I don't believe this story even though it happened to me. I was young, a nobody, a person that was laughed upon by his peers, at work the people wouldn't take me seriously. I would return home, which I had been living in for about six months as the house had been in the family for years.
One night in June, something strange happened, at night roughly 12:15 I heard a strange noise coming from the other side of the room. An old picture of my family from 1890 showing a christening of one of the younger members who was my great, great uncle who passed away at age four.
This continued for weeks on end. My wife, also skeptical, believed there was a draft coming from the outside, and causing the picture to move. At this time my wife was also heavily pregnant with my first son Laurence.
The night before my wife gave birth to my son I heard some strange noises coming from downstairs, I went downstairs and the room was a mess, like someone had knocked everything over, everything was a mess on the floor, I blamed it on the cat.
A few weeks later my son came home after being stricken ill in the hospital. One night I awoke to hear a noise coming from the nursery. I went in to find everything a mess like the kitchen except for the cot which was perfectly fine. My wife, scared, left me as she couldn't handle the stress, since then she never returned to the house since then the trouble has stopped but there is a presence that I cannot explain.
Sent in by Robert Farrell, Copyright 2010
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