Sunday, May 31, 2009

Alley The Wanderer

This is a true story: One month after Alley, our alley cat died, a mysterious cat appeared in our house. Of course, it wasn't actually a cat, we think it was a ghost.

See, Alley couldn't put her claws in. They we're permanently extended. Anyway, mysterious ticking sounded off in the kitchen, identical to her claws on the floor.

Finally, I got tired of seeing her shadows appear around the corner, and decided to do whatever I could to let her go. So, I found a letter I had written to my pets when I was younger, and found the part I had dedicated to her. So, I read, re-read and read again, until I had it memorized.
I never did see her again, and now I sometimes wish I had never let her go. But, was it really her?

Sent in by Emily, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr

The Ghost Of My Sister Sara

Some background information to help you understand this is, in one point in time, I had a sister. Her name was Sara, she was born January 27,1986, the day after our father's birthday. She died two years later. Our father then divorced her mother, and married mine. He adopted her two sons and one daughter. Then my mother gave birth to my brother, and then to me two years later. I was born in 1995, yet I have had a few experiences with her.

Sometimes Sara taps on my door, sometimes she influences my dreams, and I dream about her. One nightmare was horrible. In the dream, she had my mother push me into a dark shed, she locked me in there with a rabid Golden Retriever. I knew the shed was haunted and that I would be cursed if I wasn't lucky. I was lucky enough, that something in the shed frightened the dog, and made it curl up beside me, and want to protect me. Yet, I was frightened because I could feel the hatred of the entity sharing the shed with me.

No matter how hard I pounded on the shed door, it would not open. Then I heard a young child's laughter. It was pitch black in the shed, and suddenly, I heard the latch of the door unlock, and the door opened. I thought I had been lucky, I hadn't been cursed... or so I thought.

I saw her, long black hair starting to thin out and turn gray, flesh missing from her face, no eyes, a long cream colored dress with blue flowers on them, worn and tattered. I knew I hadn't escaped, and she followed me around for the rest of the dream. I then woke up, paralyzed by fear. I saw her at the edge of my bed, swinging her feet and singing to me. I couldn't move. She then watched me, and a grin spread across her face. Then she said, "We'll be watching you." and I fell asleep again.

Written by Lydia, Copyright 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Goodbye Granddad

My bedroom is near the stairs in my house. When I was 7 I was lying in bed still awake at 3 am. I was just lying there and I heard a noise as if someone was coming upstairs. I went to my sister and mum and dad's room but they were all fast asleep. I stood at the top of my stairs and I saw what looked like my elderly Granddad looking up at me from the bottom of the stairs. I went beck to bed and tried to ignore it.

The next day my Grandma phoned to say that my Granddad had died in the night and she seemed really upset.

I don't know what happened that night but I do know that the ghostly figure at the bottom of the stairs was definitely my dead Granddad.

Sent in by Daisy, Copyright 2009

A Visit From Dad

I strongly believe in the paranormal. I've always enjoyed reading other people's stories and experiences. My experience happened two years after my father died. He died in 1991 from lung cancer. I didn't get to see him while he was in the hospital but spoke to him just about everyday and I always ended the conversation with "I love you Dad."

Anyway, I had the oddest dream which I believe it wasn't a dream at all. I was walking down the hallway in our apartment and when I passed the living room I saw someone sitting in the chair. I walked back to the living room and my Dad was sitting in the chair! I was able to see and hear him so clearly. I remember he was wearing his brown pants, white socks, black shoes, white tee shirt with the pocket on the left breast (where he used to keep his pack of cigarettes).

I said to him " Dad, you're dead". He put his arms around me and said I know. I just wanted to let you know that I'm ok. He smiled and then he was gone. My Dad still visits me and know that he is watching over me.

Sent in by Robbi, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr

Friday, May 29, 2009

Ghost Dog IN BC

I have had a few experiences with ghosts. Here is one of them.

I moved into a very old house in Surrey BC. Right after I moved in I noticed that when the house was quiet and I was sitting in my computer room I could hear a dog panting. Since I had six dogs and three cats I didn't think too much of it.

One evening the panting had been going on for quite awhile and was starting to annoy me. I said "if your that hot go outside." As I said this I turned around to see who was doing all the panting and realized there were no dogs in the room with me. I looked outside and saw all six dogs and the cats in the yard.

