So, I know this story title is corny, but this is a 100% true story. One day, me and my friend Dara were at my house. My grandma was sleeping, so we were basically home alone. We were hanging out in my room, when suddenly we heard what sounded like a baby crying. "That's probably my little brother Ezra." I said. "Wait. Ezra is not here." Then, we both heard whispering. And we stared freaking out. I bolted of the bed and shut the door and locked it. Then jumped back onto the bed. So we grabbed the nearest "weapons" we could find. ( A plastic baseball bat - Dara and a Barbie Magic Pegasus baton - me.) We slowly crept out of my room and into my empty dads room. No one there. We did the same thing all over the house.No one.But as we walked,we heard footsteps. We (me and Dara) think this spirit might have been Bloody Mary, she is known to be a mother.
Also one time in my basement, we were talking about Bloody Mary and the door opened by its self. Then the lights went off. So please comment with advice and theories.
Sent in by Bella, Copyright 2010
More about Bloody Mary!
Bloody Mary the Truth and the Legends
Hey guys! this is my story and it was very scary at the time, so comment and give advice please!