Hi, I'm not sure if this qualifies as a "ghost" story but it has me a bit baffled. Last week my cat, whom I have had since I was 8 (20 years almost) had to be put to sleep due to ongoing kidney failure and dehydration. It was a really traumatic thing which left me pretty upset, more than I had even expected. Throughout his life up to the age of about 14, he had been a ruthless hunter and killer,picking off birds, rodents, giant fish, even attacking Dobermans and German Shepherds that dared to roam the street. He had a particular habit of killing or maiming birds and leaving them on the doorstep on a regular basis. The one I remember most vividly was when I caught him as he pounced on a dove, we managed to pry his jaws open and save the bird. After this, he contracted feline aids from a cat fight and had to be kept indoors, which ended his fun.
To my story:
The day after he passed, I awoke from a pretty restless sleep and to clear my head, I thought I'd go for a run. On the way out of the house I saw a dove walking around our front yard, which is small (I have a villa). We often have doves and nests in our yard but when we go out there, they fly off immediately. This one continued to walk around, and when I went to it, tried to fly but failed. I thought I would see how it went, and went for my run. I was still there on return, so I caught it carefully in a towel and took it to my backyard, which is sealed in with shadecloth, so it would be safe, then took it to the local vets. At this stage I thought nothing of it, only that it was rare to have a bird turn up injured at our place.
What got me was what happened next.... The next morning I phoned my mum, who was also really close to this cat (we were like his mum and dad, my dad hated it most of the time). She was at work, and had arrived to find a blue budgie walking around on the mat outside her office door. This is a fairly public place and not the kind of place you would expect a lost budgie to take refuge.
Since I found out about this I have had a strange sense of calm about his death, almost like he has sent the birds to say "I'm OK." I'm still not sure if it is just an impossible coincidence or the work of another realm? I am normally a scientifically minded person who would dismiss this but it has got me a bit spooked....
So its not a ghost story as such, but I would appreciate other people's comments or ideas or if anyone has had anything similar happen.
Sent in by Neil Drouet, Copyright 2009
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