I started working on the computer again and the panting started. I then said "if you are Tubear your pups are ok, I'm looking after them." Tubear had been the mother of the dogs I had, she had been dead for about three years, if you are not Tubear but someone who lived in the house before I came I don't mind sharing this home with you but I don't want to hear or see you. You are scaring me. The panting stopped and I never heard it again even though I lived in that house for more than a year afterwards.

I believe a ghost dog was living in that particular room. Having had dogs all my life I am familiar with the sound a dog makes when it is panting. I know that is the sound I kept hearing even when my dogs were nowhere near. I am not sure if it left after I spoke to it or if it respected my wishes and was quiet. I am not even sure if it was one of my dogs who had passed on or if it was a dog whose home this was long before I moved in.

Writeen by Marg Melnick, Copyright 2008

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Grimripper

When I was little I asked my grandma about her grand ma how she was she told me she was the best she had fun with her then she started to cry I asked her what was wrong that's when she told me that her grandma seen the grimripper. This is what she said that happened:

My grandma was going to the bathroom late at night this happened in Mexico so when she was done using the bathroom she started to walk to her house when suddenly she heard something behind her she turned around and there he/she was the grimripper. The grimripper was moving it's hands like saying come here my grandmas grandma just stared at the ripper she started to run to her house.

The next morning she was really sick she was vomiting and coughing out blood she told the family what had happened then an hour or two she died. Our family though that it was her time that's why the grimripper called her. That's all she managed to tell me I never asked her again so she wouldn't cry again and make her remember those memories.

Sent in by Teofilo, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Dog Is Seeing Ghosts

My dog Hiba a female rottweiler sees things that I can't. Every morning my mom takes her for a walk in the park which is right across the street. It use to be the county zoo it's a huge park! My mom and me enjoy walking there but my dog on the other hand doesn't.

One morning my mom was walking Hiba by the pool when all of the sudden she wouldn't move. It was like she knew something was going to happen. She ran around in circles. I knew something was up because a few summers ago a young man drown in the pool. The pool was gated and him and his friends were just looking to have fun. Unfortunately it was at night and he didn't know how to swim. I think that she saw him or something.

Now Hiba isn't a calm dog she is very tense. Sometimes I catch her barking at various parts of the living room. It scares me! I love her but she is starting to freak me out. Since my mom told me that story I haven't really been able to walk in the park.

Sent in by Trina, Copyright 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Hospital Ghost

A couple of years ago my dad got very sick and went to the hospital. There, as I was sitting in the waiting room for information, a man sat next to me. I was bored so I started talking to him. He asked why I was here. I told him my dad had gotten sick. When I asked him why he was there he said his wife had had a very bad illness and hopefully she would get better.

My parents had just split up. So my dad and I were looking for a house. He said he was selling his house for a very good price and when my dad got better we could go check it out, he also told me his name was Jose.

About three months later my dad was better and I had already told him about the house. We went to Jose's house. We knocked on the door and a lady opened the door. We told her that her husband Jose had told us about three months ago that they were selling their house. She said we were crazy, her husband had passed away five years ago!

My dad and I never went to the same hospital ever since.

Sent in by Amalia, Copyright 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Little Girl On My Stairs

When I was five, I was walking up my staircase to my room. When I was about half way up the stairs, I saw a little girl standing in front of me! She was staring right into my eyes! I didn't know what to think, or do, so I went back down the stairs to the kitchen where my mom was. I told her about it, and told her to come see the little girl. She did, but when we got there, she was gone! I was not very scared, so I went up to my room.

My mom did believe that I saw the girl. Since than, I have not seen that little girl, and I don't know who she was. My house was new when we moved in a couple years before that, so maybe something happened on the land. Who knows!

Written by Adam, Copyright 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Military Man Ghost

When I was little, before I even knew about ghosts, I was getting a drink of water from the kitchen. As I was leaving to go to bed, I noticed a man in the living room.

We didn't have any guests and my parents were already in bed. He was just standing there, looking at me. His clothes were navy blue and looked like some sort of military uniform. His jacket had little decorations on it and he was wearing some sort of white hat. What was weird though, was that his legs, as I looked down, faded away. For some reason, I wasn't scared. I just went to my room and got into bed.

Also, what was weird about our room is that when my sister and I walked in with our eyes shut, we saw cat eyes. Even when we and our friends spun each other around and led each other to different rooms, we always saw cat eyes in our bedroom.

