic. Most of them had to do with demons or weird religious stuff. For example, in one of them, Satan was forcing me to eat copy paper. Another involved these weird wolf creatures chasing me through an airport and trying to put my mom into a trance. I had at least one nightmare most nights (and I still do). One day, I decided to tell my mom about the dreams, because they were really bothering me and I felt like I had to tell someone. We were in the car. When I began to tell her about the dreams, I started feeling really strange. I couldn't remember where I was, and I got the feeling that I was going out of my body.

To this day, my mom and I don't like to talk about it. As I write this, I feel shaky. I don't know what's wrong and I don't know how to make the dreams stop. Maybe I'm meant to be haunted by mean spirits forever...

Sent in by Raindrop, Copyright 2010

More about Dreams and Dreaming:

Why Do We Dream?

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