Friday, February 27, 2009
Poltergeist or Something
So I was at my Nanna's house. My great uncle came over on his motorbike and put his keys on the billiard table, like always. After a few hours, he decided to go home. However, his keys were not on the billiard table!
The billiard table cover was white so easy to see if anything was on there. We looked absolutely everywhere for them but to no avail. Finally, my dad drove him home in his car and we went into the lounge room. I went into the billiard room soon after, to get a drink. And right in the middle of the billiard table was his keys! Strangely, I could also hear this chuckling sound, chilling my bones. I think I almost screamed. But I couldn't.
To this day I don't know what happened. If I had not seen the keys I would not have believed it. Of course, my Nanna, Papa, sister and dad didn't believe me. They thought I hid the keys myself and put them on the table again. Well, there you have it. You might not believe me, but everything is the exact truth.
Sent in by "Emily Ghost Girl", Copyright 2009
Ibizan Ghosts
The ghostly happening took place in 1999, in an Ibizan apartment. I'd woken in the night in need of the bathroom. With my sister sound asleep in the bed next to me, I went through my parents bedroom into the bathroom and did what I needed to do. After exiting the bathroom, I saw my father was awake in the bed he was sharing with my mum. He was leaning right up and looking towards the doorway which I had traveled through just moments ago. "Look," he whispered, and pointed towards the doorway.
I did so and I saw what he must have seen. Two ghostly mists had settled in front of the doorway, before transforming into two figures that resembled mother and child. The child was being held close my the mother figure as she ushered him along. They suddenly disappeared. I shrugged it off, thinking I was dreaming. I went back to bed and didn't think anymore of it. I woke in the morning to find my mother complaining about a bottle of smashed wine in the kitchen.
"The ghosts must have done it," I suggested. My mum looked at me like I was crazy, and I looked at my dad for support. He nodded but didn't say anything to back me up.
We later found out that a mother and child had been knocked down by a speeding car outside the apartment building. They were both DOA.
Comments: I believe that it was their spirits I witnessed that night.
Sent in by Sara (Shaba!) Mawdsley, Copyright 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Voices that Cried for Help
The next day I thought to tell her but I didn't so on another day she said that she was doing the laundry and she heard a ladies voice calling for help and then she felt like she was in a freezer, then she ran out. The next day we were watching TV in the living room and the TV turned off and the remote was on the coffee table in front of us and the power didn't go out so I said that was weired and both of us heard a voice call for help and then it screamed. The both of us were so scared that the next day, which was a Saturday, we moved. Then I told my mom about the shadow I saw in my room. I was relieved when we left that house thank god cause I found out that a lady and her husband lived there and she died in the house. I was shocked but it added up about why we heard that female voice. That's my story hoped you liked it, it all true.
Sent in by Romain, Copyright 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Ghostly Dad
Soon after my mum had a couple of close friends stay over as she was really down they were all down stairs my mum her 2 friends and my older brother, I was just dosing off to sleep when I heard footsteps up the stairs I knew it wasn't a person because of the way that I felt I froze then ran down stairs to my mum sobbing my heart out, my mum's friends went white they said that they had heard it to, I was so scared. Things were happening a lot and I would see people I didn't know.
After a while things were settling down a bit, my brother was away so I stayed in his room (I always did when he was out so I didn't want to share with my sisters). I was lying down with the bedroom door open when I saw 2 men standing there, one with a beard a one with a white robe I ran down screaming crying to my mum, she seemed shocked but it wasn't until I was old that she told me that my dad had been cremated in a white robe. I have seen a lot of ghosts but these ones are related to my dad.
Sent in by Michelle, Copyright 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Italian Party
He was sleeping in my great uncle's bed, when he felt somebody with a strong grip shake him awake. He woke up and heard a party going on in the kitchen and saw a little, grouchy, slouching old man wandering his room and mumbling to himself. In the kitchen he heard everyone at the party speaking fluent Italian and he heard the chef singing opera. He shut his eyes to go back to sleep and the little old man and all the noise went away.