Sent in by Anonymous, Copyright 2009

Cat Reaper

Well it starts off from when I got home from school. I walked to my porch and heard a cats meow. I looked around and 45 feet above me in a tree was my neighbors cat. That cat stayed up there for six days because nobody could reach him and the fire department, police, nor animal control would come to get the cat. Our landlord, who hates cats, got a buddy to shoot the cat out of the tree.

A few days later I woke up in the night to hear cats fighting. I ran outside to see a group of cats hissing at the tree. I then heard what sounded like a cats meow, thinking it was the other cats I looked away. I went back inside then heard the cats fighting again. I looked in the tree and saw a black cat with white spots up in a tree, it looked just like my neighbors cat.

A week later my landlord went to the hospital because he got severe scratches what doctors claim look like cat scratches. He to heard the cats hissing and when he went to see what was going on the ghost cat attacked him. The ghost cat leaves everyone alone now but sometimes at night if you listen and look you hear and see him.

This tree is right in my backyard. I see this cat all the time and its been this way for seven years. I'll sometimes look out my window and see his glowing bright eyes but when I turn the lights on or have a group of people with me he disappears.

Sent in by Kendall Morehouse, Copyright 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ghost Girl And The Porcelain Dolls

Hi my name is Ashley and I am 14 now and I was 6 years old at the time when I saw my first ghost. Well it was around 7 am and I sat up from my bed and I saw a girl looking at my porcelain dolls. She had goldfish blond hair and I did not really see her body so I thought it was because I was still sleeping.

My heart was still pounding though I thought it might be my sister Courtney. I turned my head to see if she was in her bed and she was, all of my family were asleep, so I got up and ran out of there as fast as I could. I have never been able to even look at a porcelain doll!

That was only the first time I saw a ghost.

Written by Ashley, Copyright 2009

I Saw My Step-Dad's Ghost

It was about a few weeks after my step-dad committed suicide, and we had went to his viewing. I was 18 at the time. I was laying in my bed, with my bedroom door wide open and I could see the street light shining in from the front door in through the hallway and slightly into my bedroom. I was laying on my back and I glanced over to my right, and standing in my door way was my step-dad. Just standing there, looking over towards me. He didn't speak or move. I shut my eyes and started crying, and  when I opened them, he was gone.

See, I was upset and worried about him and wondering if he was ok, because his parents had to cremate him, when for as long as I knew, he never wanted to be cremated. So I guess he showed himself telling me he was ok. So was it really him or a dream?

Written by Tina Halcom, Copyright 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

That Night With The Dog

One night at like 3:00 am I was watching movies. I couldn't sleep and everyone else was asleep. All of a sudden I hear a loud dog bark and a sudden rush of coldness goes through me. I looked out the window and nothing was there, but it sounded so close.

So I go back to watching my movie when the dog barks louder! I jump up and look out the window. There was a big, black dog with red eyes walking side to side in my back yard, staring at me. Normally I'm okay with ghosts and things like this cause well, my house is haunted. [I believe every house is] so I grab a knife and open the door slowly, yes I know bad idea but, I'm a curious person.

Anyway, I walked outside slowly and the dog barks and growls at me. Surprisingly, nobody wakes up to this dog! The dog looks at me and lays down, belly up. I smile a little and keep a few feet between us. All of the sudden the dog jumps up growling at me! It stands on its hind legs and snarls! It stood like a human!

I quickly went back inside and locked the door and the "dog" ran up to the window. I looked away as it scratched on the window, barking and growling. When I looked out the window again it was gone! I ran outside and checked everywhere. It was plain gone, no traces, no footprints, no nothing.

Sent in by Savannah, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr

The Ghost Farmer That Shocked Me

As my story goes it was dark out and my auntie was doing my hair. She forgot the hairspray so I said I would go down to her room and get it. As I walked into the room I switched the light switch but the light would not come on. So I left the door open and a little bit of light shone in from the hall. I opened the wardrobe to get the hairspray and something caught the corner of my eye. I turned around and the bed was facing me. The covers of the bed flipped over as if someone was getting out of the bed I dropped the bottle of hairspray.

A man with wellies, raggedy jeans and a farmer cap... he looked down on me. I tried to run but I couldn't and I tried to call for help but I couldn't speak. I slowly walked out of the room, shocked at what I saw. I walked up to the sitting room were everyone was and I burst out in tears with what had happened.

