Friday, September 10, 2010

Could a Relative be a Warlock?

I have a relative who is up in age, always claiming to be broke, does nothing to help himself, and yet is receiving all kinds of gifts and benefits from those he talks to (relatives, neighbors, friends). From what I have been reading, there is a Law of Attraction which says you are what you think about.

Since he's always talking about how bad his situation is all the time, yet raking up all kinds of freebies, while I have to struggle and pay for everything I get, could he be using some kind of power to manipulate people? Every time I talk to him, I always have to have something expensive repaired, which costs me money.

He seems to live a simple life; I've never seen any books on magic or witchcraft lying about, but something really seems strange here. He even goes to church regularly.

Am I just imagining things, or could he be doing something which I don't understand? Am I jealous?  Your opinion would be appreciated.

Sent in by Pat, Copyright 2010

1 comment:

  1. If he goes to church all the time, chances are he's crying "help" and church goers tend to help their memebers....I knew one lady who needed a car, her pastor called around until he found one to have donated to BS....I also was doing volunteer work at a food bank, and a church person there was calling around trying to find a plumber to go fix an issue a poor family was having, but could not afford to fix.

    As to bad luck after you are around him, his negativity could, in fact, be rubbing off on you.