The strange thing is that he knew nothing about this house or any of the people who had lived in it and yet his description of the old man sounded exactly like my great uncle Pete. Also, Pete's entire family immigrated from Italy 96 years ago and all spoke fluent Italian. And lastly, my grandpa George (Pete's younger brother) was the best cook in the family, and was a professional opera singer in his younger years (he died a few years back).
Sent in by Sierra Tallone, Copyright 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Blue Orb
After we got out of the pool we started heading back to our apartment when we noticed a brilliant blue light moving quickly about 3 inches of the ground. We both stopped and stared at it. We walked closer to it to get a better look. It was about the size of my fist and moving very rapidly zig zagging and going in circles. It even cast a shadow. I looked at my friend and asked her "Do you see that?" She immediately said she did and asked me what it was. I said I don't know, maybe a kid in close apartments are playing a joke on us. (I thought this because those laser pointers were popular.) But I had never seen a laser pointer in a brilliant bluish white light before. Only red. We looked all around in the apartments to see if we could see where the light was coming from. All the windows were black and it seemed like the light was glowing from itself rather than another source. There was nothing that would provide and explanation.
I told her that I think it's an orb. we both freaked because at this point it was coming closer to us, so close we were afraid what it would do. So we took off running, through the dark to our apartment. The next day we went out to the spot to see if we could figure out what it was... We didn't find anything. I do believe that we saw a big brilliantly blue-white orb. If anyone else has had a similar experience please let me know. Thanks -T
Sent in by Teagarden, Copyright 2009
Crying Uncontrollably
I had only lived in that house for about one month until all this happened. One day I was sitting on my front stoop at about 7 pm waiting for my mom to get home from work. I had a book in my hand and was getting really into it. All of a sudden, I feel a rush of cold air, and I sense that someone is watching me. This has never happened to me before. I turned my head, looking through the windows next to my front door. I saw a black figure, outlined in a white fog with piercing red eyes. I closed my eyes, and opened them again, only to find it still there, looking as if it was laughing. I have no brothers or sisters, so it couldn't have been any HUMAN.
I threw my book down, and got up and ran to my front yard's tree. Another breeze came, and it gave me chill bumps all over my arms. I was humming something under my breath uncontrollably. I don't know why, but I couldn't stop humming. I feel this huge pressure on my back, and I collapsed to the ground to a heap. I open my eyes, and see the same black figure, and I start crying and crying. (I imagine now how weird I must have looked to walkers walking by.)
I heard this shrill, menacing voice say, "It's time to go, Nikki." It laughed, and I tried breathing, but the thing stunk so bad, I was being suffocated. I saw it's long, boney hands reach slowly for me. I managed to yelp, "No!" and a few seconds later it disappeared. That was the worst thing that's ever happened in my house, but more things definitely has happened, and I'll try to send more in, thanks for reading.
By Nikki, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Paranormal Packaging Room
My crew of four and I work for the Sanitation Department. We come in and clean when the production crews are gone home for the evening. We work graveyard, so there's no one in there but us! and maybe one mechanic. We hear machines coming on, no one there to operate them, we hear voices on the machines and we see. The only mechanic says its not him because he wonders why things are on when we are not there, and go to lunch, we turn every machine off, he verifies, we don't go about alone, safety rules.
We hear someone whistle while they work, forklifts have all been in the shop AT THE SAME TIME. We have a lady who haunts the bathroom. I can be in there by myself and the door to the stall shakes real hard like someone needs the bathroom now, and our female crew members have heard it and so have the production ladies! and the sink! The water comes on by itself! I have been there for twelve years now and I haven't even begun yet! Boy, can I tell you some stories!
By Nancy, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hide And Seek
One time when I was playing hide and seek with my two cousins, me and one of my cousins decided to hide in a closet that has a door that leads to the attic. While my younger cousin was counting I looked at the attic door and it was obviously closed as it should be.
When my younger cousin gave up on trying to find us, we made her count again. While we hid in the same closet again, I turned around to see if the door had been messed with because I felt a small breeze on my back. When I looked at it, it was wide open. My cousin and I were the only ones who had been in the closet that day. We also never had touched that door all day and it couldn't have been anybody else because we were the only people home at the time.