Everyone came with me down to the room, I was terrified. We switched the switch for the light and the light came back on and the hairspray was in the wardrobe and the bed was made back to normal. Shocked with what I was seeing people don't believe me but I know what I saw and its no lie. Thanks for reading about what happened To me.

Written by Amy Lennox Geraghty, Copyright 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Best Friend's Cat - A Ghost Story

My best friend called me on Christmas Eve night back in 2006. She was crying hysterically because her cat that she'd had since she was a little girl died in a freak accident. She was 20 at the time of her loss. She probably got the cat when she was around four, so it was an old cat.
What had happened was her mother had the television in her room kind of teetering on the edge of the dresser and the cat jumped up there to chill by the TV. Well it knocked the TV down and the poor kitty went with it... crushing her little head. She died.

Well at Christmas time last year (2007), I was at her house hanging out and doing my Christmas cards. I had an MP3 player earplug in one ear and I was talking to my best friend at the same time.

Well all of a sudden I heard a cat's meow. I blew it off at first because my best friend must have had a cat somewhere near her. But then I remembered... she had a dog now. So I ripped out my earplug and she was just staring at me. I asked her, "Did you just hear a cat?" She smiled and said, "I was wondering if you heard it too... yeah I did hear it."

I asked her if she got a cat and it was just hiding somewhere but she said no. Then I tried to tell myself it was outside... but the meow sounded as if it were sitting in my lap. Plus there were kids outside running and screaming.

She said that she'd been hearing the meow for about a year now and that it had followed her from her mom's house to her new apartment. I thought it was cool. That's when I suggested that it was maybe her cat and if you think about it... it was a year later. She flipped and said, "Oh my God you're probably right!"

She's since moved from that apartment to a different complex and now a cat that looks exactly like her cat, with the belly that drags the floor and everything, now walks around her apartment building at night. So she's happy that her kitty is still with her.

Sent in by Deidre, Copyright 2008 Willard E Hughes Jr

My Ghost Friend Emma

Hi I'm Hallie. I'm 23 and my best friend is a ghost. She calls herself Emma and she died when she was 10. She doesn't tell me her last name or how she died. I never knew her when she was alive, she just came to me. It all started when I was a year old, well that is what my mum told me. My first word was Emma and my mum didn't know where it came from because my mum had no friends called Emma or anyone we are in touch with. I'll take you back to when it all started.

After my first word my mum explained to me that I used to sit in the corner of the room and talk to myself. This was when I was about four. She just thought it was an imaginary friend so she left it alone.

A couple of more years went by and my friend was still there. My mum took me to a psychiatric hospital where the doctor saw me. He said it was just a figure of my imagination and sent me off.

When I was 10 it got a lot worse. Emma started telling me what to do like go and cut you're hand with a knife so I did. I got rushed to the hospital and I had 20 stitches in my hand. My mum thought I was suicidal and then when I told her that Emma told me to do it... well you can imagine her reaction. She took me to the doctors where they gave me some tablets to stop her from talking to me but they didn't work because she wasn't imaginary. She is still with me now and my children see her as well.

Sent in by Hallie, Copyright 2009

More about Imaginary Friends and Ghosts ~

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Can A Pet Become A Ghost?

Is it possible for an animal to come back as a ghost? There are many different stories about ghosts and animals - what do you think?

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My Cat Has Not Left

Two years ago I found a small kitten in our garbage can, taped in a paper bag and duct-taped shut. I brought the kitten in and gave him food and a bath.

He ended up living at my mother's house for another year when he disappeared after being let outside. Shortly after that I began feeling a cat jumping up onto my bed and walking along. This would only happen periodically, until recently.

Now the cat is with me almost every night, and it doesn't matter if the lights are on or not. Two nights ago I watched the blankets move as if a cat were kneading it the way they do when they're purring.

I can't put my cat to rest since I do not know where his body is, and I don't know how to let go of him. But it is starting to scare my daughter who is not used to things "that go bump in the night," and I don't know how to reassure her that it is alright.

