Some background information to help you understand this is, in one point in time, I had a sister. Her name was Sara, she was born January 27,1986, the day after our father's birthday. She died two years later. Our father then divorced her mother, and married mine. He adopted her two sons and one daughter. Then my mother gave birth to my brother, and then to me two years later. I was born in 1995, yet I have had a few experiences with her.
Sometimes Sara taps on my door, sometimes she influences my dreams, and I dream about her. One nightmare was horrible. In the dream, she had my mother push me into a dark shed, she locked me in there with a rabid Golden Retriever. I knew the shed was haunted and that I would be cursed if I wasn't lucky. I was lucky enough, that something in the shed frightened the dog, and made it curl up beside me, and want to protect me. Yet, I was frightened because I could feel the hatred of the entity sharing the shed with me.
No matter how hard I pounded on the shed door, it would not open. Then I heard a young child's laughter. It was pitch black in the shed, and suddenly, I heard the latch of the door unlock, and the door opened. I thought I had been lucky, I hadn't been cursed... or so I thought.
I saw her, long black hair starting to thin out and turn gray, flesh missing from her face, no eyes, a long cream colored dress with blue flowers on them, worn and tattered. I knew I hadn't escaped, and she followed me around for the rest of the dream. I then woke up, paralyzed by fear. I saw her at the edge of my bed, swinging her feet and singing to me. I couldn't move. She then watched me, and a grin spread across her face. Then she said, "We'll be watching you." and I fell asleep again.
Written by Lydia, Copyright 2009
Did you verify with your father if it was truly your sister sarah?