Did I forget to mention that the door was locked? (from the inside unless you have the key, that was with my cousin's dad). We never did find out what it was or how it happened but we did get blamed for making my little cousin scared as the adults said it.
A couple days later, my little cousin came running down the stairs crying because the door opened by itself while her and a friend were playing with her bratz dolls which was the door right next to the one that we hid in the night we played hide and seek.
By Jordan, Copyright 2009 Willard E Hughes Jr.
Monday, February 16, 2009
My Creepy House
My cousin got locked out in the balcony twice (you had to slide the door across to close it so it couldn't have been the wind). My aunty once was in the living room at night alone and she heard a noise in the kitchen so she got up to open the kitchen door (which also slides open) but everytime she would try to slide it across she would feel someone on the other side much stronger. Then she shut the door again and at one point she yanked it open quickly and it slammed back so hard she nearly fell. But by far the scariest thing that happened in that house was when my sister stayed the night and she couldn't sleep and was thinking of a tune in her head, she then hears that same tune in the corridor and footsteps she freaked out completely. Thank god they moved out of there soon after that.
Keep in mind I'm a Christian and I shouldn't believe in that stuff but it was too creepy to ignore.
Sent in by Amanda, Copyright 2009
Feeling Cold
I believe that the ghost or entity is my great grandmother, I'm not sure why she knocked me down maybe she was trying to tell mismatching but it was pretty scary considering I'm only 12.
Sent in by Taelyn Duncan, Copyright 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
A Welsh Ghost Story
Now it was about 3 in the morning so I went to see if Santa had given me something and he had. I didn't want to know what I had gotten so I went back to bed. I woke up again around 5 am and I heard that noise again and now it was louder. It could only be one sound, it was my guitar. I wouldn't dare check it out this time.
After some time it stopped playing and I slept till the morning and woke up and found my guitar in my presents pile I still think it could have been a dream but I don't really know.
Sent in by Gethin, Copyright 2009
Scary Events in Vacation House
So when we got into Florida we got a car and drove to the house. It was quite beautiful but some things you would usually not see. My dad(lets call him Joe) and my to-be stepmother (lets call her Sara) slept in the left part of the house, and I slept in the right part of the house. Here is where the things start happening.
When I went to put down my suitcase and bags there was a doll. She was pretty and probably old. She looked glad that I was there or something. I personally don't love dolls so we put her in the computer room on the left side of the house,She didn't look happy.
One night I had these sudden rushes of cold or warm so through me and it didn't feel welcome. The temperature rotated every five minutes. I didn't like it. Then it stopped but out into the kitchen (it was right next to my room) There were these plants, on top of the cabinets that held plates and glasses and other kitchen ware. The plants... they looked weird, The cracks in the leaves had spaces and they stared and smirked at me.
Please leave any comments or questions. Thank you and be safe!!
Sent in by Emma, Copyright 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Night Visitor
Two years ago in this assisted living building but in the apartment across the hall, someone called my name. When I woke up there was the shape of a women at the foot of my bed, she called my name and disappeared.
About five weeks ago I woke to another female voice calling my name. I didn't see anything but knew she was at the right side of my bed.
About two weeks ago another female voice this time beside and above my bed, the first time it was my full name - the last two times it was two different nicknames. I need to know who she is and what she wants to tell me. All three times I sensed no bad feelings.
Every night now when I get in bed I ask her to come back, nothing. Anyone know how to help me?
Sent in by William Manosh, Copyright 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Darkness in the Alley
So anyways the gate started to rattle again and this time it didn't only catch my attention then we all were so scared we ran inside. I was the youngest of all of them and the least scared so I walked back out side to see what was causing all of us to be so scared. When I walked out I hsaw a dark hooded figure and I ran inside and told my grandma.
My grandma explained to me that the reason we heard and seen what we seen was because we were always fighting and all the drama in our house and that evil prays on negative energy. The devil comes in many shapes and forms.