Sent in by April, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Laughing Demon

Ten years ago, me,my mother and my sister were watching TV show in the living room. It was 10 o'clock when I felt sleepy so I went to the bedroom and slept . Now as I slept in my bed I awoke at the middle of the night. I felt this strange presence in my surrounding like something is going to happen that was very scary. As I tossed and turned in my bed because of uneasiness that I felt inside. Just as I was about to get some sleep I heard our dogs barking like someone was taunting them to get mad. Then at a sudden moment I heard an "Evil Laugh". I went to my Father's side and I tried wake him but he didn't awake so I thought to check the dogs myself. I thought it was a burglar so I opened the window and peeked outside for the burglar. Thinking I would catch him in the act but then I saw a cloaked figure with eyes glowing red like those eyes you see in horror movies. I was stunned to what I saw so I hesitated as my face gone pale of what I saw. After minutes of seeing the cloaked figure he moving towards me with his hand raised like he was going to grab me. As I saw this for seconds I fainted and fell in the floor from the chair that I knelt on. I woke up in the morning sweating in my shorts and found out I slept in the kitchen! So From that moment on the demon never bothered me again.

By Josel Kyle Balatas, Copyright 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sri Lanka Ghost Story

The story began in Sri Lanka, Kandy in a small area named Wattapoluwa. In 1972 a couple got married and lived happily and had children, one boy and a girl. The husband and wife were building a house. When the house was half built the carpenter had a sudden accident and passed away. After the persons death the house was built.

After many years when the parents got old and the children got big they heard weird noises as if someone was still building the house. One day the father and son took a knife and looked to see what the noise was about. Just as they opened the door a figure such as the man who passed away was in front of them. Then the father asked what he wanted and he replied that he was not finished building the house and that he would come back for his money. If the money was not paid he would put a curse on him and the family.

The father and son were horrified and ran back to the house like mad men and screamed at the mother. The mother reported her husband and sons behavior. Soon the whole family was sent to prison for false evidence because many people arrived to see the ghost but nobody saw them.
After a long time one by one they started dying from various infections and the story goes that the ghost killed the family and then the girl of the family who did not die lived to tell the story.

By Nevanke Gunawardena

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Ghost Next Door

When I was little my mum would say go outside and play. When I went outside I would climb the fence and go to this little old house next door. Inside the house was a little girl. Her name was Jess, she never had her parents there they were at work she would say so we would play together. Then at 3:00 I would go home and play with my sister. I never saw her at school because I was six. She always stayed six but I didn't worry.

One day I asked her to come to my house so I could show her to my mum but she gave me a photo of her instead. I showed it to my mum. She said that little girl died in a car crash years ago. I didn't believe her so she took me to her gave and it said Jessica and that she had died at age 6, that's why she never changed in age.

From than on I never saw her again so now I still wonder if I should have returned to the old house but I never did. The house was knocked down and I still wonder who I was really talking to; a ghost or a real girl named Jessica. I have forgot most of it now anyway so it doesn't matter now. I was very scared years later when I realized I was talking to a ghost.

By Anonymous, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ghosts In My Face

On April, 2009,in Adel, IA, something strange happened. I was playing flashlight tag with my friends at about 11:00 at night. I hid in the lilac bushes next to the fence. I can hardly see anything because it's pitch black. I heard a laugh right next to me so of course I look. This white, thing, was right there. It wasn't any of my friends. It didn't even look human! When it saw me it's face turned into the ugliest, most terrifying face you can imagine. An indescribable face. I was too shocked to do anything. Then it got right op in my face with it's twisted one, and it made this hissing kind of noise. It was very high pitched, like a scream only louder. I know no one can go that high. Then it disappeared into thin air. Of course my friends heard the noise and came and found me.

I was taken to a mental appointment but the doctors found nothing wrong with me. I only saw it once after that but it's face was normal. Then it snickered and disappeared. You have no idea how wet my pants were that night. My friends do believe me!

Sent in by Anonymous, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr

Monday, May 11, 2009

Old Fashioned Ghost

My family and I had to move to a new area of town, sadly, this area was known for its history. Its the oldest part of my city and I always thought it was mere stories. That changed. It had been the night before I started fourth grade. I couldn't sleep as most cant, and I looked into the hallway, a woman reached the end and peered into my mothers room, before she could turn my way I shut my eyes. When I finally had the courage to open them, there was nothing there.

Nothing happened for a while, until the end of my 6th grade year. I had been reading a book and I turned around, and she was in the room. She was doing somewhat of a ball dance, though I knew it wasn't. She was dressed as they were in the early years of the 1900's. She didn't seem to notice me, but as she twirled my way she stopped. She stared somewhat at me. I never forgot her face. It was delicate, and her features were soft, after a minute, she dropped her jaw and screamed in a whisper, then vanished. Ever since seeing her the last time, I've had experiences with the paranormal. From voices to hallucinations, It all started with her. I write this because I'm now 17 years old, and I live in a new neighborhood. Yet, as I was turning into the kitchen, I saw her enter my sisters room. The same woman from years before.

