It was a regular evening, I had just taken my contacts out when I heard a high pitched scream. I just thought it was my younger brother who screams like a girl. For some reason on that particular night I could not fall asleep. I just kinda watched the minutes go by. I watched the clock for what seemed like an eternity. Then at 3:30 just as I was gonna get up to get a cold refreshing drink of water my back door in my room opens and a black hooded figure entered. The feeling in the room was unbearable.
The figure just stood there, paralyzed by fear I looked directly into its deep red eyes it felt like his eyes were needles feeding on my soul. After his eyes met mine I felt as if I was he was breathing the breath out of me. The creature starts to move towards me and I started to pray but when I did it felt like the creature had taken a knife to my back. I sat up and started to speak in gibberish and then the creature turned back but all of a sudden he came at me with incredible force so I shut my eyes and then I felt as something impure was in my soul. I still cant figure out what that impurity is and till this day it haunts me. I have never told anyone this story so you are the first to read.
Anonymous, Copyright 2010
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