This story started when my friend Brenda and her daughter said they were having problems with a bad spirit in their small two bedroom apartment. They told me of a half man and half animal spirit they seen in the hall way. Sometimes the figure would be a man dressed all in black with a top hat on.
We went out one night and left her daughter at my house so she was safe. In Brenda's living room was a love seat with a full seat cushion on it and we flattened it out smooth, locked up and left for a few hours.
When we returned there was a butt print on the love seat. Brenda's daughter said she could feel the spirit on the end of her bed at night sitting down. We looked through the family pictures and found a picture of her parents in front of a farm house holding Brenda's oldest son in their arms. In the background were other shapes, the man they have been seeing in their apartment and a lady dressed in black standing right beside him, a baby with a snake mouth, a dead man with his arms crossed by the base of the house, a devil skull with many bones in the face and it had horns.
We took the picture to a priest and he told us to burn it right away, so we did. Brenda and her daughter moved out at the end of that month. I don't know if the spirit is still there or not.
This is a true story I was too scared to keep a copy of the picture in case it came into my home. This picture was so scary.
By Cindy Hinsburg, Copyright 2009
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