I'm now doing research on my family history and even the house itself. I have a feeling she's never going to go, and I have to accept that. This house has scared my friends away in high school. One claims to have seen the ghost of a young girl, another music played, another said she felt something pull her hair, and nothing was there. Is it possible that it is I who is haunted? I'll have to continue to search for my answers.

By Rebecca, Copyright 2009 Willard E. Hughes Jr.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Friends Old House

My Mother once told me a story about what strange things that happened at my friends house. My mother and I highly believe in the paranormal and I have found myself almost obsessed with ghosts and the paranormal. Anyway when I was really little my mother was babysitting My friend who was about 2 - 4 at that time. She was sitting in the living room and there's a door that leads to the hallway where the stairs are. While my mother was sitting there she heard footsteps coming from the Stairs.

My friend had a habit of escaping his crib so my mother just thought he got out of his crib. She opened the door to the stairs but to her surprise there was nothing there. My mother walked upstairs to my friends bedroom and there he sat staring at the wall. My mom asks why he's staring at the wall and he said there is a lady there.

There is a gravestone built into the house that my friend and his two little brothers discovered many years later. There is a name on it but it is very faded they thought it says Eric and some numbers we can't make out. I think that the name is actually Erica which might be the women my friend saw. Every time I go there I feel a presence I know something is there and it scares me yet I want to know more about Erica or whatever else is there. I love the paranormal even though it scares me sometimes.

By Jac, Copyright 2009 Willard E. Hughes Jr.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Black Ghost At The Old Folks House

I was about 10 Years old when I was playing nedball at school. I was allowed to play until 18:00 and walked home that day. Our house was just a block away and a half away and was it about 5 minutes walk at the most.

I knew the houses in my street and the type of people living there - each house if it was young children and their parents or old folks in their 60s and 70s so I was comfortable with my surroundings. The was a house in our street that I knew only old people live. No children or guests of which I can remember.

That evening at about 17:55 I walked passed that specific house, and I was in a wonderworld but I heard a small gate slam shut (it was next to the house). I then looked to my right and saw something upsetting and evil. In only seconds the thing was about 3-4 meters away from me. I was shocked and in a state and couldn't move - as I was in shock I warily looked at this thing. It was like a black figure but not just a black mass. It almost seemed that someone dressed up to scare small children.. But what I specifically can remember was a sort of floating movement rather than a walk and it was coming towards me. It had a stick in its one hand and like limbs or something in the other - it was very scary and I remember it looking like a floating black cloak - I couldn't see a face - I don't think there was a face.

When I realized that this is evil, I realized I must RUN!! Then I screamed like mad and run of, looking behind me and the THING WAS GONE.

I am not sure what to think of it, does someone know? I have never had a negative experience again and I still don't know what happened that day.

By Marlene, Copyright 2009 Willard E. Hughes Jr.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bald Translucent Ghost

I was 11 when this happened. I was walking down my hall when I felt a cold breeze. It was midnight (or something close to that) and the air conditioning was not on. I looked around and no windows were open. I shrugged it off and went in my room. But before I turned the light on, a translucent (almost transparent) bald man was in the corner of my room. At first, I thought what the **** are you doing here? I turned the light on and he vanished. Now I was freaked out. No bald man was living here.

I went in bed and went to sleep. But not for long. I woke up to the chill that I experienced before. I looked down where the bald man was and he was not there. Then I looked at the foot of the bed and saw the bald man staring at me. I wanted to sleep on the couch but I would have to go near the baldy. Suddenly, he vanished again.

I took this opportunity to make a mad dash across the hall and got to the couch. I could not sleep at all. At 6:20 I decided to go back while it was light out now. I made my way to my room and when I looked around he was no where in sight.

(move ahead 1 year) It was around midnight and I climbed in bed. I remembered What happened the year before. Could he still be there? I wondered. I looked around and felt the breeze again.

By Jake, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ghost Lady In the Kitchen

I was 10 when this happened. I always knew my house was haunted by a male ghost that was murdered when he was young, but I never knew there was a feminine presence.

I was hungry at 10:00 one night so, I went upstairs to get some water. I turned on the cabinet light and a figure showed, so I turned it back off and looked closer. It was a woman in a dress dated from the 1700's.

