Friday, December 10, 2010

Demons in Our House?

My step-daughter is 15 and her best friend is 15 as well. Her best friend and her sister are staying with us right now because their mom was in an accident.

My step-daughter and her friend have been seeing something that is completely black with red eyes and it seems to be coming out of this one bedroom. The door to that room will swing open quickly and unexpectedly and it is really cold in there.

I keep trying to tell them that it is because we live in a really old house and that the draft will swing the door open.  However, the other morning I was asleep and I woke up to someone stomping through the house. The only problem was no one was there. I even called for my husband and went and checked all the doors and no one was there.

My step-daughter and her friend are very scared and I am starting to get that way as well. Can someone help us?

Sent in by Amy, Copyright 2010

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