Sent in by Samantha Reyes, Copyright 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Invisible Creature Entered My Body
Once in the morning I was lying in the bed alone in my room. I was completely awake. I could hear sound of TV, and voices of all my family (I say this just to tell that I was completely awake). Then suddenly I felt something in front of my face. I could feel it but I couldn't see it.OH MY GOD. I even was able to hear its breathing.Then suddenly I felt something warm slowly started entering my body from head until my leg.
After that I was blocked. I wanted to move but I couldn't. I wanted to talk and ask for help but I found myself completely unable to speak or make a sound and ask for help. I was so confused and scared. While I was sure that I was awake and I wanted to move my body like always do but I couldn't.
My eyes were open and I could see the room. As soon as I tried to pray and spelled the name of God in my mouth I was free and I ran from the room.
I have no idea what that was, but I always will remember this as a scary experience.
By Jasmin, Copyright 2009
Read more about Sleep Paralysis
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A Series of Scary Events
The most scary experience by far, in which I feel as if it never left me, we all knew something was in our house and that, it was throwing stuff around in my brothers room. We were scared as hell, we called my mom and she told us to ignore it.
We are grown girls too and we were still scared like babies. Well we were blessing the house when my mom got home and I saw it, I was following it, it was scary. All of us were in my siblings room and I become numb and extremely pale white - I am extremely tan. I couldn't speak , I was shaking uncontrollably. My mother said my face changed and that I went after her. I don't remember any of it but everybody did, they said my face was not my own like it changed. It was creepy as hell that said I wasn't myself for like 20 minutes.
Sent in by Emmie, Copyright 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Little Girl In the Raincoat
My first encounter with the little girl in the raincoat was when I was sleeping one night. I slept on the top bunk and was usually sleeping facing the wall. For some reason I woke up at 3, the devils hour, facing the open room, and a young girl was floating by my bed about 4 feet away. She had ringlet curly hair and was a see through - grayish color. She had a rainhat on and a raincoat. she looked young maybe 7ish and then terrified I turned back over.
A month or two later I was playing on the computer. I had the door closed and my dad and sister were outside, therefore, I was the only one in the house. I heard a knocking on the door, faint but hearable. I said 'lil, come in!" calling for my sister and nobody came in. I turned back around and 5 minutes later it knocked again. I got up this time and opened the door but no one was there. I looked in the rooms near mine and nobody was there. This repeatedly happened, until I yelled "plz, plz, plz go away." and it never happened again. I believe they were the same spirit, but I haven't been bothered since. I think she was good but I never told for she never talked.
Sent in by Rozii, Copyright 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Ghost Girl on the Bridge
When I went to bed that night I fell asleep thinking about what I had just saw I woke up at about 12:00 at night and saw the same girl standing beside my bed I asked her what she wanted from me she only said that I had to help her then I asked her what her name was she said "Sara Beth". Then she disappeared. I couldn't do anything because I didn't know what to think about that little visit. I decided to sleep on it.
When I woke up I was fine. I told my grandma about what had happened and she told me about my cousin and uncle who had died in that house in a shooting so then I wasn't scared any more. I never have seen that little girl or man again but I know that they're still there. I can feel them and hear them.
Sent in by Kelsey Hurst, Copyright 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Scary Night in the Cemetery
I had always thought before that this was a weird cemetery because it is at least 2 miles long with a heck of a lot of trees and bushes. I kept hearing the sound as I was walking, it felt like it was getting closer. Suddenly I saw a grave but it was weird because the dirt looked like something came out of it, like someone dug it up. The tombstone read Arthur Jennoe everyone in town knew his name because he was a serial murderer who after being found innocent plenty of times was murdered himself.
After that I tried to find my friend because I was really scared. Five minutes later I heard the noise again followed by a scream of terror and I ran so fast. I saw my friend being chased by some type of person or monster. I grabbed her and ran as fast as we could together. We made it back to the house safely. But ever since that night I have had weird things happen to me such as mysterious marks on me, someone touching me, and someone following me. It still goes on today and my friend does not even remember what happened that night.
Sent in by "jaykay", Copyright 2009