I came back the next night. She was there again. I soon became accustomed to her being there and began to think nothing of her.

One night though a few weeks after, I woke up in a cold sweat. I felt very sad and scared. I went to go tell my parents but, when I passed the kitchen the lady (who me and my siblings named Margaret) was crying blood. She had half of her face beaten in. My face felt hurt at that moment. I was scared so I never told a soul outside my siblings.

By Kelsey Brennan, Copyright 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Footsteps At Grandma And Grandpas House

One day, I was 10 years old is was like 2006, I was sleeping at my grandma and grandpa's house in Wisconsin. I was sleeping in their living room at about 2:00 or 4:00 am. I heard footsteps in her upstairs at their house. No one was up at the time. I have one to explain, it was probably creaking noises because the house was built in 1885. But I don't think so. I was so freaked out I peed my pants.

My Grandma and Grandpa don't believe me. The just say "Haylee this is just a figment of your imagination" or "Haylee I Lived in this house since 1970 or 1971 I did not see any thing or hear anything ever in the house." But trust me I seriously heard something upstairs. I did not go to investigate because I was so freaked out.

I told my Grandma when she got up and she said "Haylee you have to get this stuff out of your big head" and said "You have a really big imagination". Sometimes I refuse to sleep upstairs now.

Sent in by Haylee, Copyright 2009

The Ghost That Saved My Life

Well, hi I'm from Greece and I want to tell you a real story that happened to me a couple of years ago when I was 13 years old.

I was running with my cousin motor bike when I crashed with a car. The fault was mine because I did not see the STOP so we crashed. While I was on the ground and the place around me was crowded with people I felt a white stuff covering me. I could she through it so it was not completely white.

While I was conscious I saw all the people around me. Some of them were talking on their phones, probably calling an ambulance. The strange thing was that the people around me didn't look like they were seeing the white stuff.

Then, just about three minutes before I fainted I noticed a calm face that reminded me of someone. She was my grandmother that had died three weeks ago. She had protected me! REAL STORY.

By Nikolaos Papadopoulos, Copyright 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Scared Ghost and Whispers

The Scared Ghost

I went to bed one night when I was feeling ill, my bedroom isn't big or small, and it has two doors that slide open so get me clothes. This night I could sleep, I got that feeling again, about 10 minutes later, when I had my eyes closed, a book got thrown at me. I knew straight away what was happening, I had a ghost in my room. I tried to communicate, but it seemed scared of me, maybe because I wasn't scared of it, so I went back to bed. while I was trying to sleep, I could hear it moving around, I could feel it moving around every time I got a look at it, it disappeared, it sounded like it was weeping.  A few minutes after that, it disappeared, I never felt its presence, or saw it ever again.

Whispers and Goose Bumps

When I was 12 years old, I stayed a friends house, but his house was not a comfortable place to sleep, it had a feeling about it. That night I didn't get any sleep at all, I couldn't stop going to the toilet, and I couldn't stop hearing whispers. I rang my parents up at 5 in the morning, they came and got me. Ever since then, I have heard ghosts, I have talked to ghosts, I know when there around, they give me a feeling, like no other I have encountered. You may laugh at this if you want, but it is no lie.

Written by "ShadowedJE", Copyright 2009

I Saw My Dead Grandpa

This happened in the Philippines. I was only 11 years old at the time but now I am 23 years old. I was really close to my grandpa. He would buy me anything I wanted. My family members were shocked that he had passed away from a heart attack. I was young and I was afraid to come close to his casket.

One night I couldn't sleep because I missed my grandpa so much. I look out of my window and saw him looking at me. He was standing right there in front of my window that scared me so badly. I thought I was imagining it. I knew he was dead but he was there standing right there in front of my window. I closed my eyes and hoped that I was dreaming and when I reopened my eyes he wasn't there.

My dad came to check on me, he saw me awake. He went outside to smoke and so I decided to go with him. Before leaving my room I looked back at my window and there he was again. As my dad was smoking, I started walking towards my window and hoped that there was no one there. As I started to walk forward I saw my man standing there by my window. I wanted to scream but no scream came out. I closed my eyes for the last time and begged that there was no one there. As I reopened my eyes, there was no one there but a red rose on the ground. I picked it up and knew it was my grandpa that had left me that rose. My grandpa also gave me a red rose telling me that he loved me. I knew he was there to tell me that everything was alright.

