Saturday, September 4, 2010

It Sat on My Chest and Held Me Down!

Hi, my name is Chance and something happened to me I will never forget. I started doing a little research and its starting to make sense.

I was sleeping on my back with my arms laid out and I woke up to this weird noise. I'm trying to explain it the best I can. It sounded like "WWEEEEEEEEEEEE" then there was a pop noise like your ear popping. Right after the pop something was on top of me sitting on my chest. It was also holding my arms down. I could not breathe and could barely move. My brother was in the room beside me and I tried to scream but nothing would come out. It was dark and I could not see anything. What ever is was, was very strong. I am 230 pounds and am not weak. I thought I was going to pass out cause I couldn't breathe. I got one of my arms free and reached up and I grabbed some hair. It was long greasy hair and I twisted it and pulled whatever it was off of me. When it came off, I heard the pop noise again and it was gone.

Everything I have said here is true. I was wide awake through the whole thing just as awake as I am now typing this. IT WAS REAL! I don't even want to go to bed cause I don't ever want to go through that ever again.

Sent in by Chance, Copyright 2010


  1. It sounds like a sleep paralysis experience...all except the feeling of a greasy haired creature part. Research sleep paralysis and the "old hag" I think it's called. There have been lots of similiar experiences by others out there. I've had what I can best describe as a sleep paralysis experience, where I woke up and heard a loud humming noise and felt this force field surrounding my upper body (although I don't think I could have moved my legs and feet either, even if I wanted to). No pressure per say, but just an intense hovering energy. I was really scared and didn't want to open my eyes for fear that I would see an entity or something. All at once I got the courage to open my eyes and the feeling went away. I may have seen a black mass for mere seconds, but it could have been my eyes adjusting to the low light in the room. There is a scientific explanation about sleep paralysis--which has to do with disruption of your sleep patterns. I suggest you research it to put your mind at ease that you aren't alone and don't have to fear whatever it was. I have never had my experience since and it's been about a year ago now. Hope you find peace. Personally, when I feel intense fear surrounding me, I pray.

  2. i did not do this one before

  3. sounds scary happened to me also. I had an OBE. heard buzzing noise like yours. but I saw no entity. I was terrified.
