Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Possible to Hear EVP Without Recording Device?

Is it possible to hear EVP's without a recording device? For instance on several occasions I have been in my bathroom, showering with the exhaust fan running. I suddenly hear what sounds like someone playing a flute. I have also heard people having a conversation this way also but I could not comprehend the words.

At night my wife and I run a sound machine with a waterfall sound. I have awakened to music and voices. If I turn the machine off it goes away.

Night before last I had to make a visit to the bathroom and as I returned back to my bedroom I saw a very tiny white light that suddenly expanded as if exploding. Resembled a tiny flashbulb. It also made a popping noise.

Several minutes later as I am trying to get back to sleep I hear a hissing noise. Rather like a radio out of tune. I then hear my name called only it resembles the snake voice on many movies. It was very distinct but quiet as if whispered. When I responded with "hello", it said "Hi". I was both dumbfounded and amused as I expected something very spectacular to be said. I almost laughed but then the hissing went away and nothing more was said. Maybe I offended him. Oh yes, it was a deep male voice.

Any thoughts or info on my question would be appreciated!

Sent in by Raymond Kerby, Copyright 2010

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