The next day I told my parents about it but they didn't believe me because they knew I was missing my grandpa so much. I knew what I saw that night. I don't care if they didn't believe me but I knew it was my grandpa.

By Anne, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Ring Around The Rosie

The incident I am about to tell you happened at Ft. Pulaski, near Tybee Island, GA. My family went to visit the fort for the day. My father was visiting from Illinois, and it was a normal day. However, after we toured the fort, we went to the Demilunes located behind the fort. The demilunes are a storage facility built under mounds of earth. Well, we began walking toward the entrance and heard women and children playing and singing "Ring around the Rosie." It sounded like they were in the inner courtyard playing. We didn't think much about it until we began walking through the tunnel. The singing stopped, we continued toward the inner courtyard, and there was no one there. We were the only people there.

We began walking back toward the tunnels and the singing began again. We walked into the tunnel and the singing was getting louder. The singing and noise was coming from the storage stall. It was completely dark in the stall, so my daughter stood at the door of the stall and said,"Who is in there?" Instantly, a voice came back and said, "come play with us." Freaky! I pulled my daughter away from the door and stepped inside and began taking pictures with my digital camera; and there was nothing there. The stall was completely empty.

We instantly began to ask ourselves questions. We went to the visitor center and asked the ranger if there was a P.A. system in the demilunes playing. The ranger insisted that there was not a P.A.system in the stalls. We also asked if anyone else had any weird experiences in tunnels, and he said,"No!" To this day, I have no idea of what was playing in the fort, but I do know that I cannot explain it.

I think I need to call Jason and Grant to come and check it out. If you're ever in Savannah, Ga, take a trip to Fort Pulaski.

By Kenny, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Haunted Face

This was just the other day as I was on the swing outside in my back yard listening to music. I closed my eyes for a minute.. and I think everyone knows the feeling that someone is watching them right? I had that feeling so I opened my eyes slowly and there a couple feet away from me I could have sworn I saw a all black like it was burned in a fire. I was so horrified I was shaking I had to go inside and curl in a ball on the couch with all the lights on.

I don't think I will ever forget that day.. perhaps that second, it happened so fast. But I am positive that I did see something.. all the body was looking like was a puff of black smoke.

Written by Christy McMillion, Copyright 2009

Figure In Haunted Uniondale House

When I was about 5 or 6 we lived with my aunt in Uniondale NY. This is the house where my grandfather had grown up so the attic room was redone to be a bedroom. That was my mom's room. When I would wake up at night I would climb in bed with her.

One night I woke up and climbed into bed getting between her and the wall. (The only stairs that creaked were the top 5 when you came upstairs) I heard the stairs creak and thought that my aunt was coming up the stairs. When I got up to look... I saw a figure in the doorway coming out of the other bedroom. (I had just moved out of it because my other aunt was coming to stay with us until her apartment was ready) Ya know the movie about the electric "thing" in the power lines? That is what this looked like. A human figure, it was white and looked like it had popped out of the TV or something. It looked right at me and "walked" down the stairs. I heard the stairs creak like they did when you walked on them. I saw it holding my telephone toy that had eyes and you could pull it with a string. (I'm 28 so this was long time ago) I never saw that toy again.

The funny thing is I wasn't really scared, I just went back to sleep.

By Holli, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Haunted Apartment In Prince Albert

This story started when my friend Brenda and her daughter said they were having problems with a bad spirit in their small two bedroom apartment. They told me of a half man and half animal spirit they seen in the hall way. Sometimes the figure would be a man dressed all in black with a top hat on.

We went out one night and left her daughter at my house so she was safe. In Brenda's living room was a love seat with a full seat cushion on it and we flattened it out smooth, locked up and left for a few hours.

When we returned there was a butt print on the love seat. Brenda's daughter said she could feel the spirit on the end of her bed at night sitting down. We looked through the family pictures and found a picture of her parents in front of a farm house holding Brenda's oldest son in their arms. In the background were other shapes, the man they have been seeing in their apartment and a lady dressed in black standing right beside him, a baby with a snake mouth, a dead man with his arms crossed by the base of the house, a devil skull with many bones in the face and it had horns.

We took the picture to a priest and he told us to burn it right away, so we did. Brenda and her daughter moved out at the end of that month. I don't know if the spirit is still there or not.

This is a true story I was too scared to keep a copy of the picture in case it came into my home. This picture was so scary.

By Cindy Hinsburg, Copyright 2009