I don't really believe in ghosts, but still I'm interested. I Do believe in demons, though. Here's my short story.
About a year ago (2008) I was sitting in my living room, alone, when I distinctly heard a male voice call my name. It came from the kitchen area. Nobody was there.
Some months later, once again in the living room, I felt three hard taps on my shoulder. My daughter was in the room but nobody was behind me.
Finally, a few months after the last incident, I was sleeping and in my sleep felt an ominous presence leaning over me. It probably was a dream but I don't know that for sure. I tried to scream but couldn't. I woke up and still tried to scream but could only squeeze out small sounds.
At last, after what seemed like an hour but was only a minute, I managed to call out my husband's name. He came from another room. He told me he heard me making noise and then me calling him. Nobody else was in the house. This still has me spooked.
Sent in by Sally, Copyright 2009
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